Do you get angry when people attack your home country?
New Genoa
11-02-2005, 04:58
wait for the poll
Bodies Without Organs
11-02-2005, 05:00
Are we talking about the IRA here?
Chess Squares
11-02-2005, 05:01
I get angry when this dumb bitch in my art history class repeatedly asks the fucknig obvious.
1) she asks questions less than 5 minutes after they are stated. once we were looknig at a cross section of a temple, the cross section cut off the last column, we discussed it for 10 fucknig mintues straight, and soon as we finisehd discussing it the first words out of her mouth are: where is the last column.
2) she started asking stupid shit about the test we took. she asked what the answer to a question was after some one else jsut asking it and getting it answered.
well this is really irrelevant to the topic
11-02-2005, 05:01
What, with like guns? Yeah that tends to get annoying...
11-02-2005, 05:03
And "Stop Making Polls" is the current winner. Ouch. You need to clarify "attack" for us, please.
If you mean a military attack, that would really piss me off. Though I don't know how censorship would help the situation.
If we're talking about something like Ann Coulter bitching about Canada, I think she's a moron but that censorship is not an option. The 1st amendment is sacrosanct. Even if the person using it is an evil soulless bitch.
11-02-2005, 05:04
No other country has attacked us, although Japanese planes flew over a few times, and a couple of mines were put off the coast.
Yea, I guess I would get pretty angry.
11-02-2005, 05:07
I get mad if someone who has never even been here (Canada) insults our way of life, or assumes that we must all be unhappy because we pay for socialized healtcare, education, etc. I also get mad if the complaints are completely unfounded, or if someone is insulting it just for the sake of being insulting. If you have valid points though or constructive criticism, i have no problem with it, sometimes i'll even agree. I know we're not perfect.
11-02-2005, 05:07
Do you get angry when people attack your home country?If I was Iraqui I would be killing the marines...whenever possible...
The Last Starfighter
11-02-2005, 05:09
people can attack my country (USA) all they want, but they damn well better be able to back it up. that's what really riles me- when they make totally unfounded, unsupportable claims. like on this one thread, i was bashing france or something, and some d-bag was saying that the US did stuff that it definitely didn't. like put nuclear weaponry in the hands of dictators. they clearly didn't know what they were talking about, yet still picked a fight. i mean, duh man
When the points made are valid, I think criticism can be constructive.
When some asswipe insists that America blows goats, and their Social Democracy/Dictatorship/whatever else is sheer utopia, another name gets added to my ignore list.
11-02-2005, 05:48
-> Yes, but only when they're blatantly stupid and/or flagrantly "offensive" <-
I have found my answer.
New Genoa
11-02-2005, 05:59
Verbally attack. :rolleyes:
Verbally attack. :rolleyes:
New Genoa, in a better world, you would not have had to post that.
New Genoa
11-02-2005, 06:19
Let me pose another question: are your reactions to these verbal attacks more extreme on this forum than in real life? In other words, do you get more "pissed off" here when some one posts something blatantly inflammatory (and not really in jest)?
Ice Hockey Players
11-02-2005, 06:28
It's one thing to make a substantiated criticism, such as the number of deaths U.S. foreign policy created, the fact that the U.S. has propped up dictators as a response to the USSR (not that the Soviets didn't do the same as a response to the U.S., but still...) It's even all right by me if you argue that Americans are self-interested, overweight, or greedy, not to mention stubborn and resistant to change...this is somewhat true and as logn as you understand why you argue it, it's cool.
These jackholes that go around saying that the U.S. is a bunch of fat rednecks who are less educated than rocks and are single-handedly responsible for every disaster on Earth since the dawn of time, and even worse, that individual citizens bear this responsibility even if they had no involvement, even indirectly with them, need to have some sense smacked into them. I have noticed a lot of people here who are extremely anti-U.S. It's one thing to argue against the U.S. or some of its actions. It's another to act as though it's the Borg...not that I am directly accusign anyone here, though I think plenty of people are more than capable of jumping to that conclusion.
11-02-2005, 06:36
Do you get angry when people attack your home country?
No becuase they are sad little people who will never enjoy life, no matter who the sole superpower in the world is, and just ignore the trite little slogans.
New Genoa
11-02-2005, 06:38
I think I should mention that jokes about Americans are fine. But when you seriously believe that Americans are retarded rednecks and go trying to sound funny doing it, then that's not cool. Unless I do it. Because when I do it, it doesn't piss me off. HA! (and yes, I'm serious that when I say something flagrantly offensive, that it's okay. but not you... or am I serious? perhaps I should nest some brackets [like so] and continue to do so [like so (woot)] and continue talking in parentheses. But yeah, only the really retarded jokes and usually only in heated debate do I get actually a bit perturbed but then I forget about it the next day.) ;)
Think of it like this america consist of mostly fat people that work all there life then retire and relax....take that away and you got a group of pissed off fat middle aged people.....
Findecano Calaelen
11-02-2005, 08:35
No other country has attacked us, although Japanese planes flew over a few times,
probably after they attacked us