Is there a way to REDUCE ones sex drive?
02-02-2005, 03:08
Well is there a sensible way to reduce your sex drive?
I mean there are literally thousands of websites on how to increase it but there are no websites on how to decrease it. I am a young man who is tired of lustful feelings and I feel that I must occupy my time with more important things other then sex and women. So are there any pills and/or techniques out there that can reduce a persons sex drive?
P.S: And no I am NOT considering to cut my d**k please no suggestions of such things.
02-02-2005, 03:10
P.S: And no I am NOT considering to cut my d**k please no suggestions of such things.
Castration is pretty effective. The penis does not produce the sex hormones, that would be the testes. And, in answer to your question, willpower. Do not look to pharmacology, look to psychology.
Jenn Jenn Land
02-02-2005, 03:15
Well is there a sensible way to reduce your sex drive?
I mean there are literally thousands of websites on how to increase it but there are no websites on how to decrease it. I am a young man who is tired of lustful feelings and I feel that I must occupy my time with more important things other then sex and women. So are there any pills and/or techniques out there that can reduce a persons sex drive?
P.S: And no I am NOT considering to cut my d**k please no suggestions of such things.
Gosh, why would you wanna do that?
Avoid porn. Everytime you think of a girl in that way, picture your mother or sister or another relative. Or someone whacking off Jesus on the cross.
That should do it.
The Black Forrest
02-02-2005, 03:17
I hear Chemo will do it....
Alien Born
02-02-2005, 03:20
Shock therapy, go on holiday to Brazil, during carnival, then go back to wherever you came from. No more huge sex drive. (all things are relative) :D
02-02-2005, 03:20
I hear Chemo will do it....
Chemo? whats that?
02-02-2005, 03:20
Well is there a sensible way to reduce your sex drive?
I mean there are literally thousands of websites on how to increase it but there are no websites on how to decrease it. I am a young man who is tired of lustful feelings and I feel that I must occupy my time with more important things other then sex and women. So are there any pills and/or techniques out there that can reduce a persons sex drive?
P.S: And no I am NOT considering to cut my d**k please no suggestions of such things.
Why dont you cut your dick off?
Just kidding
I have found no way to do it, when you dont have a women, you need to use your hand, and thats hardly satisfying. Its like, why accept Dr. Pepper when you have Coke right there?
How young are you, if you are at the age where you dont have sex than you cant do to much, if you are old enough to have sex than just start rounding them bases!
Von Witzleben
02-02-2005, 03:21
There was a picture on here earlier that would reduce nearly anyones sex drive. Damned, I can't find the thread it was in.
The Black Forrest
02-02-2005, 03:22
Chemo? whats that?
Chemotheropy as in Cancer treatment.....
02-02-2005, 03:23
booze is very good at it, espescially in large, constant quantities I hear.
02-02-2005, 03:25
booze is very good at it, espescially in large, constant quantities I hear.
Ahh, yes! Opiates eliminate sex drive! Heroin is especially good at it.
Greedy Pig
02-02-2005, 03:25
Reduce? How about Masturbating? Or does it increase?
It kind of reduces for me, especially before a date or going out somewhere. :D
I don't think you want to take drugs to reduce your sex drive, usually that would have side effects IMO.
02-02-2005, 03:27
Many ways to reduce your sex drive: allow yourself to get fat, start smoking, don't exercise, drink lots of alcohol, etc.
02-02-2005, 03:29
There was a picture on here earlier that would reduce nearly anyones sex drive. Damned, I can't find the thread it was in.
The one about the neocon world wars?
I don't really want to ever see that thread ever again.
02-02-2005, 03:32
why not simply try getting a hobby?
02-02-2005, 03:35
Sit your laptop over your balls. And I belive Yellow Dye #3 (or w/e dye) reduces sperm production
02-02-2005, 03:42
Well is there a sensible way to reduce your sex drive?
I mean there are literally thousands of websites on how to increase it but there are no websites on how to decrease it. I am a young man who is tired of lustful feelings and I feel that I must occupy my time with more important things other then sex and women. So are there any pills and/or techniques out there that can reduce a persons sex drive?
P.S: And no I am NOT considering to cut my d**k please no suggestions of such things.
First, there is nothing wrong with a healthy sex drive, we are supposed to have one. But if you are really worried about your lustful feelings try saying this pray often.
Create in me a pure heart, O my God, and renew a tranquil conscience within me, O my Hope! Through the spirit of power confirm Thou me in Thy Cause, O my Best-Beloved, and by the light of Thy glory reveal unto me Thy path, O Thou the Goal of my desire! Through the power of Thy transcendent might lift me up unto the heaven of Thy holiness, O Source of my being, and by the breezes of Thine eternity gladden me, O Thou Who art my God! Let Thine everlasting melodies breathe tranquillity on me, O my Companion, and let the riches of Thine ancient countenance deliver me from all except Thee, O my Master, and let the tidings of the revelation of Thine incorruptible Essence bring me joy, O Thou Who art the most manifest of the manifest and the most hidden of the hidden!
(Baha'u'llah, Prayers and Meditations by Baha'u'llah, p. 248)
02-02-2005, 03:46
Many ways to reduce your sex drive: allow yourself to get fat, start smoking, don't exercise, drink lots of alcohol, etc.
Yeah, depression.
02-02-2005, 03:47
why would you want to know how to reduce your sex drive. I know it can be irritating sometimes but come on. whatever it was kinda an intristing question.
02-02-2005, 03:47
Chemotheropy as in Cancer treatment.....
There are chemo therapies for sex drive problems that very effective. NOT RECOMMENDED by most family Drs for this kind of problem though. Usually it is done only by a Judges orders.
Pure Science
02-02-2005, 03:48
Death reduces sex drive.
get a pot of cold water put it in the freezer till its near freezing(chunks of ice floating in it) take it out then dip the boys in and hold it there for a minute or two. That should kill it for the day or a couple of days.
02-02-2005, 04:03
My friend is messed up in the head, he tried the same thing as you. He succeeded in eliminating his sex drive completely (me and my other friend don't think this is normal so we are steadily undermining this fact). He did it through meditation. From what I understand he just meditated on his sex drive for like a week, then once he had the feel for it he redirected the energy into other areas. I would recommend this method, it isn't permanant and it doesn't take very long, took him like 2 weeks. He had previous experience in meditation however so it might take longer.
So a basic idea of what to do:
Calm your mind completely (this could take practice)
Think lusty thoughts and focus on what you feel
Once you've got the feel for your sexual energy you should be able to manipulate it to the point where you can ignore or interrupt it whenever it comes up or cripple it all together
I'll ask him tomorrow at school see if I can get a hold of something more substantial.
Jenn Jenn Land
02-02-2005, 04:10
why not simply try getting a hobby?
I have hobbies and I'm still horny as hell.
02-02-2005, 04:11
mmmmm Mountain Dew. Do the (decrease your sperm count) Dew.
02-02-2005, 04:23
Well is there a sensible way to reduce your sex drive?
Get old. It's all down hill after 50. Oh, God! I'll be 62 in May. Can I borrow some of your sex drive. Please. PLEASE! ;)
Lunatic Goofballs
02-02-2005, 04:23
Best way to decrease your sex drive: Marriage. :D
Mistress Kimberly
02-02-2005, 04:24
Dammit, now i want to get laid. :(
Jenn Jenn Land
02-02-2005, 04:25
Dammit, now i want to get laid. :(
Me too.
I call for another NS orgy.
Mistress Kimberly
02-02-2005, 04:27
Me too.
I call for another NS orgy.
WOOHOO!!! :fluffle: :fluffle: :p
Von Witzleben
02-02-2005, 04:29
The one about the neocon world wars?
I don't really want to ever see that thread ever again.
Eeehh...*checks* Thats not it. But at least you know which one I mean. If that doesn't reduce your sex drive nothing will. :D
02-02-2005, 04:47
Sit your laptop over your balls. And I belive Yellow Dye #3 (or w/e dye) reduces sperm production
:O Are you serious? That's how i always sit when I'm on the computer..oh shit...
Parrot Bay Island
02-02-2005, 04:48
In all honesty, I have found a pretty effective way to decrease your sex drive. It worked not only for me, but one of my friends had the same thing happen to him!
Ok, meet a girl, have her move in with you, make sure she is on the birth control called "DEPO" (it is a shot that is taken every 3 months, many women have a bad "emotional" side effect to it)
With all the screaming and nagging a woman can do normally (no offence to the women out there) With being on DEPO no matter WHAT you do, it is wrong! You could give her all the love in the world, she will still complain and cry about you two's relationship!
After all the whining and complaining, you will never want to have sex for a long time! This is a true story. I am not kidding you.
I do want to apologize to all the women out there reading this. It is not meant to put you down in any way. There are statistical facts reguarding the DEPO shot showing an increase in emotional anxiety.
Ooh yea, and we broke up a month after our 1 year anniversary.
Lunatic Goofballs
02-02-2005, 04:48
:O Are you serious? That's how i always sit when I'm on the computer..oh shit...
Yes. Apparently, laptops can cook your little wigglies. *nod*
02-02-2005, 04:53
Me too.
I call for another NS orgy.
I'm in... :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle:
New Granada
02-02-2005, 04:59
Supposedly 'saltpeter' was used for that in days past.
saltpeter is potassium nitrate, and you can make bombs or something out of it, so i'm not sure that it is easily purchased, though i've never tried to find any so i dont really know.
02-02-2005, 05:39
There was a picture on here earlier that would reduce nearly anyones sex drive. Damned, I can't find the thread it was in.
Are you talking about the tubgirl one? AVOID AVOID, AVOID, everyone! It's hideous .
Passive Cookies
02-02-2005, 05:42
If you want to be so disturbed you never want to have sex again... read Chuck Palahniuk's short story called Guts. I'd post a link but I wouldn't want to scar anybody. It's really quite terrifying.
02-02-2005, 05:55
I'm in... :fluffle:
:fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle:
.....:fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle:
02-02-2005, 06:04
Are you talking about the tubgirl one? AVOID AVOID, AVOID, everyone! It's hideous .
Aww, god...tubgirl...that is so terribly vile...
But, in what is less disgusting to me, but more so to others apparently, pathology can lead to less libido. Such as this (, this (, and this ( are particularly graphic. Pathology comes second to only entomology!
02-02-2005, 06:26
break up with your gf/bf!
Best way to decrease your sex drive: Marriage. :D
Yup, that seems to work for a lot of people.
02-02-2005, 07:23
Supposedly 'saltpeter' was used for that in days past.
saltpeter is potassium nitrate, and you can make bombs or something out of it, so i'm not sure that it is easily purchased, though i've never tried to find any so i dont really know.
Saltpetre, charcoal, and sulphur are the traditional ingredients of gunpowder. Whether it will kill your sex drive or not I don't know, just try not to go for cremation should it kill you.
That being said, why do you want to kill your sex drive? If you've just got a problem with the random lustful thoughts that pop into your head. . .just wait a year or two. Those are pretty damn common for a teenager, but by the time you get to 21 or so, they don't come on quite so strong any more. If it's a religious problem, you need to ask yourself: what kind of a God would make me take poison in order to make him happy? I'm not sure, in the end analysis, that it's a God you really want to worship.
02-02-2005, 07:24
Visualize Hillary Clinton in lingerie.
If that doesn't work, think of Janet Reno in lingerie.
And if THAT didn't work...
be careful, this is an EXTREME measure, to be employed only by the truly lost cases...
visualize Madeleine Albright in lingerie.
The next step would be to visualize Hillary, Janet and Madeleine together, but that goes beyond extreme.
There, a sure-fire (no pun intended) method.
Jester III
02-02-2005, 14:03
Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA). Not exactly healthy but it is an effective and reversible method for chemical castration.
Otherwise, you could learn to live with it.
02-02-2005, 14:15
Saltpetre, charcoal, and sulphur are the traditional ingredients of gunpowder. Whether it will kill your sex drive or not I don't know, just try not to go for cremation should it kill you.
Saltpeter is a potasium nitrate, ie it is a posion. it can cause anemia, methemoglobinemia (a blood disorder), headache, stomach upset, dizziness, kidney damage, and can raise one's blood pressure to a dangerous level. Thusly anyone who doses themselves with it is an idiot.
Also, it has no affect on sex drive.
02-02-2005, 14:58
Best way to decrease your sex drive: Marriage. :D
darn it beat me to it!
Independent Homesteads
02-02-2005, 15:00
don't know what it is but british troops apparently got it put in their tea when they were demobbed at the end of ww2 so they didn't get rampant on all the women.
I am a young man who is tired of lustful feelings and I feel that I must occupy my time with more important things other then sex and women. So are there any pills and/or techniques out there that can reduce a persons sex drive?
P.S: And no I am NOT considering to cut my d**k please no suggestions of such things.
Get married.
02-02-2005, 18:28
Go to a furry convention.
02-02-2005, 18:43
Go to a furry convention.
He might be into Minnie Mouse lookalikes.
Occidio Multus
02-02-2005, 19:06
read post #548
worked for that guy.
02-02-2005, 19:13
Ahh, yes! Opiates eliminate sex drive! Heroin is especially good at it.
Yeah, it did have that effect.
Hee, this is great. Suggesting all sorts of absolutely idiotic ways to reduce one's sex drive instead of useful ones.
I don't actually know of any, myself.
02-02-2005, 19:54
The next step would be to visualize Hillary, Janet and Madeleine together, but that goes beyond extreme.
I don't think I could even masturbate for a couple of weeks after that. :D
Angry Fruit Salad
02-02-2005, 20:00
Well is there a sensible way to reduce your sex drive?
I mean there are literally thousands of websites on how to increase it but there are no websites on how to decrease it. I am a young man who is tired of lustful feelings and I feel that I must occupy my time with more important things other then sex and women. So are there any pills and/or techniques out there that can reduce a persons sex drive?
P.S: And no I am NOT considering to cut my d**k please no suggestions of such things.
Step 1. Live in an area prone to random ice storms or monsoons.
Step 2. Lack the resources (or common sense) to avoid going outside.
Step 3. Come down with some random illness that makes you feel like your brain is a basketball.
Step 4. Go to the infirmiry and get meds that make you vomit and hallucinate..then pass out.
Step 5. Repeat as necessary.
The Black Forrest
02-02-2005, 21:01
Play some Celine Dion Music.
Listen to Ann Coulter bitching.
02-02-2005, 21:07
Well is there a sensible way to reduce your sex drive?
I mean there are literally thousands of websites on how to increase it but there are no websites on how to decrease it. I am a young man who is tired of lustful feelings and I feel that I must occupy my time with more important things other then sex and women. So are there any pills and/or techniques out there that can reduce a persons sex drive?
P.S: And no I am NOT considering to cut my d**k please no suggestions of such things.
wank it out.
try not to in public though.
New Granada
03-02-2005, 00:33
Play some Celine Dion Music.
Listen to Ann Coulter bitching.
You could also look at ann coulter's face.
03-02-2005, 01:01
Saltpetre, charcoal, and sulphur are the traditional ingredients of gunpowder. Whether it will kill your sex drive or not I don't know, just try not to go for cremation should it kill you.
That being said, why do you want to kill your sex drive? If you've just got a problem with the random lustful thoughts that pop into your head. . .just wait a year or two. Those are pretty damn common for a teenager, but by the time you get to 21 or so, they don't come on quite so strong any more. If it's a religious problem, you need to ask yourself: what kind of a God would make me take poison in order to make him happy? I'm not sure, in the end analysis, that it's a God you really want to worship.
Im just tired of wanting to have sex. Its quite annoying really
Jenn Jenn Land
03-02-2005, 01:06
Im just tired of wanting to have sex. Its quite annoying really
Have you had sex yet?
03-02-2005, 01:19
ORGY!!! :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle:
*coughcough* Anywho, smoking makes you lose weight and feel better (while the buzz lasts).
Copiosa Scotia
03-02-2005, 01:29
Sit your laptop over your balls. And I belive Yellow Dye #3 (or w/e dye) reduces sperm production
You're thinking of Yellow 5, but it's a myth anyway.
03-02-2005, 06:05
Im just tired of wanting to have sex. Its quite annoying really
Just admit it, you haven't had sex.
03-02-2005, 06:07
Dammit, now i want to get laid. :(
I always do :)
04-02-2005, 00:56
Just admit it, you haven't had sex.
I have had sex before. Im just very sickened by the whole concept of it. I feel that sex between two adults is a disgusting and primitive ordeal that I dont want to do anymore.
04-02-2005, 01:02
I have had sex before. Im just very sickened by the whole concept of it. I feel that sex between two adults is a disgusting and primitive ordeal that I dont want to do anymore.
You might agree with these guys (, then.
It seems there's no way to reduce it, really.
04-02-2005, 01:17
I have had sex before. Im just very sickened by the whole concept of it. I feel that sex between two adults is a disgusting and primitive ordeal that I dont want to do anymore.
This is different from what you first said. I think you need to find a good therapist and talk about your feelings at much greater depth. Sexual feelings are normal and healthy how you act upon those feelings is somethings else again. Find a good therapist that you feel comfortable with and share your inner feelings. It may take you a while to find the right person, but it is worth the effort.
04-02-2005, 04:42
This is different from what you first said. I think you need to find a good therapist and talk about your feelings at much greater depth. Sexual feelings are normal and healthy how you act upon those feelings is somethings else again. Find a good therapist that you feel comfortable with and share your inner feelings. It may take you a while to find the right person, but it is worth the effort.
Are you stating that im insane because I dont want to have sex?
well what did you want to hear? don't ask for help if you're just going to shoot down ideas. and that's about the straightest answer you'll get, on THIS website anyway. what's so disgusting about it?
04-02-2005, 04:50
[QUOTE=Stansburg]Are you stating that im insane because I dont want to have sex?[/QUOTE
I don't think so. I think what you said at first was you wanted to reduce your sex drive, then you seemed to say you have some conflicted feelings about the sexual act itself. I merely suggested that you need to find someone to talk to about your feelings. Someone who could listen without judging. If you don't want to then don't. I feel my advise was better than some of the advise that suggested chemo, freezing, cutting.
04-02-2005, 05:56
[QUOTE=Stansburg]Are you stating that im insane because I dont want to have sex?[/QUOTE
I don't think so. I think what you said at first was you wanted to reduce your sex drive, then you seemed to say you have some conflicted feelings about the sexual act itself. I merely suggested that you need to find someone to talk to about your feelings. Someone who could listen without judging. If you don't want to then don't. I feel my advise was better than some of the advise that suggested chemo, freezing, cutting.
Yes im afraid most of the advise wasnt very helpful. However there was one poster who said you need a lot of willpower to not have sex.....I guess ill try to fight the urge by keeping busy and have an asexual mindset. I hoped someone would give me a link to a legitimate drug that reduces your sex drive but owell I guess ill have to fight it the hard way :(
why not simply try getting a hobby?
Shut up, that's just snotty and I agree some of us are just way too horny and need to tone it down somehow. Seriously when you are not even 15 and jacking off three times a day to get it outta your system, it kinda interferes with life. Don't know if this is anything like the original poster, but I can speak for myself.
04-02-2005, 06:50
Here's an idea if you want to reduce your sex drive
04-02-2005, 07:24
Here's an idea if you want to reduce your sex drive
Viagra doesn't increase sex drive, it just helps with getting an erection.
At least, I think so.
Any guys here that know more?
04-02-2005, 07:35
Viagra doesn't increase sex drive, it just helps with getting an erection.
At least, I think so.
Any guys here that know more?
I know of guy who knew a guy who took viagara and had an erection for a whole week straight. I think he scored quite a bit over that period of time.
It was an obvious sign that he did have a high sex drive and was proud of it.
So if you have a high sex drive, and are not proud of it don't take viagara, which in affect would be announcing that you are proud of your major mojo.
04-02-2005, 07:41
I know of guy who knew a guy who took viagara and had an erection for a whole week straight.
Err, that's a really bad thing if you mean that literally.
He should have gone and seen a doctor.
04-02-2005, 08:59
no, I think he is fine now he could handle it ;)
no, I think he is fine now he could handle it ;)Then he really didn't have an erection for a week. That long would shut off the blood supply causing tissue death and ultimately loss of the organ. :eek:
04-02-2005, 09:14
Then he really didn't have an erection for a week. That long would shut off the blood supply causing tissue death and ultimately loss of the organ. :eek:
well I heard this from a guy who knew this guy so I did not got the whole story so..................... maybe he was not fine after all?
Pepe Dominguez
04-02-2005, 10:07
Geez... I don't know why everyone's jumping on the original poster as some kinda nut.. wanting to curb impure thought is perfectly normal for rational beings, and is what separates us from the animals.
I don't know how old the guy is, but I too wanted to eliminate my various impure proclivities when I was around 16... unfortunately, I didn't have the benefit of the internet for information at the time and didn't want to ask friends, so I simply let time do its work.
My advice is to remember that time heals all wounds. A strong will to purge yourself of primal drives, along with your slowing biology will eventually let you accomplish your wish, as it has with me. Through immersing myself in work and study, and limiting unhealthy television and movies, I've eliminated that type of drive for all intents and purposes. So yes, it is possible to do it naturally, although not overnight. As far as I'm concerned, eliminating impure drives by age 20 has been an accomplishment for me.. good luck and godspeed. :)
New Fuglies
04-02-2005, 11:18
Well is there a sensible way to reduce your sex drive?
I mean there are literally thousands of websites on how to increase it but there are no websites on how to decrease it. I am a young man who is tired of lustful feelings and I feel that I must occupy my time with more important things other then sex and women. So are there any pills and/or techniques out there that can reduce a persons sex drive?
P.S: And no I am NOT considering to cut my d**k please no suggestions of such things.
If you're over 18 and male I'd suggest Propecia. It's the baldness drug but what it does is block androgen production and might stave off the need for cold showers. Worked for me now I'm a big hairy asexual. :(
04-02-2005, 11:25
If you're over 18 and male I'd suggest Propecia. It's the baldness drug but what it does is block androgen production and might stave off the need for cold showers. Worked for me now I'm a big hairy asexual. :(
Hmm, I'd assume androgen-blocking would cause less hair to grow?
Of course, I probably have no idea what I'm talking about.
Angry Fruit Salad
04-02-2005, 11:30
Geez... I don't know why everyone's jumping on the original poster as some kinda nut.. wanting to curb impure thought is perfectly normal for rational beings, and is what separates us from the animals.
I don't know how old the guy is, but I too wanted to eliminate my various impure proclivities when I was around 16... unfortunately, I didn't have the benefit of the internet for information at the time and didn't want to ask friends, so I simply let time do its work.
My advice is to remember that time heals all wounds. A strong will to purge yourself of primal drives, along with your slowing biology will eventually let you accomplish your wish, as it has with me. Through immersing myself in work and study, and limiting unhealthy television and movies, I've eliminated that type of drive for all intents and purposes. So yes, it is possible to do it naturally, although not overnight. As far as I'm concerned, eliminating impure drives by age 20 has been an accomplishment for me.. good luck and godspeed. :)
Individuals deem the thoughts impure, not human nature. Who says TV and movies have unhealthy content?
19 yr old female here -- and I must admit, I have an OFF switch. However, that usually results from a complete emotional shutdown (which, thankfully, doesn't seem to happen much) . A normal, healthy human, usually has a sex drive that doesn't really interfere with everyday life.
Anyway, the option of discussing this issue with a professional may actually be a good idea. You would likely develop a deeper understanding of your thought processes, which would help you analyze other things you may want to understand about yourself.
New Fuglies
04-02-2005, 11:41
Hmm, I'd assume androgen-blocking would cause less hair to grow?
Of course, I probably have no idea what I'm talking about.
Nay the human body has several different types of hair. The stuff at the back of the head isn't the same as the hair on the anterior scalp or vertex. Why this stuff works is coz those nasty androgens bind to the follicle over time and literally kill it. The hair at the back is immune to androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness) as is all the rest. I suppose if you OD'ed on it your 'short and curlies' might fall out over time. :D
04-02-2005, 11:43
Nay the human body has several different types of hair. The stuff at the back of the head isn't the same as the hair on the anterior scalp or vertex. Why this stuff works is coz those nasty androgens bind to the follicle over time and literally kill it. The hair at the back is immune to androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness) as is all the rest. I suppose if you OD'ed on it your 'short and curlies' might fall out over time. :D
Hmm, I suppose this is my Human Bio lesson for the day.
05-02-2005, 02:46
Yes im afraid most of the advise wasnt very helpful. However there was one poster who said you need a lot of willpower to not have sex.....I guess ill try to fight the urge by keeping busy and have an asexual mindset. I hoped someone would give me a link to a legitimate drug that reduces your sex drive but owell I guess ill have to fight it the hard way :(
Any time you feel the urge to have sex, just take matters into your own hands. I'm sure you will come up with the solution to your problem. :fluffle:
05-02-2005, 02:58
Are you stating that im insane because I dont want to have sex?
well not insane
but if you find the thought of sex so disgusting that you want to decrease your sex drive so you wont be tempted into such a disgusting act, you have a problem and should see a therapist
there are lots of reasons to not want sex. not all of them mean there is something wrong with you. but this one does
anyway. its called SUBLIMATION. you channel your sexual energy into something else that you are passionate about. your school work perhaps. it can take you a long way.
it is however a form of playing with fire. if you have a high sex drive you will be very prone to falling inappropriately "in love" with women you barely know. then WHAM you are engaging in that very naughty act, making babies, getting married, etc etc.
better to find a more sexual outlet for your sexual urges.
Punch yourself in the nuts. Hard.
05-02-2005, 03:09
I know of guy who knew a guy who took viagara and had an erection for a whole week straight. I think he scored quite a bit over that period of time.
Sounds like priapism. Though it would be weird that he would score a lot, since priapism typically is quite painful... And, if it takes place long enough, can be severely damaging to the tissue, with things like ischaemia, thrombosis, and can result in gangrene. Amputation may even be necessary. So there's probably a lot of exaggeration going on here.
wanting to curb impure thought is perfectly normal for rational beings, and is what separates us from the animals.
No, actually it's naïve egotism. The concept that we're separate from animals is an illusion we give ourselves to blow up our sense of self-importance.
Pepe Dominguez
05-02-2005, 03:10
Individuals deem the thoughts impure, not human nature. Who says TV and movies have unhealthy content?
19 yr old female here -- and I must admit, I have an OFF switch. However, that usually results from a complete emotional shutdown (which, thankfully, doesn't seem to happen much) . A normal, healthy human, usually has a sex drive that doesn't really interfere with everyday life.
Anyway, the option of discussing this issue with a professional may actually be a good idea. You would likely develop a deeper understanding of your thought processes, which would help you analyze other things you may want to understand about yourself.
Just to clarify: I never said that primal drives ever interfered with my everyday life, and I don't think the OP did either, other than being 'tired' of it. In my case, I wasn't tired of it, but rather wanted my own control, my own "OFF" switch, which I have now but didn't have then. So, there's no need for an outside opinion of thought processes I thoroughly understand.
Second, there certainly are impure and improper thoughts, according to Kantian, Judeo-Christian, (eudaimonaic) Utilitarian, and traditional Virtue theories of ethical and moral behavior. If you have any will to adhere to an ethical standard, an "impure" thought, then, is one which impedes your goal, contaminating your will. Certainly these theories are man-made, as you say, and not specifically inherited at birth; however, the capacity for reason is certainly the most essential of those traits which make us human, and the desire to act within a moral framework for the common and personal good is an offshoot of our nature that is as old as civilization.
Pepe Dominguez
05-02-2005, 03:13
No, actually it's naïve egotism. The concept that we're separate from animals is an illusion we give ourselves to blow up our sense of self-importance.
Maybe to some. To others, denying our essential differences from beasts of nature is seen as an attitude of selfish justification, permitting beastial behavior, and denying reason.
05-02-2005, 03:51
Maybe to some. To others, denying our essential differences from beasts of nature is seen as an attitude of selfish justification, permitting beastial behavior, and denying reason.
Only weirdos would act like that. It is denying reason to say that we are not animals. Humans are of the genus and species Homo sapiens, of the subfamily Homininae, family Hominidae the homonids, order Primates, class Mammalia, phylum Cordata, kingdom Animalia, domain Eukaryota. Our genome is 99.4% similar to the bonobo, Pan paniscus, also known as the pygmy chimapanzee. 98% to the common chimpanzee, P. troglodytes. There is even a biologist, Jared Diamond if I recall correctly, who called humans the third chimpanzee. We like to think of ourselves as above beasts and animals, but, in reality, we are just a slight variation, as is everything else.
Pepe Dominguez
05-02-2005, 04:01
Only weirdos would act like that. It is denying reason to say that we are not animals. Humans are of the genus and species Homo sapiens, of the subfamily Homininae, family Hominidae the homonids, order Primates, class Mammalia, phylum Cordata, kingdom Animalia, domain Eukaryota. Our genome is 99.4% similar to the bonobo, Pan paniscus, also known as the pygmy chimapanzee. 98% to the common chimpanzee, P. troglodytes. There is even a biologist, Jared Diamond if I recall correctly, who called humans the third chimpanzee. We like to think of ourselves as above beasts and animals, but, in reality, we are just a slight variation, as is everything else.
Funny you should mention bonobos in a topic related to sex - probably the most sex-crazed creatures on the Earth. ;) One look at a bonobo exibit is practical reason enough to understand exactly how our sexual tendencies can deny us our humanity.
Certainly I wouldn't deny our animal nature, as was the sole concern of my first post on this thread; namely, the subjugation of those primal instincts that obstruct reason, which I see as the primary point of separation between us and the apes. I don't deny our genetic similarities to lower life, only that we cannot separate our mental processes from those urges that govern them so strictly.
05-02-2005, 04:34
Certainly I wouldn't deny our animal nature, as was the sole concern of my first post on this thread; namely, the subjugation of those primal instincts that obstruct reason, which I see as the primary point of separation between us and the apes. I don't deny our genetic similarities to lower life, only that we cannot separate our mental processes from those urges that govern them so strictly.
Lower life? Lower life?!? There is nothing lower or higher about other life. That is the egotism I'm referring to! We just have the neo-cortex, which allows us slightly higher brain functions that many other animals do not have.
Pepe Dominguez
05-02-2005, 04:51
Lower life? Lower life?!? There is nothing lower or higher about other life. That is the egotism I'm referring to! We just have the neo-cortex, which allows us slightly higher brain functions that many other animals do not have.
If you reject my stipulative definitions, then create your own, but the topic and the point remain. Higher abilities to reason, even if the result of a 5% genetic difference, still allow us to subjugate established drives that more often than not govern nearly all routine activities of lower mammals. I hold that it may often be beneficial to place reason and/or higher ambitions ahead of primal drives to achieve one's own goals. Naturally, if one's goals are centered around procreation, for example, a psychological shift is not necessary. Calling people to greater purpose is the very opposite of egotism.
I should also say that the genetic difference between human men and women is larger than between a male human and certain male apes; and yet women are equally capable of reason. In short, genetics are not the issue.
05-02-2005, 05:03
Higher abilities to reason, even if the result of a 5% genetic difference, still allow us to subjugate established drives that more often than not govern nearly all routine activities of lower mammals.
What about .6%?
I hold that it may often be beneficial to place reason and/or higher ambitions ahead of primal drives to achieve one's own goals. Naturally, if one's goals are centered around procreation, for example, a psychological shift is not necessary.[/QUOTE]
Yes, this is true. The fact that humans are capable of doing this is why we are the dominant organism on the planet. Though that is also debatable. Bacteria form the largest biomass of any organism, and ants are the most populous animal on the planet.
Calling people to greater purpose is the very opposite of egotism.
Yes. It's just that saying that we're above animals that gets me angry. We are just animals with slightly higher intellectual capacities.
I should also say that the genetic difference between human men and women is larger than between a male human and certain male apes; and yet women are equally capable of reason. In short, genetics are not the issue.
Or perhaps you are referring to the fact that females have two full-size chromosomes, males one full-size and one slightly less than half.
05-02-2005, 05:46
Jesus, some of you people are fucked up.
Angry Fruit Salad
25-02-2005, 08:13
Just to clarify: I never said that primal drives ever interfered with my everyday life, and I don't think the OP did either, other than being 'tired' of it. In my case, I wasn't tired of it, but rather wanted my own control, my own "OFF" switch, which I have now but didn't have then. So, there's no need for an outside opinion of thought processes I thoroughly understand.
Second, there certainly are impure and improper thoughts, according to Kantian, Judeo-Christian, (eudaimonaic) Utilitarian, and traditional Virtue theories of ethical and moral behavior. If you have any will to adhere to an ethical standard, an "impure" thought, then, is one which impedes your goal, contaminating your will. Certainly these theories are man-made, as you say, and not specifically inherited at birth; however, the capacity for reason is certainly the most essential of those traits which make us human, and the desire to act within a moral framework for the common and personal good is an offshoot of our nature that is as old as civilization.
I adhere to ethical standards, but nothing seems to impede my goal, except for others misinterpretations of my actions. I am a follower of Wicca, but a solitary practitioner, not directly of Gardner's following (Buckland's recommendations are much more suited for my current living situation), so the only thoughts which are really deemed "impure" are those of a violent, destructive, or angry nature. A simple desire for sex is not deemed impure in my belief system. (Of course, sex is fully entwined with love in my life, so there's no real potential for a problem that I see.)
25-02-2005, 09:37
Gosh, why would you wanna do that?
Avoid porn. Everytime you think of a girl in that way, picture your mother or sister or another relative. Or someone whacking off Jesus on the cross.
That should do it.
Oh my. That sounds like a Freudian disorder just waiting to happen...
Pepe Dominguez
25-02-2005, 09:58
Woah.. way to dredge up an old thread. ;) I don't even know if the OP is still around. This was a fun topic though, and yes, there are plenty of ways to eliminate sex drive more-or-less permanently.
25-02-2005, 10:56
Are you talking about the tubgirl one? AVOID AVOID, AVOID, everyone! It's hideous .
I know what you're talking about.. that picture is f'ing disgusting!
New Sancrosanctia
25-02-2005, 10:58
Oh my. That sounds like a Freudian disorder just waiting to happen...
a magdalane (sp?) complex?
25-02-2005, 11:17
Viagra doesn't increase sex drive, it just helps with getting an erection.
At least, I think so.
Any guys here that know more?
I always thought that about Viagra. It only produces a hard on, not sexual arousal.
Do men take this to feel more like a man by being able to lay the pipe for 3 to 4 hours?
What if they aren't actually sexually stimulated and are walking around with a boner?
Or does the fact that it actually is "up" get them aroused all by itself?
I know some men that take this that aren't impotent at all. They just take it to keep it up longer. Doesn't seem very safe to me. But can't place the blame on them totally, they're doing it to satisfy their woman who isn't satisfied unless they get laid for hours. :rolleyes:
25-02-2005, 11:26
If you're over 18 and male I'd suggest Propecia. It's the baldness drug but what it does is block androgen production and might stave off the need for cold showers. Worked for me now I'm a big hairy asexual. :(
O damn.. let the hair fall out and keep your healthy sex drive. What good is hair going to do you anyway. Be bald and proud of it!
25-02-2005, 13:41
Repression, repression, and more repression.
Anytime you get an unclean urge, push it back deep within you. Repress the unclean thing.
And if you start to feel you're getting weak, you're not repressin hard enough.
You could masturbate. Take a cold shower or run it rhough cold freezing water. :)
Independent Homesteads
25-02-2005, 13:45
don't reduce your sex drive - enjoy it