NationStates Jolt Archive

An Age Old Curse Revealed....

22-01-2005, 21:06
Kfar Vradim is a town in northern Israel, info here.

The first families to move were mostly workers at Iscar, a successful factory owned by Steph Vertheimer

Kfar Vradim has always thought to be cursed, due to incredibly high cancer levels. Near to Kfar Vradim is an industrial area, set up by Steph Vertheimer. This is meant to be a "clean" industrial area, with no polluting factories.
Recently however, it has been discovered that the industrial area has been polluting not only the air the citizens breath in, but also the water they drink. In the article in the newspaper "Yediot Achronot" one factory, Vulcan was let off the hook. They measured the amounts of poisonous metals it was releasing and it passed.
This was the only factory mentioned. Also worth mentioning is the fact that Mr Vertheimer is the richest man, or one of the richest men in Israel.
Purely my opinion, but it would seem that the factory causing the high cancer rate is Iscar. What do you think?
23-01-2005, 13:33
I see if a thread isn't about abortion, religion or politics it isn't worth replying to.
23-01-2005, 13:39
I see if a thread isn't about abortion, religion or politics it isn't worth replying to.
Hey, if I had seen it then, I would have replied!

I'll reply now.

I think it's pretty disgusting some of the things we've done to ourselves with factories and such, and this is a pretty good example of this. I think it's pretty probable that the factory is at fault, judging by all the wonderful carcinogens produced as byproducts in many of today's factories. I know that factories are sort of necessary now, but really, they should keep standards up, and on top of that not build habitation so close. Grr, I've forgotten any of the other similar incidents I've heard of, but there was one other that was really similar to this somewhere.
23-01-2005, 13:45
It's happening everywhere. Corporations run by rich people with no regard to the environment are basically destroying the ecology in the name of capitalism because they don't want to know about the consequences of their actions.
Greedy Pig
23-01-2005, 13:46
That is damn sad. Hope they sue them to the ground. It's incredibly sad and disgusting of these corporations to destroy peoples lives that way.

*calls Erin Brockovich*
23-01-2005, 13:52
Also Mr Vertheimer was very smart in the fact that Tefen Industrial Park is one of only two in Israel that has its own local council, so it's under Stephs control. It means even now that they found out about it they can't do anything.
23-01-2005, 14:19
Also Mr Vertheimer was very smart in the fact that Tefen Industrial Park is one of only two in Israel that has its own local council, so it's under Stephs control. It means even now that they found out about it they can't do anything.
Oh, the wonders of privatization!
Meh. I hate it when things like these happen, but nobody can do a thing.
The Infinite Dunes
24-01-2005, 21:14
Checked this thread after you pointed it out. I don't remember seeing it, but then, not to be rude, it hasn't really got a title that attracts my attention.

But to me it seems like a cut and dry case of a metal working factory not safely disposing of its waste. Excesses of almost any chemical used by industry can cause harm to the body.
24-01-2005, 21:16
Excesses of almost any chemical used by industry can cause harm to the body.
Not even excesses, with many of them. Often, the chemicals they use are fairly potent in terms of toxicity. Some of the carcinogens used in some manufacturing processes don't take much at all to mess you up...

But I'm getting hopelessly off the original topic, so I'll shut up.
24-01-2005, 21:19
First of all its meant to be a clean industrial area, nothing of that sort should happen. And second, its over by 30X the limit.
The Infinite Dunes
24-01-2005, 21:22
Like I said. A cut and dry case. Not much to talk about really except to say how apalling it is or that Israel's laws are impeding progress and if the laws were less harsh then most of Israel would be as wealthy as Kfar Vradim.