NationStates Jolt Archive

types of democracy (and governments)

Santa Barbara
28-01-2005, 18:46 related to 4 people driving a car somewhere.

Democracy: Joe, Pete, Ed and Bob all try to drive the car at the same time. Joe gets the brakes, Pete the gas, Ed the steering, Bob the radio. Bob turns the radio to a station Pete doesnt like, so they start fighting. The car slows down, but now Joe objects to Pete's objection and the brakes are left alone. Eventually Ed gets pissed off, smacks the others, crashes the car and they all die.

Representative Democracy: Joe decides Ed should drive. Bob and Pete are indifferent and Joe is fatter, so Ed becomes the driver. Joe, Bob and Pete fall asleep and Ed crashes the car and they all die.

Democratic Socialism: Joe, Pete, Ed and Bob all sit in a car, smoking hash. A cop stops them, tells them he won't give them a ticket. But he's actually a terrorist and plants a bomb on the front window. It explodes and they all die.

Communism: Joe, Pete, Ed and Bob would like to drive the car somewhere, but its been in the shop for six months getting an oil change. While waiting, Joe, Pete, Ed and Bob all starve to death.

What do you think? Add your own. I know these aren't funny, its because I didnt steal them from some funny website I just made them up.
Holy Sheep
28-01-2005, 18:56
Dictatorship:Joe is driving. Whenever someone offers a suggestion or anything, he hits them. They keep annoying hi until the car crashes.

Iraqi dictatorship : Joe is driving. Whenever someone offers a suggestion or anything, he hits them. Then he farts in bob's face. Then some hick hi-jacks the car and joe hides. The car crashes because Pete lit a bomb.
Legless Pirates
28-01-2005, 19:04
Anarchy: Ed steals the car. Bob gets mad. Pete tells Bob there is no possesion, so Joe didn't steal the car
28-01-2005, 19:04
Not only are they not funny, as you say, they're not even remotely accurate.
28-01-2005, 19:08
Kingdom of Heaven: God drives the car. Joe, Pete, Ed, and Bob are all passengers. They all behave the way God wants them to. The car doesn't crash, no-one dies, a good time had by all for ever and ever.
Santa Barbara
28-01-2005, 19:13
Not only are they not funny, as you say, they're not even remotely accurate.

Not REMOTELY accurate? Thats a bold statement. Back it up.

Are you suggesting that in democracies, factions of people dont argue endlessly and prevent a unified response? Maybe democrats and republicans get along perfectly?

Or that in representative democracies, politicians arent granted power and then left to use or abuse it in any way they choose with little to no interference from the people? Maybe Hitler wasn't elected?

Or that in democratic socialist nations, hash isnt often legal? ;)

I think they are, indeed, REMOTELY ACCURATE.