Need help fooling the American Legal System
Knew you'd look here with a title like that, you evil bastard you! :D
Anyway, I'm wanting to change my first name. Problem is, I'm a minor. That brings up two main problems for me.
1. I'll need to present a really good reason to BOTH my parents, since they will also need to consent for my name change.
2. I'll need an excuse that is equal or greater to that of an adoption or a divorce between my parents.
My current excuse (real one) remains as "My current name does not make it easy for me to acheive my ambitious goals, or being able to get my name remembered easily for people. I am a highly ambitious person, and my name needs to change so I can achieve my goals much easier."
Any way to build on this? Or to reword it to make it more effective?
Knew you'd look here with a title like that, you evil bastard you! :D
Anyway, I'm wanting to change my first name. Problem is, I'm a minor. That brings up two main problems for me.
1. I'll need to present a really good reason to BOTH my parents, since they will also need to consent for my name change.
2. I'll need an excuse that is equal or greater to that of an adoption or a divorce between my parents.
My current excuse (real one) remains as "My current name does not make it easy for me to acheive my ambitious goals, or being able to get my name remembered easily for people. I am a highly ambitious person, and my name needs to change so I can achieve my goals much easier."
Any way to build on this? Or to reword it to make it more effective?
Just talk to them, speak your mind.
P.S. What's your real name?
30-01-2005, 02:31
Unless your adamant about changing all documents with your given name on them, why bother?
A little known fact is that all you have to do to change your name is to simply do it. Start calling yourself the new name and sign it when asked to sign your name. Granted there may be some confusion at first, until all entities that have your old name get used to the change, but unless you're doing it to avoid prosecution or to commit fraud or deception it's perfectly legal.
It's one of those little quirks in our legal system that drives most officials crazy. They don't know how to handle it. Technically you'd have an alias, which, as I said, is perfectly legal unless you're doing it for nefarious purposes.
I know this because the name on my birth certificate doesn't match anything else in my life. I never sought any sort of legal name change, I have a drivers license, a marraige license and own a home. I've paid my taxes and voted for over 25 years. I'm not bullshitting you.
And no, I'm not a left-over soviet mole. I'm US born and raised.
I don't have any kids (so this may not be the best advice), but it's probably better for you to do it while your a minor, if you're gonna do it anyway when you're an adult.
That way, you won't start getting things in your name, only to have it changed.
This can be a strange process once you're an adult.
:rolleyes: NOT IGOR!
Unless your adamant about changing all documents with your given name on them, why bother?
A little known fact is that all you have to do to change your name is to simply do it. Start calling yourself the new name and sign it when asked to sign your name. Granted there may be some confusion at first, until all entities that have your old name get used to the change, but unless you're doing it to avoid prosecution or to commit fraud or deception it's perfectly legal.
It's one of those little quirks in our legal system that drives most officials crazy. They don't know how to handle it. Technically you'd have an alias, which, as I said, is perfectly legal unless you're doing it for nefarious purposes.
I know this because the name on my birth certificate doesn't match anything else in my life. I never sought any sort of legal name change, I have a drivers license, a marraige license and own a home. I've paid my taxes and voted for over 25 years. I'm not bullshitting you.
And no, I'm not a left-over soviet mole. I'm US born and raised.
This actually makes more sense. Just start asking everyone to call you someting else.
Unless your adamant about changing all documents with your given name on them, why bother?
A little known fact is that all you have to do to change your name is to simply do it. Start calling yourself the new name and sign it when asked to sign your name. Granted there may be some confusion at first, until all entities that have your old name get used to the change, but unless you're doing it to avoid prosecution or to commit fraud or deception it's perfectly legal.
It's one of those little quirks in our legal system that drives most officials crazy. They don't know how to handle it. Technically you'd have an alias, which, as I said, is perfectly legal unless you're doing it for nefarious purposes.
I know this because the name on my birth certificate doesn't match anything else in my life. I never sought any sort of legal name change, I have a drivers license, a marraige license and own a home. I've paid my taxes and voted for over 25 years. I'm not bullshitting you.
And no, I'm not a left-over soviet mole. I'm US born and raised.
I thought about that earlier, but remember, I'm still in school. Won't I come across some problems with my school? I don't want to lose all records of my GPA and everything in a new school year.
I thought about that earlier, but remember, I'm still in school. Won't I come across some problems with my school? I don't want to lose all records of my GPA and everything in a new school year.
You won't. I have a friend who did this. He just asked his teachers and staff to refer to him as "... " at the beginning of the year. And most teachers/staff are nice enough to do it.
You won't. I have a friend who did this. He just asked his teachers and staff to refer to him as "... " at the beginning of the year. And most teachers/staff are nice enough to do it.
I already have most of my friends call me by the name I want. Teachers do it as well. But it's not really enough. I want my I.D. card to say it, my schedule to say it, my transcript, etc.
The Hitler Jugend
30-01-2005, 02:48
Isnt anyone else curious about what he wants to change his name to? lol
Isnt anyone else curious about what he wants to change his name to? lol
I asked.... All I got was "Not Igor"... ^.^
Isnt anyone else curious about what he wants to change his name to? lol
How old are you? Because what ever reason you come up with, your parents would be idiots if they let you change your name if you're under 17.
Teenagers are fickle and need restraint.
Why don't you like "kevin"? What would you want it changed to?
Why don't you like "kevin"? What would you want it changed to?
No no, I'm changing it TO Kevin!
30-01-2005, 02:53
Kevin, you've got me stumped
30-01-2005, 02:54
I think he wants to change his name to Kevin.
Occidio Multus
30-01-2005, 02:54
you are named kevin right now , and want to be called ____________?
No no, I'm changing it TO Kevin!
Oh ok. What's your old name? (Sorry to keep asking, I'm just curious)
How old are you? Because what ever reason you come up with, your parents would be idiots if they let you change your name if you're under 17.
Teenagers are fickle and need restraint. know....not.
New Granada
30-01-2005, 03:08
Your current first name is?
I am not going to say my first name.
Look, I'm asking for some help here. Don't hijack my thread with a pointless question. know....not.
There is a reason kids can't automatically do what you want to do. There is also a reason adults can't do it either.
There is a reason kids can't automatically do what you want to do. There is also a reason adults can't do it either.
I know I'm only 14.
I also know that I bear the ability to understand my decisions, the consequences, and the long and short term effects of my decisions. How many adults can also do such a thing? Most don't even care.
I say I am more qualified to make a decision than most people my age anyway. Given my grades and maturity level (I've slipped sometimes, but I also enjoy being a teen) I think there's no reason to say that I'm making a stupid decision.
I know I'm only 14.
I also know that I bear the ability to understand my decisions, the consequences, and the long and short term effects of my decisions. How many adults can also do such a thing? Most don't even care.
I say I am more qualified to make a decision than most people my age anyway. Given my grades and maturity level (I've slipped sometimes, but I also enjoy being a teen) I think there's no reason to say that I'm making a stupid decision.
No offence, but at 14 you really aren't in a position to do all that.
When I was 14 I used to think I was, too. "Mature and understood" and all that shit, but I was just a 14 year old kid who thought he knew something; like every other 14 year old. Give it a few years and you'll get perspective too.
every teenager thinks they're more mature than they are
Free Soviets
30-01-2005, 03:23
I already have most of my friends call me by the name I want. Teachers do it as well. But it's not really enough. I want my I.D. card to say it, my schedule to say it, my transcript, etc.
if i were you, i'd just start requesting changes. as if you were having them correct a typo or something. has some more info
if i were you, i'd just start requesting changes. as if you were having them correct a typo or something. has some more info
Yes, I referred to that site first. Led me to this topic.
Free Soviets
30-01-2005, 03:27
i don't know how well it would work, but "i prefer this other name, and it will be easier to fix it now rather than later" seems like as good a reason as any. especially because you don't want to change it to something shocking or stupid.
No offence, but at 14 you really aren't in a position to do all that.
When I was 14 I used to think I was, too. "Mature and understood" and all that shit, but I was just a 14 year old kid who thought he knew something; like every other 14 year old. Give it a few years and you'll get perspective too.
What is the problem with me changing my name?
Actually, I think knowing your first name would prove very effective in knowing whether or not you can legitimately change your name. And fooling the American Legal System is not an option until you're at least 17 and making as much money as...uh....Paris Hilton.
And then, if you think that your name is a trivial matter in the issue of getting your name changed, then, maybe you're a little bit less mature than you presupposed?
I'm fifteen, and I realize that when I was 14, not even a full year ago, I was pretty stupid. Isn't it amazing how a short epiphany can get us back on track?
And generally, calling us 'evil bastard'[s] upon topic entrance generally doesn't help. And the fact that you won't even tell your location in your bio.
Maybe...somethign happened to you when you were a child that makes you defensive now?
Actually, I think knowing your first name would prove very effective in knowing whether or not you can legitimately change your name. And fooling the American Legal System is not an option until you're at least 17 and making as much money as...uh....Paris Hilton.
And then, if you think that your name is a trivial matter in the issue of getting your name changed, then, maybe you're a little bit less mature than you presupposed?
I'm fifteen, and I realize that when I was 14, not even a full year ago, I was pretty stupid. Isn't it amazing how a short epiphany can get us back on track?
I already realized my ignorance and stupidity around 11 months ago. It was when I realized the real world and gradualy (sp?) understood how the world really worked.
Free Soviets
30-01-2005, 03:34
What is the problem with me changing my name?
maybe they think that your name has some sort of special magical powers? and that changing it will destroy some vital element of the universe.
changing your name when young seems like the best and easiest time to do so. you aren't in very many official records yet - which means fewer agencies to get confused and annoyed. plus, you already are using a different name for common usage, which means that its as good as your name already. have you sounded out your parents to see if they are open to the idea at all?
And generally, calling us 'evil bastard'[s] upon topic entrance generally doesn't help. And the fact that you won't even tell your location in your bio.
Maybe...somethign happened to you when you were a child that makes you defensive now?
The whole evil thing was a joke.
And yes, I am paranoid. Nothing to do with my name. Although I live in Southern California.
30-01-2005, 03:35
doesnt your real name begin with a K?
if so, have all your school stuff be done with K. "Jones" instead of your full first name and then when anyone asks you can say its KEVIN or its gonna be kevin or "just call me kevin"
doesnt your real name begin with a K?
if so, have all your school stuff be done with K. "Jones" instead of your full first name and then when anyone asks you can say its KEVIN or its gonna be kevin or "just call me kevin"
My first name is way off from Kevin.
And I only refer to you as a girl (if I ever do) because your title is Uber Spamgirl.
So, um...what does this mean?
I'm no Sherlock Holmes, for one.
Free Soviets
30-01-2005, 03:41
My first name is way off from Kevin.
as a transition state, you could probably get your school to put you down as J*. Kevin Wazzu*. nobody pays attention to what people's middle names actually are anyway.
*except with your real first initial and last name, obviously.
30-01-2005, 03:42
Why not just pull as Esther.... oops, Madonna.... oops, Louise Veronica Ciccone ... ;)
I already realized my ignorance and stupidity around 11 months ago. It was when I realized the real world and gradualy (sp?) understood how the world really worked.
Ahh, the arrogance of youth. Give it ten years and you'll be saying these exact words again. And I imagine, though I haven't reached that point myself, that in another ten, it will be the same story. The trick in life is realizing you don't know everything. So go ahead and get your friends to call you whatever you want, but your goal in this is ambition, right? Unless you are named "John" I don't think there are many more generic names than Kevin. If you really want to stand out in a crowd, go with Thor, or Hrothgar, or something. But don't take yourself too seriously, don't do anything you can't undo, and learn to make a good impression with the tools (and name) you already possess. You'll go much farther if you work with the hand life has dealt you rather than asking to switch games.
Ahh, the arrogance of youth. Give it ten years and you'll be saying these exact words again. And I imagine, though I haven't reached that point myself, that in another ten, it will be the same story. The trick in life is realizing you don't know everything. So go ahead and get your friends to call you whatever you want, but your goal in this is ambition, right? Unless you are named "John" I don't think there are many more generic names than Kevin. If you really want to stand out in a crowd, go with Thor, or Hrothgar, or something. But don't take yourself too seriously, don't do anything you can't undo, and learn to make a good impression with the tools (and name) you already possess. You'll go much farther if you work with the hand life has dealt you rather than asking to switch games.
I've already done a lot with my name. Made it to state finals in a competition last year, I'm already trying to qualify for it again by winning the County competition this year.
I've achieved above a 4.0 GPA this semester.
Managed to do okay in J.V. Cross Country.
Plenty of friends.
This is just my first semester of High School as a freshman. I plan on doing so much more.
I'm not changing games, I just want a better opportunity. I think the name that gives you an idea of what mine is would be something like Abu-Jafar-Alfingleswinker.
Now obviously, my name is much easier to live with than that. Doesn't even have Abu in it. Hell, I don't know where the hell I pulled that one out from...
New Granada
30-01-2005, 03:51
Why should anyone be bothered to help you or care if you refuse to say what your name is?
30-01-2005, 03:52
Why should anyone be bothered to help you or care if you refuse to say what your name is?
What exactly does his name have to do with it? It doesn't really matter, just that he wants it changed. I can't see why what his name currently is affects it...
Why should anyone be bothered to help you or care if you refuse to say what your name is?
Why do you need to know? It has no place in the topic itself!
New Granada
30-01-2005, 03:54
Simple common courtesy and decency.
You seem 14.
Simple common courtesy and decency.
You seem 14.
It has NO place in the topic. You DON'T need to know.
It DOESN'T get more simple than that.
New Granada
30-01-2005, 03:57
It has NO place in the topic. You DON'T need to know.
It DOESN'T get more simple than that.
Anyone still wonder why they dont let kids do things like change their names?
Anyone still wonder why they dont let kids do things like change their names?
You want to prove how me not wanting to tell my name to people I don't even know has ANYTHING to do with why I shouldn't change my name?
New Granada
30-01-2005, 03:59
You want to prove how me not wanting to tell my name to people I don't even know has ANYTHING to do with why I shouldn't change my name?
If you had the maturity to make legal decisions (which i should hope not to imply that everyone older than 18 does) you wouldnt be asking a question like that.
30-01-2005, 04:02
If you had the maturity to make legal decisions (which i should hope not to imply that everyone older than 18 does) you wouldnt be asking a question like that.
Ooh, I like it!
Nice dodge. So, why wouldn't he be?
New Granada
30-01-2005, 04:04
His childish refusal to state his first name and his immature, unreasonable hysteria at somone pushing the issue says a great deal.
Recall, this is a topic created by him to get help from people on the issue of changing his first name.
If you had the maturity to make legal decisions (which i should hope not to imply that everyone older than 18 does) you wouldnt be asking a question like that.
If you yourself had common courtesy and decency, as you so well enjoy saying that I'm the one who doesn't have any, you wouldn't be making such a false statement.
Now if you'll excuse me, the pizza has arrived.
30-01-2005, 04:07
No man needs to change his name, unless it's Cassius Clay. :D
Do you know who Queensryche is? Vote here!! :
New Granada
30-01-2005, 04:07
If you yourself had common courtesy and decency, as you so well enjoy saying that I'm the one who doesn't have any, you wouldn't be making such a false statement.
Now if you'll excuse me, the pizza has arrived.
More immaturity.
Next it will be "I know you are but what am I!!!???"
30-01-2005, 04:09
Recall, this is a topic created by him to get help from people on the issue of changing his first name.
Wow, you just destroyed your own case.
New Granada
30-01-2005, 04:12
Wow, you just destroyed your own case.
Not at all.
If he doesnt understand the reasoning behind "If you are making a big fuss about changing your name, and asking people to help you do it, you ought to tell them what your name is and what you want it changed to and why."
To do otherwise is *childish*.
30-01-2005, 04:13
Not at all.
Yes, you did. You stated that this is a topic in which he asked for help changing his name. Not a topic where he asked whether he should or should not change his name.
New Granada
30-01-2005, 04:18
Yes, you stated this is a topic in which he asked for help name. Not a topic where whether he should or should not name.
Try responding to what I type instead of bits and pieces of it.
Also, make sense when you post.
30-01-2005, 04:22
Try responding to what I type instead of bits and pieces of it.
Also, make sense when you post.
What didn't make sense?
I said that he started a topic asking for help changing his name. He did not ask for others to come in and call him childish or immature, like you did, and tell him that he shouldn't change his name.
30-01-2005, 04:39
You know New Granada, with your insistance in wanting to know what his real name is and the comment I read a while back about not stating a location in his bio makes you sound like a predator... Hell, I am 25 and I wouldt tell you were I am from or my real name when you repeatedly ask for info thats not important to topic or is NONE OF YOUR BLOODY BUISNESS...
If there is any imiturity going on it is from you...
As far as the question at hand...
I had my name changed when I was 16... For different reasons but here is the short and simple...
The Judge will ask you for your reason. You can say just cause I wanna and as long as your parents sign the permission slip its all good... As a minor
I would suggest bing honnest... Tell them you dont feel your current name will promote the successs you hope for due to our nations trying times and you fear discrimination...
As for people changing there names... I think its all good cause those who name us generally have no idea how our names will impact us in the future...
It is important to understand that a name change does not change the person, only what they respond to... Good luck. :)
Cannot think of a name
30-01-2005, 04:46
I don't keep super good track, so I might be thinking of someone else, but didn't you just convert to Islam? If so, you might be the first to follow conversion by changing your name to Kevin.
That amuses me.
Have you considered Max Power?
Max Power, he has the name that you want to touch,
but you musn't touch!
His name sounds good in your ear,
but when you hear it, you musn't fear.
Cause is nam can be said,
in many different ways...
Nobody snuggles with Max Power, you just strap yourself in and FEEL THE Gs!
Worked wonders for Homer.
New Granada
30-01-2005, 04:49
[QUOTE=Yogsothos]You know New Granada, with your insistance in wanting to know what his real name is and the comment I read a while back about not stating a location in his bio [QUOTE]
I never asked where he is from and I dont care.
He is throwing a fit about changing his name and then refusing to explain what his *first* name is.
It is childish and immature and he certainly doesnt warrant either the right to change his name or any help from me securing it.
I don't keep super good track, so I might be thinking of someone else, but didn't you just convert to Islam? If so, you might be the first to follow conversion by changing your name to Kevin.
That was Keruvalia, I believe.
I've been a Muslim all my life. Well, technically, when I begun to grasp the concept of religon.
And New Granada, kindly shut up, for you are hijacking the thread. I'm letting people question my motives, I'm even letting people question my maturity. But your going way too far.
New Granada
30-01-2005, 04:51
I don't keep super good track, so I might be thinking of someone else, but didn't you just convert to Islam? If so, you might be the first to follow conversion by changing your name to Kevin.
That amuses me.
Have you considered Max Power?
Max Power, he has the name that you want to touch,
but you musn't touch!
His name sounds good in your ear,
but when you hear it, you musn't fear.
Cause is nam can be said,
in many different ways...
Nobody snuggles with Max Power, you just strap yourself in and FEEL THE Gs!
Worked wonders for Homer.
I think that who you're thinking of is keruvalia or something like that, though I may be wrong.
And recall, the child is 14 so I wouldnt put too much stock in his professing a conversion to islam (or any other religion for that matter) in any case.
New Granada
30-01-2005, 04:53
That was Keruvalia, I believe.
I've been a Muslim all my life. Well, technically, when I begun to grasp the concept of religon.
And New Granada, kindly shut up, for you are hijacking the thread. I'm letting people question my motives, I'm even letting people question my maturity. But your going way too far.
Ok, you could have spared a great deal of effort by explaining at the outset that you have a muslim name and want to change it.
You would also have preserved dignity, which you lost by throwing a temper-tantrum over questions about your *first name.*
Ok, you could have spared a great deal of effort by explaining at the outset that you have a muslim name and want to change it.
You would also have preserved dignity, which you lost by throwing a temper-tantrum over questions about your *first name.*
The fact that the name is Muslim-related has nothing to do with the case AT ALL.
30-01-2005, 04:55
My current excuse (real one) remains as "My current name does not make it easy for me to acheive my ambitious goals, or being able to get my name remembered easily for people. I am a highly ambitious person, and my name needs to change so I can achieve my goals much easier."
I have read enough of this thread to see that you absolutely refuse to reveal your real name. Despite my curiosity I will not press the issue.
However, I would like to ask if this is a matter of ethnicity, or merely an "unusual" name. In either case I would be very interested in how your name gets in the way of your ambitions. I actually have a very unusual name, and when people first hear it they tend to screw it up in one way or another... but once I make them "notice" me, they never forget.
In fact, it seems that people remember me better because my name is (relatively) unique. People who have not met me have a way of remembering things that have been said about me -- in relation to an unusual name attached to an interesting person -- so that my reputation has a way of preceding me.
My point? If you are capable of making a reputation for yourself, you can turn an unusual name into a strength rather than a weakness. Also, you may be a little young to tell what the usefulness of your name may be -- by 14, how can you say what will happen as you begin to truly impress people? Your name may help you stand out.
Finally, what about a nickname? I have a good friend, a graduate student in the same world-class graduate program as myself, whose name is "Saladin," pronounced "SAL-a-deen." He goes by "Din," pronounced just like the Anglican "Dean."
EDIT: That would be Muslim, by the way.
I have read enough of this thread to see that you absolutely refuse to reveal your real name. Despite my curiosity I will not press the issue.
However, I would like to ask if this is a matter of ethnicity, or merely an "unusual" name. In either case I would be very interested in how your name gets in the way of your ambitions. I actually have a very unusual name, and when people first hear it they tend to screw it up in one way or another... but once I make them "notice" me, they never forget.
In fact, it seems that people remember me better because my name is (relatively) unique. People who have not met me have a way of remembering things that have been said about me -- in relation to an unusual name attached to an interesting person -- so that my reputation has a way of preceding me.
My point? If you are capable of making a reputation for yourself, you can turn an unusual name into a strength rather than a weakness. Also, you may be a little young to tell what the usefulness of your name may be -- by 14, how can you say what will happen as you begin to truly impress people? Your name may help you stand out.
Finally, what about a nickname? I have a good friend, a graduate student in the same world-class graduate program as myself, whose name is "Saladin," pronounced "SAL-a-deen." He goes by "Din," pronounced just like the Anglican "Dean."
It's not a matter of ethnicity nor religon. I have a nickname in which people use, and I simply wish to make it an official name of mine. Simple, that's ALL there is to it.
Cannot think of a name
30-01-2005, 05:00
Sorry for flippin' you with someone else.
How much does a name do today, though?
Can't be much weirder than Barrack Obama and that dude's doin' great.
My name (I'm with Colodia on this, screw you all-I'm not gonna tell you) used to be rare but now is common as hell, I liked it better when it was rare.
Greedy Pig
30-01-2005, 05:46
I guess it's Osama Isn't it?
And I know students can be very cruel bullying people just because your name sounds weird or offensive or funny.
Although you have my support, But I think theres no other way about it that either getting signature from your parents I suppose. Either than that, suffer a few more years till your legally old enough. :(
30-01-2005, 06:02
My name is Elric.
Now, that was pretty easy... And this would not be an issue at all if it had not been built up so much!
We know it is neither ethnic nor religious. So I take it you are not concerned about discrimination?
What, then? Is it especially hard to pronounce? Does it "sound" like something... do other kids pick on you for it?
I know you consider it "off-topic." But God damn!! You've just made it so interesting!!
30-01-2005, 06:04
By the way, even with the seemingly simple name "Elric" kids made up TONS of ways to make fun of it. Most of them particularly uncreative, like "El-DICK!" Hahaha, oh so funny. Kids just like to make fun of anything "different."
In a few years, they'll figure out that it's because they were secretly jealous. And once they're more mature, they won't be secretly jealous... People will envy you your name's uniqueness.
30-01-2005, 06:07
One more question:
Why "Kevin"? Does it hold a particular attraction for you?
I guess it's Osama Isn't it?
And I know students can be very cruel bullying people just because your name sounds weird or offensive or funny.
I've been over that for over a year now.
Now, that was pretty easy... And this would not be an issue at all if it had not been built up so much!
We know it is neither ethnic nor religious. So I take it you are not concerned about discrimination?
What, then? Is it especially hard to pronounce?
Maybe I just don't want to say my name. It shouldn't BE this big a deal!
And it's hard to say. Gets annoying really. I sometimes just let people think that the wrong way to say it is the right way, just because it's easier.
People will envy you your name's uniqueness.
I think that's not likely to happen.
Why "Kevin"? Does it hold a particular attraction for you?
Been my nickname since 6th grade. Had it for over 3 years now. I just chose it when I met my new 6th grade teacher for the first time on that cold November 13th...
30-01-2005, 06:20
It shouldn't BE this big a deal!
No, it shouldn't. That's what makes us so curious.
New Foxxinnia
30-01-2005, 07:27
I am sorry Cole, but I do not see you as a Kevin.
New Granada
30-01-2005, 08:14
I have and old friend who is a chinese muslim (he is ethnically mandarin but grew up in saudi arabia) and his name is Qadri, very difficult to pronounce but he likes his name and has pride in his religion and with time everyone learns to pronounce it. His younger brother is Qiyam also difficult to say.
On a side note, qadri (CKHUD-ree) wants to overthrow the saudi monarchy because they are bad muslims and I have a long-standing promise to join him in a military capacity if he ever leads a saudi revolution. I dont think it will happen, but I can always dream ~
Greedy Pig
30-01-2005, 08:22
Lol. Fun story Granada.
I have a friend who's name is Osama. Strangely nobody makes fun of him. Well, maybe sometimes his name, especially when we shout it out like from afar.
Osama/Usama isn't a very rare name here.