NationStates Jolt Archive

One Government with Capitalism, Socialism, Democracy, and Anarchy for All?

Omnibenevolent Discord
12-02-2005, 16:09
Here's the first little bit I did on a system of government I have in the works, I have a follow up to this which I'll probably post later assuming this thread has some interest in it, but I think this is enough for now... I posted links to this and the other one in another thread, but no one's posted in it since, so I thought I'd try to make it a thread of its own and see how it goes.

World Peace is an ever elusive and deceptive term, everyone has their own opinion on it, but many simply want to enforce their views on others, and this is only one of many problems preventing it from being realized. We are a diverse and separated race, but still, red, white, black, brown, or yellow, we are all the same race, the human race, and many of the ways we are separated are only by our own doing. There will always be those who want to steal, to rape, to kill, and those that want to break any other rule or law or social taboo we can decide to enforce. However, the deception can be revealed and a solution will emerge. There is no end of opinions when it comes to world peace, but most seem to think it’s an impossible, or even undesirable, dream. How would you, personally define World Peace? Go ahead, write it down on a piece of paper, then tell everyone you know well and respect to do the same, then compare your answers. My personal definition would be a world where everyone was free to live as they choose.

Now, you’re probably thinking anarchy, chaos, violence erupting everywhere, but why does it have to be that way? Would this be how you would act if you were free to do as you please? I know there’s quite a few who’d answer yes, and perhaps even more that would say no, yet how many times have you committed a victimless crime? A victimless crime being anything considered illegal despite not involving the forced participation of another person or the damage or loss of their property and/or environment. Truth is, it’s quite a high improbability to go through life without getting a ticket or even thrown in jail for something, and is this really necessary? For the government to earn money off of us it is, otherwise, it’s just a method of intimidation: do this or don’t do that or else we’ll make you pay. Despite this, war and crime, the two biggest reasons the world is not considered peaceful, still occur on a daily basis, it seems quite apparent that our current systems of law and government are not working quite as well as they should. But the deception of world peace is that violence and crime would not prevent it if proper a government focused on providing personal freedom granted its citizens maintain the responsibilities such a freedom implies.

One major stumbling block is the necessity of a unified world government. This is because world peace requires the entire world to work together to maintain the delicate balance of coexistence, and separations such as national boarders are a loud indication that we do not want to work together in anyway other than to benefit ourselves. But cooperation and understanding are essential to helping ourselves both as individuals and as a race, and in the end separations of such kind only help to hurt, not to benefit. Initially, since everyone would be a part of this world government, this government would technically own everything in the world; however, no change of possession would occur because nothing would be official and in truth no one would own anything at this point. Everything will simply be considered public property while the government organizes and prepares. Determining whether property remains private or becomes government property would then be one of the first orders of business. This would be handled separately for residential and business property and un-owned land.

Residential property would depend on how much is still owed on the land. If money is still owed on your property to a bank or other business, it becomes a debt to the government. If you have managed to pay off all money owed on the house and were only paying property taxes for it, or once this debt is paid off, the land becomes rightfully yours, no longer required to make any kind of payment, including property taxes, for it again and being free to do whatever you want on that property you please. Though, and I’ll stress this quite a bit, common courtesy should be expected and if one of your neighbors makes a request, such as not playing the music so loud at 3 am in the morning, do them the simple favor because you are violating the boundary of your freedom so to speak. You can do what you want on your property, but once your actions negatively affect those off your property, your immunity from government intervention in your affairs ends.

Commercial and industrial property will be handled differently. The government will explain to every employee, from the CEO to a simple janitor or cashier what working for the government would mean. Which, is basically that all businesses would become a single government-run business and all profits gained from every once separate business would be pooled into one, and that this would then be used to run the entire government/business, including everyone’s paychecks, the system of pay depending on various factors such as the amount of money generated by government business, the level of training and specialization the job requires, and the supply and demand of that particular job (if more people want it than is needed, the amount it pays will go down, if less people want it than is needed, the pay rate would go up). All the employees of any particular company will then be given the chance to vote on whether they want to submit to the government’s standards or keep the company a private one that has to compete with the government and any other business that becomes private. Those that vote to become part of the government business would then go through a major reorganization as everything merges into a single economic and administrative machine. Once this process is completed, anyone should be able to go to a job specialist who will find him or her a job with the highest demand appropriate to his or her level of training.

Un-owned land would become government property, which would then decide how to divide and use the land, either designating it as for sale as residential or business property, which would be sold off depending on demand and location. When people buy land, they will only be able to buy a certain amount from the government depending on what it will be used for. They will be able to buy one plot of land for a house, if in the city, it will be relatively small, but if in the country as a farmhouse, they will be allotted enough farmland to feed the family. They will also be able to buy one plot of land for a business, the land they are allowed to buy depending on the business they plan to start. The only way to acquire more land after this amount is by buying already privatized property from someone else; otherwise, they can sell their land back to the government in order to buy a new piece of land. The government can also use undeveloped land to fuel its economy by extracting its resources, or protect it as parkland.

Credit and debt are also problems that can be easily managed by this government. Debts owed on land have already been covered, but this would also apply to any kind of loan issued by banks or creditors. Again, tax would be taken out because the government controls all profits and what is usually paid for by taxes is instead taken out of this before pay rates are determined which could fluctuate monthly or even weekly, and interest would be reduced dramatically, though will still be present in order to encourage people to pay in full. This debt would be determined during the ownership stage and a payment plan established, the government letting you know how long it would take for it to be paid off depending on how much money you allow them to deduct out of each check. This will be the only type of debt you will be allowed in the government’s system of currency (though it is possible for other forms of currency to be used and accepted among privatized communities), a portion of it required to be paid off by each check, but nothing can be repossessed for failure to pay due to being out of work. Unemployment would halt the interest on the debt so that it no longer goes up unless you continue to buy things on credit, which would be limited to items classified as essentials. Essentials are items you need to live. Food, clothing, shelter, reliable transportation, tools necessary for your job, among other things would all be considered essentials, which you can receive from the government without paying upfront, it instead being docked from your paycheck as part of your debt. However, unemployment will last only as long as the person cannot work for various reasons, otherwise, they would always be able to find someone a job.

While you are a citizen of the government, whether you enjoy the free education or medical care or work to pay off your debt or just to save money, you are also required to serve at least 12 months in government service and another 12 months in military service (which would be modeled a lot like the Japanese peace force it now maintains), government including the judicial and executive branches on the local, national, and international levels. All positions of government would be ones of shared responsibility, leaving no one person in a position of leadership or more able to exploit the system than anyone else, and the position one serves would depend on an aptitudes test that would determine which position the person is most suited for. Military service would teach basic combat, self defense and group tactics as well as the individual’s responsibility to maintain the peace and freedom the government is intended to establish.

This brings us to another major point of discussion, the judicial branch. You see, in the world, it should not be that laws are enforced, but that people have an objective mediator that can forcibly restrain suspects if they do not cooperate in the investigation of the claim raised against them. The police force should not patrol the streets and enforce predefined laws, there should be one or two positioned nearby any given area to ensure fast response for sure, but should only respond when a complaint is called in. Though this does not prohibit upholding the more reasonable driving laws, such as reckless driving, running stop lights (though a little common sense should be applied, such as the driver clearly slowed down and looked, but since no one was coming, went, no problems caused, no disruption in traffic or danger presented), driving at high speeds in urban areas and/or around other vehicles (if you’re on wide open 4+ lane interstate, it shouldn’t really matter how fast you’re going as long as you slow down when you start approaching other cars), etc.

Complaints can be raised against any violation of your freedom or property. Now, this may seem like a dangerous definition, so to clarify, a violation of your freedom means any attempt to force your participation in any activity you do not want to take part in, while a violation of your property, though not the best of phrases, is in reference to theft and/or damage. You only have say over your own private property as to what other people can and cannot do. In public, if you see or hear something you find offensive, you always have the right to leave, but no right to prevent what you find offensive.

Once a complaint is called in, officers would be sent to both the one who made the complaint, and the one the complaint was made about (unless, of course, the suspect is unknown) at which point an investigation would be carried out as it is now. In court, both sides would be able to tell their side of the story, the investigators reporting their findings as well, before a panel of judges which would replace the jury. The judges would listen to the case and then decide guilty or not guilty, and if guilty, determine at least three suitable punishments that could be enforced upon the defendant, the plaintiff able to choose which of the punishments, usually forced labor, the amount of which depending on the severity of the crime with the included option of the victim being repaid through their work, with other options including rehabilitation or exile, are enforced.

Now, you may be asking how exile from a world government is possible. Consider some of the locations around the world that have always been places of war and violence. Consider that there is crime because there are always those willing to commit them. Then consider the idea that places around the world should be sectioned off and given to these kinds of people. Free zones, very large stretches of land that would have within them all that is required for isolated communities and cities to thrive, letting anyone who wanted to live there in, as well as banishing certain of the worst elements in society to live. Within these free zones, people would be able to do anything they pleased, the only law being might makes right, with large barriers erected around them, guarded by the military who control the checkpoints where exiles are brought in or freemen can pass between it, allowed to visit and return only once every five years, unless accompanying someone else who has not been there. Going into the same free zone twice within five years will be considered self-exile with no return. The concentration of the military will be positioned along the zones and will be on constant boarder patrol, all covert operations done within the zones. No aircraft of any kind will be allowed to take off or land within them, nor fly over them under a certain elevation, and if intelligence indicates somewhere within is developing long-range weapons of any kind, it will be responded to by a nuclear blast determined by the estimated size of the threat. These zones would then provide an outlet for the common portrayal of anarchy, for, as more and more land is sold from the government into private hands, the world government will have less and less of a presence until it is simply the way society lives.

Next we come to the executive branch, which is basically the world business/economy. The executive branch owns anything and everything that is not privately owned. They manage the company and divide the profits. Their top priority being that every registered member of the government has food, clothing, shelter, education, and medical care, all provided as essentials, as well as an active police force to mediate disputes and bear witness to declarations, which could be anything that has the potential of injuring and/or killing one or more of the people involved to ensure no legal action can be taken against anyone if this happens, and an active defense force patrolling the free zones and helping the citizens, most of whom would have at least a year of military training, keep the peace, doing all this by maintaining an effective business.

All aspects of the government, and all government officials will be answerable to the citizens that their positions of influence affect. If complaints are raised against any one in government or military service, an investigation will be raised by sources that would have no interest in concealing the truth, usually from a different city, and if proof is found of abusing their position, they will be exiled (which always comes with loss of all property not on their person at the time of capture), while if the evidence is questionable, citizens will still have the chance to vote whether or not to keep the person in office. I cannot stress enough how important it is that everyone cooperates and does their part to ensure this is maintained. People have to stop putting their jobs first, take time to raise their kids and teach them above all else respect and common courtesy towards every human being, and take an active role in the government. I firmly believe that most people truly want to do what’s best for themselves and their children and don’t really want to hurt anyone, and as long as everyone does their part to keep everyone else in check, the world will be a lot better place to live.

Education must also be altered. First, it must be free, and though not required, greatly encouraged. Then, students must be encouraged to find something they love and go for it from a very early age. Education should cater to individual students, grouping them in classes according to their own particular interests, but still mixing them up, because even when you specialize starting from an early age, there are still many courses that all kids need to take, and you can still get a diverse group of kids attending school with one another and be taught individually. But you have to teach them things they’re interested in, or how the things they’re being taught will help them achieve whatever interest they may have at the time, because when they’re young, anything you teach them will be helpful, while, as they grow older, their opinions on what they want to do when they grow up will change, and with it, the things they decide to learn about will change, and they will fill out their education by themselves by telling the school what they want to do, and the school guiding them along the path they choose. There must still be some classes that are required, however, including an hour for current events and world government, which would look at events going on locally and around the world and provide detailed knowledge of how and why the government works the way it does, as well as giving examples of what people and communities are and are not allowed to do, as well as an hour of physical education, dedicated to a martial art which would include self defense, basic fitness, discipline, and weight training, both of which would ready students for their military service after they turn 18, which would teach them how to use everything they have learned and are taught there to defend themselves and their communities from any threat and help protect each other’s freedoms by properly keeping the government and its citizens both in check. Also, when I mention free medical care, I do not mean anything goes, but that check-ups and examinations, as well as operations and medicines that could help potentially or experienced fatal or debilitating conditions. Operations and medication that are not necessary but wanted (plastic surgery, valiums, cold medicine, over the counter drugs, etc.) would fall under luxuries.

The last step, and this is perhaps most important of all, is letting people become free of any obligations to the government whatsoever. If you’ve bought a plot of land, you own it, period. No taxes still owed, nothing. Same with anything else you buy, or no longer owe money for (IE, things you got as essentials, but paid off the debt to own them), you should be able to live there the rest of your life, still enjoying free medical care and using the money you saved up at the time of your retirement to live the rest of your life with.

On a large scale, entire communities should be able to break away from the government and declare themselves a private one, still defended by the world peace force, but able to uphold their own laws and system of government within their boarders. These would be places where communities could decide to prohibit certain things in public or even decide who can and cannot live there. However, the amount of land a community can buy would still be limited to the number of initial owners (though they could reserve land for future residents to purchase). This means if more land is required for what you want to do, you must get more owners in order to prevent any one person or group from owning too much land than is necessary for them. The only things that could not be purchased or made would be weapons manufacturing plants, as these could only be maintained by the military, all citizens receiving the weapons they were trained to use once finished with their twelve month service at which point he becomes part of the city’s militia, responsible for keeping their weapons secure and only used when absolutely necessary.

Now, this is not to say these become separate governments from the world government, those could only be set up in the free zones and would not be officially recognized by the world government. What this means is, a single community can privatize themselves, declaring rules of public conduct and other city ordinances that its residents must all (emphasis on all) agree to follow and uphold. These city ordinances then must be registered with the world government, who will decide if the laws are within reason (IE, not allowing them to unfairly imprison and/or punish people simply for being within their community’s limits), and will then respect their rights to uphold them. Any new citizens wanting to live in these communities required to agree to its terms before allowed to live there (assuming they do not fail a criteria placed on acceptable residents, even if this includes race, religion, etc, as private communities are allowed to discriminate who can and cannot live within it). Any new law proposed by the community must receive unanimous support from all registered citizens before it can be enforced, otherwise, a new community must be declared by those that wish to enforce it.

As you can tell, all this is purely theoretical, so forgive me for not speculating what the end result of this would be, but consider what I have said and think about it. Can it be achieved? Is it a better way to live? What’s the sacrifice and is it worth it? I leave it to you to answer these questions for yourself.