Welsh Politics..
Let's all talk about welsh politics in welsh......
Rydw i'n credu mae'r amser yn dod i rhoi Rhodri Morgan mas or Cynulliad Cenedlaethol, I dyweud y gwir, ryd i'n meddwl maen amser i mynd nol i'r system 'Westminster'.
Dragon Cows
28-01-2005, 10:34
"Cymru am byth!"
beyond that, I really can't help you, even though I am 1/2 Welsh, I grew up here in Canada, and therefore didn't learn their language.
Oh, I'm sad now.......:(
Well not really.
A oes heddwch?
Goed Twee
28-01-2005, 10:57
I swear, you have to be making that up. That CAN'T be an actual language :D
28-01-2005, 11:13
I swear, you have to be making that up. That CAN'T be an actual language :D
I'm afraid so
97% of welsh people speak english so its just down to whether they want to use welsh or not.
doubt you will find many welsh speakers here but good luck
Oh, it really is an actual language, there are inly about 1,000,000 speakers wordwide, mostly in wales, some in Patagonia, and it's true that most welsh people speak english, it's a choice matter to use it, tho some of the nationalists refuse to use english even if they know it.