Mmmmm ... Flu Goodness
02-02-2005, 13:29
Ahh ... there's nothing like waking up in the morning with the flu. 103 fever, skin aching, nauseus, constant feeling of cold no matter how hot I've made it.
Such a fun illness. What makes it even more fun is having to force yourself to get up and tend to breakfast and getting kids dressed and off to school. Weeee!
I remember the good ol' days when I was sick ... I could just sleep in, wrapped in blankets, ignoring the world. Ah well ...
So how're ya'll this mornin'?
02-02-2005, 13:34
So did the kids give you the flu? :p
Nieder Ostland
02-02-2005, 13:35
Good morning.
Wish I had the flu too. Don't wanna work.. but, to be honest, since I'm sitting here writing this and getting payed for it (well, aint getting payed to do THIS, should do my real job instead, but... there's nothing to do.. ).
But, wanna be home, just lie in bed all day long, watching a movie, or read a good book, and just ignore anything.. ahhh.. ah well.. hope ya get better.
02-02-2005, 13:40
So did the kids give you the flu? :p
Probably so ... all them little diseased kids running around together, packed into school ... kids probably brought something home and gave it to me. Hurray! I'll remember this on their next birthday .... ;)
Quentulus Qazgar
02-02-2005, 16:52
I'm in the middle of my exams. Slept 4 hours last night. Been living with energy-drink for the last week. Can't concentrate very well anymore. I really have to sleep instead of cramming. No flu. No time for that.
02-02-2005, 17:22
Mmmm lets see the Pope has flu and Keruvalia also has the flu. I submit to you that the Pope and Keruvalia are one and the same!
02-02-2005, 17:39
I had that yesterday. NyQuil is a godsend.
02-02-2005, 18:05
KNOCK on WOOD. I have not been sick for about 5 years, at least majorly. The last time I got sick I was INSANELY sick for about 8 hours with this really intense 24 hour stomach flu. The one with the flying particales coming from both ends... :mad:
02-02-2005, 19:19
Mmmm lets see the Pope has flu and Keruvalia also has the flu. I submit to you that the Pope and Keruvalia are one and the same!
Damnit! SHHHHH! :rolleyes: Now we have to have you beaten.
02-02-2005, 19:20
KNOCK on WOOD. I have not been sick for about 5 years, at least majorly.
I never used to get sick at all until I had kids and they started going to school.
The last time I got sick I was INSANELY sick for about 8 hours with this really intense 24 hour stomach flu. The one with the flying particales coming from both ends... :mad:
Ugh ... that's the worst kind.
World wide allies
02-02-2005, 21:14
I had the flu from last saturday - tuesday, it's still around a bit.
I had what I call, the dizzy flu. Where you have no balance or co-ordination, cannot walk in a straight line and cannot control spasms in your hand or leg.
Add a runny nose, vomit, and spongebob squarepants and you're in for a whale of a time.