NationStates Jolt Archive


Jenn Jenn Land
19-01-2005, 03:30
Most of you have probably been seeing all the lovely things he's been writing about me: that I'm a Nazi, that I'm Racist, blah blah blah... he takes all these gd swings at me in posts, and yet can never back them up. In fact, in a thread I just finished reading, he claimed that I was a Racist because I was "intolerant" of every single religion. Now, it is true that I think religion is very dangerous and I'm not afraid to admit it. But what the hell does that have to do with race, and how does that equal intolerance?
So Commando, here's your chance to take as many swings as you can at me. Just get it out of your hypocritical Christian heart, who jumps on me for cussing, yet calls me even more offensive things, including calling me a Nazi when my grandparents suffered under Hitler.
Chess Squares
19-01-2005, 03:31
hes either a hatejoke account or a nutcase, eithger way dont take him seriously and reply with something that would piss him off when at all possible
19-01-2005, 03:33
Most of you have probably been seeing all the lovely things he's been writing about me: that I'm a Nazi, that I'm Racist, blah blah blah... he takes all these gd swings at me in posts, and yet can never back them up. In fact, in a thread I just finished reading, he claimed that I was a Racist because I was "intolerant" of every single religion. Now, it is true that I think religion is very dangerous and I'm not afraid to admit it. But what the hell does that have to do with race, and how does that equal intolerance?
So Commando, here's your chance to take as many swings as you can at me. Just get it out of your hypocritical Christian heart, who jumps on me for cussing, yet calls me even more offensive things, including calling me a Nazi when my grandparents suffered under Hitler.

Don't let him bother you, he's flame. It's just an Attention seeking act
19-01-2005, 03:36
You know, inviting someone to flame you is just as not-allowed as flaming someone.
19-01-2005, 03:37
I'm sorry if this was only for commando himself,

but for a radical right-winger who call even moderates like Clinton "left wing nutjobs", commando2 has no right to call other people intolerant of other people's beliefs.

as a Christian, I'm ashamed to be linked with him, and as an American, I now see why the world hates us and our ignorance/hypocracy/arrogance

so BOOYAH! to you, and let the inquisit- erhem, flamewar, begin!
19-01-2005, 03:37
People like him/her are why forums have ignore lists.

Get with the programme and use them, people!
New Fubaria
19-01-2005, 03:37
Starting threads about other members to bitch about them isn't the best idea. All it leads to is a flamefest and the person you are posting about getting free publicity. :(
19-01-2005, 03:38
Oh yeah I'm a horrible person because I called Jenn Jenn Land a nazi. Hello! She said *all* religious people should burn in hell and attacked mother Theresa numerous times!
19-01-2005, 03:39
Um...JJL, I know that neither C2 or THJ is a nice person, but it's not healthy to start repeated threads complaining about them...
19-01-2005, 03:42
Um...JJL, I know that neither C2 or THJ is a nice person, but it's not healthy to start repeated threads complaining about them...
Yeah, starting a thread about them like this might get construed as flamebaiting or flaming.
19-01-2005, 03:42
Um...JJL, I know that neither C2 or THJ is a nice person, but it's not healthy to start repeated threads complaining about them...

She is intolerant, as I've said before.
19-01-2005, 03:43
She is intolerant, as I've said before.
Really, stop using intolerant as an insult to her.
You yourself are extremely intolerant as well.
So you can't really hold intolerance over her like that.
19-01-2005, 03:43
I think Mother Theresa will live-oops. Jenn Jenn killed her.
19-01-2005, 03:44
At least one of the threads i personally saw with Commando2 attacking Jenn Jenn Land had quite a few other folks trying to show how Commando2's behaviour was erratic, insulting and just a bit on the illogical side. I would have to agree with them that Commando2 persisted a little too long in personal attacks and didn't maintain a certain degree of etiquette.
Also, as i understand it, inviting flame is flame.
If there's some qualifying text to the argument, maybe someone could provide some .... else ignore function might work.
Jenn Jenn Land
19-01-2005, 03:46
She is intolerant, as I've said before.

You're an absolute moron. That has NOTHING to do with what was said.

I'm going to take someone's advise and add you to my ignore list.

I wrote this thread to fix the problem.

And yet, Commando wont say anything when he has the perfect opportunity, except for things that I've already explained.

I'm going to bed.
19-01-2005, 03:47
We all know what a tolerant fellow Commando is. To suggest anything else is just slander. I know Jenn Jenn comes on a little strong now and then, but I hardly feel sorry for some of her (nameless) targets.
A Five Car Pile-up
19-01-2005, 03:48
Oh yeah I'm a horrible person because I called Jenn Jenn Land a nazi. Hello! She said *all* religious people should burn in hell and attacked mother Theresa numerous times!
Yeah, so? Did she kick your dog too? Steal your newspaper? Borrow your mower and forget to return it?

Lighten up.
19-01-2005, 03:50
Yeah, so? Did she kick your dog too? Steal your newspaper? Borrow your mower and forget to return it?

Lighten up.

I was about to say this.
Jenn Jenn Land
19-01-2005, 03:52
How do you add someone to your ignore list?
19-01-2005, 03:53
How do you add someone to your ignore list?

Click on their name, then "View Public Profile". There will be a link in white letters "Add [name] to your Ignore List".
A Five Car Pile-up
19-01-2005, 03:55
How do you add someone to your ignore list?Control panel in your profile.

Give 'em the Iggie Jenn.
19-01-2005, 04:02
How about we say we're all racist and everyone can go home feeling incredibly guilty about what they did today. Then, we can go have a big slice of apple pie and a class of cold milk, and talk about tv and life in general.

*sigh* guys need to calm down.
A Five Car Pile-up
19-01-2005, 04:09
How about we say we're all racist and everyone can go home feeling incredibly guilty about what they did today. Then, we can go have a big slice of apple pie and a class of cold milk, and talk about tv and life in general.

*sigh* guys need to calm down.mmmm.......Pie
19-01-2005, 04:37
Starting threads to harrass, ridicule, flame or flamebait other posters is NOT ACCEPTABLE.

Either ignore people who are annoying you, or tell us and let us handle it.
I'll look into this matter but I want to be perfectly clear here: I do NOT want to see another thread started naming a poster for purposes of flaming/flamebait/trolling.