Valentine's Day Poems
Los Banditos
12-02-2005, 00:39
Everyone should post their St. Valentine's Day poems here. I will start:
Roses are #FF0000,
Violets are #0000FF,
All my base,
Are belong to you.
Yep, I'm going to hell for that one...
12-02-2005, 00:55
I would write a terribly angsty poem that looks like something off a suicide note, but I don't have the attention span at the moment to write a poem.
Los Banditos
12-02-2005, 01:00
I would write a terribly angsty poem that looks like something off a suicide note, but I don't have the attention span at the moment to write a poem.
I did not technically write mine so if you find one you can post it.
Sumamba Buwhan
12-02-2005, 01:07
Everyone should post their St. Valentine's Day poems here. I will start:
Roses are #FF0000,
Violets are #0000FF,
All my base,
Are belong to you.
Yep, I'm going to hell for that one...
hehe thats a good one!
um I might write one in a few if I get an idea
Made this one on the fly...
I loved you so much and all was well.
but then came that day to which everything was hell
Despite all my faith and care, not to mention I'm such a good lover.
I found you there nailing my brother.
I pretended to forgive you and took you back in.
Now listen closely because here is where I sin.
Look down at your chocolate and your rootbeer float
By now I'm laughing because guess what? You're not getting the antidote.
Happy Valentine's Day Sweety!
Los Banditos
12-02-2005, 07:52
This is a bump. If noone else posts, I will create my own horrible poem. You have been warned.
12-02-2005, 07:54
Roses are red
Violets are blue
You won't sleep with me
12-02-2005, 07:55
NO MORE!!! PLEASE, STOP!!! It is when poetry is brought up that I see the only way in which free speech can be abused.
Los Banditos
12-02-2005, 08:00
Roses are red
Violets are blue
You won't sleep with me
Well done, good sir.
Los Banditos
13-02-2005, 11:34
Why does everyone hat emy threads? Post your own or comment, losers.
13-02-2005, 19:21
This was for my friend to give to her ex:
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
There's no-one in the world
I hate as much as you.
I'll think of a good real sentiment...
St. Valentine, what have you become?
A dozen roses or a cute teddy bear?
Frivolous tokens of fragile fancies,
Where's your true meaning gone?
Well this year take a moment -
Filled with expectant possibilities,
To hug a friend, pat a dog,
Give a thought for those lying,
Staring at the ceiling saying
They don't care. Or the dark oceans
Of faces, who have no-one
To feed or love them.
Drop a coin in a proffered tin,
Offer a greasy newspaper
Stuffed with gleaming chips
To the man in the doorway.
Smile at the person sitting,
Cold and tired, facing you on
The bus - nothing more
Could light up someone's day.
Little things like this,
What good can they do?
Can they cause heaven on
This sorry dank Earth?
Can guns start firing roses?
Can the angry red queen wed
The gentle white king?
World peace, a prize
Hidden behind a gauzy veil.
I'm not asking for a miracle,
No raising from the dead,
Just something to make
Someone happy: just a smile
Can make the world right.
Haiku time!
Valentines, single
Must resist the urge to whine
Like some emo kid
Valentines again?
Screw the flowers, screw the chocs
Time for kinky fun!
Randomea: That second poem is great. Best one I've read in ages.
13-02-2005, 19:41
I suppose the fact that I'm in love is going to make my poem very ...mushy, heh, so that's your warning.
The feelings I have
The moments we've shared
The times that I've pondered
of the love that we've declared...
Your hand on my side,
my head on your shoulder,
I hope you never let go,
even when we grow older...'s short...but oh well.
Red East
13-02-2005, 19:51
Inside the great lodge where delight does stream
A beautiful valkyrie in every man's dream
"Woman come over here and sit on my knee!
In the great sky tonight you will see
Up there I'll show you the mighty starsign
The shape of Thyrfing trapped in time
That sword my life once before took
But now in Valhalla, tonight we will f*ck!"
Needless to say the lyrics were not appreciated... ;)
Gorsley Gardens
13-02-2005, 19:56
Last year one of my friends got dumped by his girlfriend on valentine's day. he sent her a card, which read:
Blood is red and you're a whore,
You can hate me, bitch, but I hate you more.
13-02-2005, 23:37
Roses are pink
Violets are violet
Valentine's day does stink
And I'm a fighter pilot! (absolutely no sense, this last line makes :p )
13-02-2005, 23:40
Roses are red
Violets are blue
You won't sleep with me
Every year, I send people the "all my base are belong to you" one. Yeah, I'm a nerd.
13-02-2005, 23:41
Every year, I send people the "all my base are belong to you" one. Yeah, I'm a nerd.
Whats the big deal?
Valentine's day is a big fuss
All your base
Are belong to us
I would, but all I can think of is really obscene things....
I never really liked valentine's day, since I was little.
I thought Saint Valentine was some sort of great player who travelled the globe, inpregnating women and then bailing out on them as he went.
I was a rather odd child.
Glinde Nessroe
14-02-2005, 02:01
To my light-
Beloved scents of burning candles,
Lit far more than pages to aimlessly scribe.
With ease it were unknowingly foreshadowing,
Forbearing an enlightenment of some eventual sensationalized memory.
Embodying far more than truth or glorified fantasy.
Found in masses of dim; this miniscule flicker burning itself with hopeless defiance,
Seen as if it shone but to lead all spirits to heavens.
Such thing- Piercing, overwhelming all shades of gray and black,
Though led me not towards answers,
It, burning aloof, sent me enduring to questions,
Provoking (just quietly) litters of many curious felines alike.
Slyly he questioned the wicker he burned upon,
The very wax that trickled down ones side,
Querying the very path he so clearly guided,
And boldly, furrowing at idea some greater candle would shine before or again.
We now bore, stained and cremated doubts, modesty and senseless proposal.
Arrived in light, despite shallowing under my breathe,
Such being- his translucent glow remained.
For as much as it were and as least as I am,
Faiths were not question.
Were I some sad match,
With all energy struck upon box on box,
I- Solemnly, could not swallow any drop of darkness.
I- Black with the singe of but my own carelessness,
Was only to be lit if burning light leant in to meet.
How this match burns now.
How I cannot question this flame.
Hear me! - unpossessive flame, myself but a moth; defunct of sanity or will,
Entranced and embraced, am strengthless but to sway with you,
Rocking calmly in the hotter noon’s caressing breeze.
And in this state, I might but question more,
Innocently ignorant of what lay beneath.
That minor keys of song or dance do not weigh down the heart,
Yet triumphantly fuel it’s defiance to persist in travels.
That the earth, nor flat, nor round, is but ours this day.
Finally in morn, as sun lifts I might stretch my hand to hold,
I shall gladly sting under your melt-
Moulding playfully and sinfully about my fingers.
Ensnaring and defeating empty lingering doubts.
Unparalleled by bejeweled eyes and mouth.
Sanctuary, transcending, transensual.
I decree- This be all things, this be timeless.
Mine eyes blind to thy feet before me.
I am as such that caressing breeze, whistling through branches of towering bodies,
My joy, in but divine major, singing to the world- my unabashed pride.
Now, this can not contain.
Guided, saved.
For the first time, I am no virgin to reverence.
....sorry I'm a teenager so I write shitterz.
14-02-2005, 02:13
I'm too tired to write anything myself, so I'll just reccommend "the Book of Love" by Peter Gabriel.
14-02-2005, 02:16
Everyone should post their St. Valentine's Day poems here. I will start:
Roses are #FF0000,
Violets are #0000FF,
All my base,
Are belong to you.
Yep, I'm going to hell for that one...
ROFLMAO!!! Yes you ARE! :D
14-02-2005, 03:29
saint valentines day
celebrate your religion
go out and get laid
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Valentine's Day sucks big-time
Wah wah boo.
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Badger badger badger
Badger mushroom mushroom.
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
They're purple, you dumbass,
I'm smarter than you.
Roses are red.
Kinda like Cupid
These Hallmark holidays
Can be really stupid.
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Lkdfn fdli falm lofaj
Ienoa ffffoooooooooo!!
Roses are red.
Thank God not chartreuse
.I just wanted to use that color.
Roses are red.
Tulips are too.
Purple are violets
Roses are red.
Yellow is the sun.
Please stop me now!
These poems are DONE!
(none of these are mine. HERE ( is the original, but the one's I didn't include suck. ;) )
In the darkness, I seek my love,
Calling out to my Goddess above.
Reaching out for her warm embrace,
Seeking to find, her golden face.
I call the spirits, from circle deep,
And suddenly, the fires doth leap.
The golden maiden enters the sphere,
With her present I will hold no fear.
She joins as my lover, and I am hers,
As we fall and intwine upon sacred furs.
My heart is hers, and hers is mine,
Drawn deep are we, upon ley line.
Sleep comes now, to fulfill my act,
I am whole, filled with what I lacked.
just wrote this when I saw the poem section. Bringing back the pagan to Valentine's day, though no, I am not wiccan, and no I don't worship the goddess.
Did you guys here about all those guys who were going to commit suciede on Valentine's day? I thought it was pretty funny.
Nice poem, but I can do better. Watch.
"Like a dog, bitch, get on the floor,
You know I like that, do it some more,
Keep on shacking that thing you stupid whore,"
Oh, god, what was the rest?
Does anyone remember?
I think that was a song........
15-02-2005, 00:30
just wrote this when I saw the poem section. Bringing back the pagan to Valentine's day, though no, I am not wiccan, and no I don't worship the goddess.
It's Roman actually. L...and I've forgotten :headbang:
It's Roman actually. L...and I've forgotten :headbang:
its both roman and pagan. Both of them hold beliefs during the same time frame, based off lunar, solar, and astrological movements. And I would be more inclined that it came from the country homes outside the central of Rome, and then was adapted into their general construction of festivals, so the term pagan would still be useable, since it means country homes, country dwellers and such, basically the roman word to our redneck and such. Since most of europe lived in non-stone walls, and didn't build the same types of cities that Rome built, they called them all Pagan. It wasn't till later that the Catholics changed the word to be directed towards all earth based religions and such the pagan witches and such. The word heathen didn't work very well for them since the Celts knew latin, so yeah....
Also I'm betting even the Romans directed it towards a love goddess, so it still works that way too