My School Paper's February Issue
10-02-2005, 03:45
So, the issue comes out a few days before the end of February - I've got my article in and all, but what I'm *really* looking forward to is our Pro vs Con opinion feature for this month.
The topic is: Censorship
All I gotta say is that the pro-censorship article is going up against either the opinion editor (a seasoned debater), or another debater with very good skill. All that's left to do is start playing taps for the poor lad advocating censorship, and laugh; ahahahhahahahahah!
10-02-2005, 03:59
So, the issue comes out a few days before the end of February - I've got my article in and all, but what I'm *really* looking forward to is our Pro vs Con opinion feature for this month.
The topic is: Censorship
I wonder if the pro-censorship debator will censor himself.
Censorship has been accepted and embraced by the politically correct crowd. There are many terms which simply cannot be used without being labled as 'hate speech' and censored. For one to argue against censorship they would have to be prepared to accept writing some of the most racial terms (the writing, not the ideas) as well as even innocuous ideas that are not popular with the PC lynch mobs, like t-shirts that say "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve."
It would not be difficult to catch an anti-censorship advocate in a contradiction eventually. I should know, I am one.
New Genoa
10-02-2005, 04:25
Both sides have their forms of censorship. Liberals have PC, the (neo)conservatives have their "patriotism" stuff. But that's not saying that every conservie and every liberal believes in censorship.. Im just stating where each form of censorship developed from.
Lacadaemon II
10-02-2005, 04:32
Everyone believes in cenorship to some degree. Some are better at restraining their natural urges than others however.
10-02-2005, 18:37
I agree, PC censorship is bad (whether it's protecting minorities or Christians)
Drunk commies
10-02-2005, 18:40
F**K censorship.
You Forgot Poland
10-02-2005, 18:41
Censorship is bad!
[Twelve empty column inches]
10-02-2005, 18:45
A paper on censorship? That's so last year. :rolleyes:
Here is an important historical term for anyone in a debate over censorship to know;
"loose lips sink ships'.
Learn the meaning, history and context of the term. Discuss it's merits.
It is also important to consider that in any civilization there is a certain amount of acceptable censorship. Soliciting people to violence (such as violence against minorities) is only one obvious example.
12-02-2005, 19:17
If the topic is as broad as "censorship" both sides could focus on some facet on it and both come out with the majority agreeing with them, which is probably what will happen.
Haken Rider
12-02-2005, 19:26
Censorship: liberal media vs. conservative media.
Just a hint.
EDIT: damn, that's a stupid hint... wait, I did such an assignment last year... don't know exactly what I said...
12-02-2005, 19:43
Well, you'll know the paper's opinion on the subject if the anti-censorship editorial is all blacked out.....