Weeee! I just filed my taxes!
04-02-2005, 22:58
*waves a little American flag on a toothpick* USA! USA! USA!
I just finished all the paperwork and filed my 2004 taxes. (Yes, I am a nerd, I don't wait until the April 15th deadline)
Right now, this moment, it is now the most amount of time until the next time I have to file my taxes, hence, it is a time to celebrate.
*lights a sparkler*
That's all.
Soviet Narco State
04-02-2005, 23:00
You are soooo ned flanders!
04-02-2005, 23:01
I don't do taxes yet!
It's the weekend!
I have Jaffa Cakes!
Today is a good day for us both ^_^
*walks off going woooooooooooooooo*
Lacadaemon II
04-02-2005, 23:08
*waves a little American flag on a toothpick* USA! USA! USA!
I just finished all the paperwork and filed my 2004 taxes. (Yes, I am a nerd, I don't wait until the April 15th deadline)
Right now, this moment, it is now the most amount of time until the next time I have to file my taxes, hence, it is a time to celebrate.
*lights a sparkler*
That's all.
But your missing the fun. The point of taxes is to owe as much as possible without penalties, then wait until the 15th to file. Sort of like an interest free loan from the government to cover some of last years taxes.
If you do it early, you are helping them out.
04-02-2005, 23:18
woohoooo! I don't do my taxes (yet)
and its the weekend, and there's a crazy party for my friends! WOOHOOOO
I did my taxes AND my FAFSA! My EFC is zero! Yay for being able to file as an independant (FINALLY)!!!!!!!!!!! "The man" will be paying for my college next year!