09-02-2005, 21:33
A Call to Arms: Let us Refinance!
Do you have a Student “Loan” that has been CON-solidated at exorbitant, non-market rates? Are you paying 7%, 8%, 9% or more for the “privilege” of graduating before the 9/11 interest rate cuts? Are you an indentured servant to the Sallie Mae Corporation, often paying TWICE that of your just-younger peers?
Make your Alma-Mater sit up and take notice of our plight. Don’t give them another Dime, and tell them in no uncertain terms why.
Forward this to everyone you know from your graduating class. Copy, Paste, Edit, Print an MAIL it your School. Put a copy in EVERY business-reply envelope sent by your school. They will get the picture eventually.
We shall overcome.
Dear X University Alumni Association,
I am sorry to tell you the University will not be receiving any financial assistance or other gifts from me until my student loans are paid off. Though I graduated before 2001, that pay-off will not occur for approximately 30 more years – at which point I will be nearing Retirement without the benefit of Social Security and will still likely not be in a position to assist funding the school as my portfolio will be sorely diminished by excess payments to Sallie Mae Corp.
I honestly wanted to pay off my loans sooner, but I am forced to pay approximately twice the prevailing interest rate on my loans than are more recent graduates, with whom I must compete for work. This extra, unnecessary but mandatory expense puts me at a grave disadvantage during salary negotiations, thus making my University Education LESS valuable than it would otherwise be by making me LESS marketable than a similarly educated person with an arbitrarily dictated lower debt payment.
No other financial instrument but a consolidated student loan is non-renegotiable and non-relievable for ANY financial circumstance (except death.) There is no reason for these traits except to legislatively maximize profits for the finance companies involved. I paid to go to school, not be forced, by law, to line the pockets of a multi-billion dollar corporation.
It is a travesty that universities actively participate in a program that can only be considered an egregious and unethical act of age discrimination and profiteering by the Sallie Mae Corporation.
By NOT supporting debt-consolidation interest relief legislation (such as HR2711 (2004) or any other allowing student loan debts to be refinanced like home loans,) Universities stand only to lose Alumni Dollars. We are many, and we are broke.
I therefore urge you, in the strongest possible terms, to evaluate and vocally support legislation that allows STUDENTS and GRADUATES to negotiate for the best possible rates on their student loans – and takes the power of indentured servitude away from the loan-sharks.
Please take me off your Alumni/Fundraiser Solicitation List immediately. I may contact you after I am able to pay off my student loan debt, but not before.
Do you have a Student “Loan” that has been CON-solidated at exorbitant, non-market rates? Are you paying 7%, 8%, 9% or more for the “privilege” of graduating before the 9/11 interest rate cuts? Are you an indentured servant to the Sallie Mae Corporation, often paying TWICE that of your just-younger peers?
Make your Alma-Mater sit up and take notice of our plight. Don’t give them another Dime, and tell them in no uncertain terms why.
Forward this to everyone you know from your graduating class. Copy, Paste, Edit, Print an MAIL it your School. Put a copy in EVERY business-reply envelope sent by your school. They will get the picture eventually.
We shall overcome.
Dear X University Alumni Association,
I am sorry to tell you the University will not be receiving any financial assistance or other gifts from me until my student loans are paid off. Though I graduated before 2001, that pay-off will not occur for approximately 30 more years – at which point I will be nearing Retirement without the benefit of Social Security and will still likely not be in a position to assist funding the school as my portfolio will be sorely diminished by excess payments to Sallie Mae Corp.
I honestly wanted to pay off my loans sooner, but I am forced to pay approximately twice the prevailing interest rate on my loans than are more recent graduates, with whom I must compete for work. This extra, unnecessary but mandatory expense puts me at a grave disadvantage during salary negotiations, thus making my University Education LESS valuable than it would otherwise be by making me LESS marketable than a similarly educated person with an arbitrarily dictated lower debt payment.
No other financial instrument but a consolidated student loan is non-renegotiable and non-relievable for ANY financial circumstance (except death.) There is no reason for these traits except to legislatively maximize profits for the finance companies involved. I paid to go to school, not be forced, by law, to line the pockets of a multi-billion dollar corporation.
It is a travesty that universities actively participate in a program that can only be considered an egregious and unethical act of age discrimination and profiteering by the Sallie Mae Corporation.
By NOT supporting debt-consolidation interest relief legislation (such as HR2711 (2004) or any other allowing student loan debts to be refinanced like home loans,) Universities stand only to lose Alumni Dollars. We are many, and we are broke.
I therefore urge you, in the strongest possible terms, to evaluate and vocally support legislation that allows STUDENTS and GRADUATES to negotiate for the best possible rates on their student loans – and takes the power of indentured servitude away from the loan-sharks.
Please take me off your Alumni/Fundraiser Solicitation List immediately. I may contact you after I am able to pay off my student loan debt, but not before.