15-01-2005, 18:28
Okay, I am sure most of you are familiar with the "Those who support evolution" thread (Here (
First of all, let me point out to any of you doing debates, posting a link to a site and saying "There, disprove that" is NOT a valid argument. It just shows you are a complete moron who doesn't have enough knowledge to argue the point. If you can't style your OWN arguments, you should NOT be in a debate, especially one as complicated as evolution vs. creationism.
So, to show those people how stupid they are, I am going to disect that website's arguments and disprove them. Morons.
Claim 1: The Earth is only Thousands of years old
Un-fossilized Dinosaur bones! - that’s right red blood cells & haemoglobin have been found in some un-fossilised dinosaur bones. These could not last more than a few thousand years, certainly not the millions of years that evolutionists claim ended the dinosaur reign.
So apparently even though there have been countless millions of pieces of documented evidence saying that dinosaur bones are millions of years old, yet one piece of unproven evidence automatically dissolves all of that, according to this guy. Besides which, lets look at his evidence:
"The tissue was coloured reddish brown, the colour of haemoglobin, as was liquid extracted from the dinosaur tissue."
Anything can cause that, I don't think I need to even address that. Hell, mud can cause the same effect.
"Haemoglobin contains heme units. Chemical signatures unique to heme were found in the specimens when certain wavelengths of laser light were applied."
Heme is not only in haemoglobin. It is also contained in cytochromes. Therefore, this is not substantial proof of the presence of haemoglobin.
"Because it contains iron, heme reacts to magnetic fields differently from other proteins—extracts from this specimen reacted in the same way as modern heme compounds."
Yes, cytochrome hasn't changed since our earliest ancestors, because it doesn't NEED to. Just because something doesn't change, doesn't mean evolution doesn't exist. The cytochromes in most plants are similar to our own.
"To ensure that the samples had not been contaminated with certain bacteria which have heme (but never the protein haemoglobin), extracts of the dinosaur fossil were injected over several weeks into rats. If there was even a minute amount of haemoglobin present in the T. Rex sample, the rats’ immune system should build up detectable antibodies against this compound. This is exactly what happened in carefully controlled experiments."
The immune system detects other things besides haemoglobin. Without being provided with the documents of the experiment itself, this is a moot point.
The sea not salty enough - Salt is entering the sea faster than it is able to escape & even if you allow outrageous assumptions the sea would have a maximum age (not actual) of 62 million years. Much too young to allow the time required for the evolution theory.
This one simply ignores the existence of mechanisms which remove those minerals from the oceans, and assumes the oceans are merely giant sinks in which material goes in but never comes out. More than one public rebuttal has pointed out that this method, when applied to aluminum, indicates that the Earth is only 100 years old; an obviously ludicrous result which demonstrates serious flaws in the method.
Helium in the atmosphere - Radioactive decay releases helium into the atmosphere, but not much is escaping. The total amount of helium in the atmosphere is only 1/2000th of that expected if the atmosphere were really billions of years old. The helium originally escaped from rocks & this happens quite fast yet so much helium is still in some rocks that have not had enough time for the helium to escape.
Over billions of years, the atmosphere of the Earth has changed drastically. As above, the same method can "prove" the Earth is merely hundreds of years old, which is ludicrous. Also take a look at his math, which is horrible twisted to his own purposes. He assumes his readers are morons.
Decay of Earths Magnetic field - This decay is a world-wide process which has been accurately measured since 1835. The use of this data as an argument for a young earth has been developed and highly refined by Dr Thomas G Barnes, Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Texas (El Paso).
This is another example of the pseudoscientific one-dimensional analysis trick. The Earth's magnetic field is not decaying at all; it is merely changing its orientation. The non-dipole component is increasing and the dipole component is decreasing. By measuring the dipole component and ignoring the non-dipole component, creationists are employing a one-dimensional analysis in order to come up with a conclusion that amounts to outright fraud.
Furthermore, dipole orientations "frozen" in ancient rock show that the Earth's magnetic field has changed its orientation many times in the past, even going so far as completely reversing itself. The extrapolation of the (nonexistent) magnetic field decay trend out to infinity is fraudulent and misleading. There are countless variations upon this argument, all of which involve taking a modern trend which is known to be variable (such as the rate of soil loss into the oceans, which has been accelerating due to industrialized human agricultural activity), and extrapolating it to infinity.
When scientists extrapolate a trend, they go to great lengths to isolate the variables and experimentally confirm that they are not subject to alteration over time or due to known environmental factors (eg. radioactive decay rates, the speed of light, the gravitational constant, etc). But when creationists extrapolate a trend, they take phenomena which are known to fluctuate or even change direction and they still insist on extrapolating them to infinity!
The Moon - The Moon is receding from the earth at approximately 4cm a year & this would have been greater in the past. If the moon had started in contact with the earth (which is impossible) that would give a maximum age (not actual) of 1.37 billion years. Far younger than the 4.6 billion evolutionists claim.
This is another example of the creationist tendency to extrapolate all trends to infinity without going through the usual scientific work of justifying that assumption of uniformity. In this case, astrophysicists have produced theoretical models to show that the Moon's rate of movement should have been lower in primeval times. As usual, creationists simply ignore them and continue to spout their original argument even though it's hopelessly dated and long refuted.
Comets disintegrate too quickly - Comets are supposed to be the same age as the solar system, about 5 billion years. Each time a comet orbits close to the sun, it loses so much of its material that it could not survive much longer than about 100,000 years. Many comets have typical ages of 10,000 years
Somebody should thank him for reminding me of yet another piece of evidence for an ancient solar system. Some of the very shortest-period comets can degrade in as little as 500 years, yet we still observe them in the sky. Therefore, the "comet capture" theory is obviously correct, since we've definitely been around for more than 500 years so the young ones must be coming from an external source.
By the way, on June 14, 1995, NASA announced that a team of astronomers had estimated the number of potential new comets in the Kuiper Belt (a huge belt of debris past Neptune) to be roughly 200 million. The Oort cloud is yet another potential comet source which is theorized to hold even more comets. All of these long-period comets could potentially be converted into short-period comets through gravitational perturbation from various sources, hence the constant influx of new comets into the inner solar system. But we'd better not tell that to our friend; he thinks there's no conceivable way that a short-period comet might be replaced once lost. The existence of such a heavily populated comet-source debris belt so far away from the Sun would tend to put a damper on his theory, thus possibly driving him to speak in tongues.
Lack of erosion between rock layers - Rock layers that are supposedly separated by millions of years show little or no signs of erosion, or disturbance by worms, roots, etc. It’s also interesting to point out that there are fossils that traverse vertically through several of these layers! Surely no one would try & suggest a tree stood for millions of years without rotting. It would be logical to conclude that these layers didn’t take millions of years to form but instead they were formed rapidly over weeks or months because of a catastrophe like a global flood.
Another false dilemma. Where does this guy think coal seams come from? Coal is often formed from peat, which in turn is formed in bogs and swamps. Got that? Bogs and swamps. Trees exist with their bases and root systems buried under thick swamps or bogs today, so should we be shocked to find an upright tree in a coal seam? Not at all.
Ah, but what about the millions of years of sedimentation? Well, when peat compacts into a coal seam, the process is not identical to the formation of, for example, limestone. When creationists say that a tree trunk was found cutting across millions of years of sedimentation, what they're really saying is that the tree trunk was found cutting across what would have been millions of years of sedimentation if it weren't coal. I'm sure that in his mind, this proves something.
Claim 2: Mutations never add new genetic code.
"Evolutionary theory requires some mutations to go ‘uphill’—to add information."
No evolutionist with any brains would claim that. This claim is actually INCONSISTENT with evolutionary theory
"The mutations which we observe are generally neutral (they don’t change the information, or the ‘meaning’ in the code) or else they are informationally downhill—defects which lose/corrupt information."
Biochemical homology is a wonderful thing. This guy should pick it up so he can refute his own statements.
"The rare ‘beneficial’ mutations to which evolutionists cling, all appear to be like this wingless beetle—downhill changes, losses of information which, though they may give a survival advantage, are headed in precisely the wrong direction for evolution."
Outright lie. First of all, evolutionists don't have to "cling" to any mutations, since there are countless examples and there is no need to limit themselves. Second of all, this guy knows nothing about evolutionary theory. NO EVOLUTIONIST HAS EVER CLAIMED THAT A MUTATION HAS TO OR SHOULD ADD INFORMATION. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Jeez.
"That is, having no effect on the outcome, or the expressed meaning of the code. Using English as an (admittedly limited) analogy, assume a message were transmitted saying ‘the enemy is now attacking,’ which accidentally suffers a one-letter substitution changing it to ‘the enemy is not attacking.’ The result is potentially disastrous, like a harmful mutation. Whereas a change to ‘tha enemy is now attacking’ would be neutral; a change, but not affecting the end result."
Okay ... and how does this disprove evolution? Oh, right. It doesn't. This is just a baleful analogy of his view on genetics. So what?
Claim 3: Petrification can take as little as 3 weeks
I am not even going to bother reading this, as I can see where it is going. No geologist ever said that anything which is fossilized must be millions of years old. The methods used for dating fossils are a lot more complicated than some yokel digging up a fossil and saying "hey, it's been fossilized! It must be millions of years old!"
Claim 4: Neanderthals were fully human.
"The great pathologist Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902) claimed that the Neanderthal specimen he examined had rickets and arthritis, which may have caused some of the skeletal features leading to the wrong reconstruction, but his opinion was overlooked.3 It took 44 years for the highly misleading nature of the reconstructions to be revealed, indicative of the shared bias of the evolutionary community."
So after this guy has summarily ignored most scientific evidence, he uses one example of ONE pathologist being unjustly discredited as evidence that the entire scientific community is biased? Simply amazing. Did he ever stop to think that back in the 19th century when Virchow made his observations, EVOLUTIONARY THEORY WAS NOT EVEN WIDELY ACCEPTED YET.
Okay, after reading his entire article, not ONCE did ever say anything that discredited evolutionary theory. Okay, Neanderthals are closer to modern man then originally expected. But there is documented evidence that the Neanderthals did indeed go extinct, and that modern man descended from Cro-Magnon Man. Oops. Guess if you look at ALL the scientific evidence the conclusions turn out slightly differently ...
Claim 5: Rock layers provide evidence of rapid soft earth deposit.
"Polystrate fossils – tree trunks, for example,running through strata supposedly representing many millions of years (these are common in coal) show that the strata must have been deposited in quick succession, otherwise the tops of the trunk would have rotted away."
Already covered this in Claim 1, but I will repeat what I said. Where does this guy think coal seams come from? Coal is often formed from peat, which in turn is formed in bogs and swamps. Got that? Bogs and swamps. Trees exist with their bases and root systems buried under thick swamps or bogs today, so should we be shocked to find an upright tree in a coal seam? Not at all.
Ah, but what about the millions of years of sedimentation? Well, when peat compacts into a coal seam, the process is not identical to the formation of, for example, limestone. When creationists say that a tree trunk was found cutting across millions of years of sedimentation, what they're really saying is that the tree trunk was found cutting across what would have been millions of years of sedimentation if it weren't coal. I'm sure that in his mind, this proves something.
"Delicate surface features preserved on underlying rock units – such as ripple marks and footprints – indicate that there was no long time gap before the next unit was deposited."
Humanity has been mining coal seams for thousands of years, reaching back into the Bronze Age. Moreover, the more primitive mining operations were invariably open-pit operations. So why should he be surprised that jewellery or fossilized remains have been found in coal seams? Considering the fact that we've been hitting these coal seams for millenia, I would be shocked if we didn't find the occasional skull or tool or footprint. Hell, I'm surprised we haven't found more.
"Lack of fossilised soil layers in the rock strata,indicating no long time gaps."
Outright lie. He is making up "facts" to support his points now.
"Lack of erosion features in the rock layers or between the rock units (any significant time break would result in channels being formed in the exposed strata from the action of water or wind)"
Another outright lie. This just simply isn't true.
"Limited extent of unconformities. Although unconformities (clear breaks in deposition) indicate time breaks, such unconformities are localised, with no break evident in rocks of the same strata elsewhere, thus indicating that any time break was localised and brief"
This is simply untrue. There are numerous patterns, and those patterns have been carefully studied for more than a century. Some people are simply not very good at recognizing patterns even when they are carefully described- this can be interpreted as either a dogmatic refusal to recognize that the pattern exists, or evidence of low intelligence (remember that pattern recognition is considered a fundamental part of the IQ test).
"Clastic dykes and pipes – where a sand/water mixture has squeezed up through overlying layers. Although the underlying sand is supposed to be millions of years older than the overlying layers, it obviously did not have time to harden."
The ground is not a constant. Just because something is underneath something else, does not make it millions of years old. What happens is that severe erosion or a geological upheaval can occasionally expose strata. This evidence would be disproof if it was impossible to rationalize its existence with that record. However, that is simply not the case. Geologists can examine patterns in the rock to determine whether a region is old or new, cross-cut, the result of upheaval, etc. It is the creationists who will look at a region, assume its age without using proper methodology, and then use fossil findings in that region to "disprove" geology and evolution theory.
" For example, starfish, jellyfish, brachiopods, clams and snails, which are known as fossils dated by evolutionists as 530 million years old, look like those living today. Dr Joachim Scheven, a German scientist, has a museum with over 500 examples of such ‘living fossils’. Furthermore, some of these fossils are missing from intervening strata that supposedly represent many millions of years of evolutionary time, again indicating that there were no time gaps."
Guess what? Starfish, jellyfish, et al are mollusks. Mollusks absorb minerals from certain types of sedimentary rock into their bodies, and those rocks can be very old, hence the erroneous dates. Since most creatures don't do this, it's a situation that's unique to mollusks and their unusual anatomy, and so it can hardly be used to explain carbon-dating of every other plant and animal species on Earth.
Claim 6: There is but one biological race.
So what? Read his article. All he says is that the various human races are genetically similar. Wow ... astounding. Evolution must be wrong. Too bad that this result is EXACTLY WHAT EVOLUTIONARY THEORY PREDICTS. What a moron. This claim is exactly what an evolutionist would say the subject. Simply mindboggling how stupid this guy can be.
Claim 7: Dinosaurs & Humans co-existed on the Earth.
Meet the Flintstones! This argument is frankly so silly that most people simply laugh at it, hence the creationists' desire to invent a piece of evidence to support it. What I am surprised at is he did not use the Paluxy riverbed example. The Paluxy riverbed is a location where supposedly human footprints and fossils have been found alongside dinosaur footprints and fossils.
The Paluxy riverbed tracks have been advanced as the evidence in question, but they are not. The "Burdick print" was not found in situ, and may have been a fabrication. The so-called "fossilized finger" was also not found in situ, and cannot be shown to be anything more than an oddly shaped piece of rock. The photograph of human footprint trails is actually a photograph of a non-human creature, perhaps a small species of dinosaur, unless you believe that humanity had three-toed, clawed feet at one time.
I am not going to bother disecting this argument, as franklly it is ridiculous. Oh no! Wales has a dragon as an emblem! Evolution has failed!
Claim 8: All ‘Missing links’ have largely been rejected.
Today, this argument is a plain and simple lie. It carried weight in Darwin's day because Darwin had based his theory on the distribution and physical nature of living species, not fossils. A century later, we have found fossils of intermediate forms of man. There are also examples of transitional forms between other species, such as Archæopteryx (between dinosaur and bird, discovered in 1862) or Amphioxus (between invertebrate and vertebrate). Since Darwin's time we have increased our knowledge of the Tertiary period more than tenfold, and the unbroken chain of life is so clear now that no one in the entire paleontological community has seriously doubted evolution theory for the past century. In fact, it's been said that if the biologists hadn't invented evolution theory, the paleontologists would have eventually had to do it for them, otherwise none of their findings would have made any sense.
Creationists have four tactics which they use against this evidence:
1.) Pretend that the transitional fossils aren't really transitional, ie- Neanderthal is 100% human. They typically find a characteristic that is like modern man and say "Ha! Neanderthal is just a human!". But that is a deception because the "missing link" should, by definition, have some structural aspects which are like humans, and other structural aspects which are like apes. If they want to disprove the status of a transitional fossil, they will have to demonstrate that all of its structural aspects are like a modern species, rather than simply showing that some of them resemble those of humans.
2.) Pretend that it doesn't exist, stating the nonexistence of transitional form fossils as a fact. For example, creationists will often say things like "contrary to popular misconception, no transitional form fossils have ever been discovered anywhere." They try to make it seem as if all of the paleontologists in the world are subscribing to "popular misconception", and we enlightened folk should know better. Yeah, sure.
3.) Pretend that it has been faked. Invoke the ever-present spectre of the vast, overarching global conspiracy of evil scientists.
4.) Demand ever smaller steps of transition. If a missing link can be found between man and ape, then demand a missing link #2, between ape and the missing link. If that is found, demand yet another missing link #3, between ape and missing link #2. If that is found, demand missing link #4, between ape and missing link #3. Repeat ad nauseum.
These tactics are desperate and against rational people, they would be utterly futile. However, as I mentioned earlier, there are a lot of people in this world who have poor or virtually nonexistent critical thinking skills and who are therefore vulnerable to such arguments.
Even if we had not discovered these fossils, this failing would still not constitute disproof of evolution- it would only constitute a gap in the supporting evidence, which would still fit evolution theory far better than creation theory. Trends in the fossil record are very clear, even though we have not unearthed all of it and will never unearth all of it due to the effects of tectonic activity and other environmental effects which can act to obliterate fossil evidence. Some gaps will undoubtedly exist in this record, but the continuity of life has been well established. Remaining gaps do not constitute disproof of the validity of paleontology, or of evolution theory. The creationists again rely upon logical fallacies, by claiming that "if the evidence for evolution is not 100% complete, then we don't have to explain any of it."
Claim 9: Apes and Humans share only 93% DNA
Once again, this does not disprove evolutionary theory. Oh no, an arbitrary number has been adjusted according to new evidence. Whoopdy-doo.
What about the fact that human blood-precipitation agents are still 64% effective in gorillas? What about the similarities in bone structure? What about the striking similarities in certain behavior mechanisms? What about the fact that human embryos have tails, which never develop into anything useful?
Claim 10: Variation in Dog breeds shows loss & reshuffling of genetic code.
Yes, yes it does. Selective breeding effects genetics. Big whoop. This is consistent with evolutionary theory.
Claim 11: Superbugs - not so super after all!
What? This is just stupid. Bacteria have evolved to protect themselves against certain antibiotics, but because they can still be killed, evolution is suddenly a worthless theory? Half of this article is proving evolutionary theory by describing exactly how the bacteria evolve, then he claims that because the bacteria can still be destroyed, evolution is wrong. Guess what? Humans are more or less safe from the Bubonic Plague because we have medication to deal with it these days (only one or two people die a year from it). But HIV/AIDS kills millions of people. According to this guy's logic, evolution is wrong. Wow.
Claim 12: Carbon dating can show only thousands of years
I don't have time to disprove this now, but essentially his grasp of how carbon and radiological dating works are not only wrong, but he ignores the fact that other methods have corraborated the evidence.
First of all, let me point out to any of you doing debates, posting a link to a site and saying "There, disprove that" is NOT a valid argument. It just shows you are a complete moron who doesn't have enough knowledge to argue the point. If you can't style your OWN arguments, you should NOT be in a debate, especially one as complicated as evolution vs. creationism.
So, to show those people how stupid they are, I am going to disect that website's arguments and disprove them. Morons.
Claim 1: The Earth is only Thousands of years old
Un-fossilized Dinosaur bones! - that’s right red blood cells & haemoglobin have been found in some un-fossilised dinosaur bones. These could not last more than a few thousand years, certainly not the millions of years that evolutionists claim ended the dinosaur reign.
So apparently even though there have been countless millions of pieces of documented evidence saying that dinosaur bones are millions of years old, yet one piece of unproven evidence automatically dissolves all of that, according to this guy. Besides which, lets look at his evidence:
"The tissue was coloured reddish brown, the colour of haemoglobin, as was liquid extracted from the dinosaur tissue."
Anything can cause that, I don't think I need to even address that. Hell, mud can cause the same effect.
"Haemoglobin contains heme units. Chemical signatures unique to heme were found in the specimens when certain wavelengths of laser light were applied."
Heme is not only in haemoglobin. It is also contained in cytochromes. Therefore, this is not substantial proof of the presence of haemoglobin.
"Because it contains iron, heme reacts to magnetic fields differently from other proteins—extracts from this specimen reacted in the same way as modern heme compounds."
Yes, cytochrome hasn't changed since our earliest ancestors, because it doesn't NEED to. Just because something doesn't change, doesn't mean evolution doesn't exist. The cytochromes in most plants are similar to our own.
"To ensure that the samples had not been contaminated with certain bacteria which have heme (but never the protein haemoglobin), extracts of the dinosaur fossil were injected over several weeks into rats. If there was even a minute amount of haemoglobin present in the T. Rex sample, the rats’ immune system should build up detectable antibodies against this compound. This is exactly what happened in carefully controlled experiments."
The immune system detects other things besides haemoglobin. Without being provided with the documents of the experiment itself, this is a moot point.
The sea not salty enough - Salt is entering the sea faster than it is able to escape & even if you allow outrageous assumptions the sea would have a maximum age (not actual) of 62 million years. Much too young to allow the time required for the evolution theory.
This one simply ignores the existence of mechanisms which remove those minerals from the oceans, and assumes the oceans are merely giant sinks in which material goes in but never comes out. More than one public rebuttal has pointed out that this method, when applied to aluminum, indicates that the Earth is only 100 years old; an obviously ludicrous result which demonstrates serious flaws in the method.
Helium in the atmosphere - Radioactive decay releases helium into the atmosphere, but not much is escaping. The total amount of helium in the atmosphere is only 1/2000th of that expected if the atmosphere were really billions of years old. The helium originally escaped from rocks & this happens quite fast yet so much helium is still in some rocks that have not had enough time for the helium to escape.
Over billions of years, the atmosphere of the Earth has changed drastically. As above, the same method can "prove" the Earth is merely hundreds of years old, which is ludicrous. Also take a look at his math, which is horrible twisted to his own purposes. He assumes his readers are morons.
Decay of Earths Magnetic field - This decay is a world-wide process which has been accurately measured since 1835. The use of this data as an argument for a young earth has been developed and highly refined by Dr Thomas G Barnes, Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Texas (El Paso).
This is another example of the pseudoscientific one-dimensional analysis trick. The Earth's magnetic field is not decaying at all; it is merely changing its orientation. The non-dipole component is increasing and the dipole component is decreasing. By measuring the dipole component and ignoring the non-dipole component, creationists are employing a one-dimensional analysis in order to come up with a conclusion that amounts to outright fraud.
Furthermore, dipole orientations "frozen" in ancient rock show that the Earth's magnetic field has changed its orientation many times in the past, even going so far as completely reversing itself. The extrapolation of the (nonexistent) magnetic field decay trend out to infinity is fraudulent and misleading. There are countless variations upon this argument, all of which involve taking a modern trend which is known to be variable (such as the rate of soil loss into the oceans, which has been accelerating due to industrialized human agricultural activity), and extrapolating it to infinity.
When scientists extrapolate a trend, they go to great lengths to isolate the variables and experimentally confirm that they are not subject to alteration over time or due to known environmental factors (eg. radioactive decay rates, the speed of light, the gravitational constant, etc). But when creationists extrapolate a trend, they take phenomena which are known to fluctuate or even change direction and they still insist on extrapolating them to infinity!
The Moon - The Moon is receding from the earth at approximately 4cm a year & this would have been greater in the past. If the moon had started in contact with the earth (which is impossible) that would give a maximum age (not actual) of 1.37 billion years. Far younger than the 4.6 billion evolutionists claim.
This is another example of the creationist tendency to extrapolate all trends to infinity without going through the usual scientific work of justifying that assumption of uniformity. In this case, astrophysicists have produced theoretical models to show that the Moon's rate of movement should have been lower in primeval times. As usual, creationists simply ignore them and continue to spout their original argument even though it's hopelessly dated and long refuted.
Comets disintegrate too quickly - Comets are supposed to be the same age as the solar system, about 5 billion years. Each time a comet orbits close to the sun, it loses so much of its material that it could not survive much longer than about 100,000 years. Many comets have typical ages of 10,000 years
Somebody should thank him for reminding me of yet another piece of evidence for an ancient solar system. Some of the very shortest-period comets can degrade in as little as 500 years, yet we still observe them in the sky. Therefore, the "comet capture" theory is obviously correct, since we've definitely been around for more than 500 years so the young ones must be coming from an external source.
By the way, on June 14, 1995, NASA announced that a team of astronomers had estimated the number of potential new comets in the Kuiper Belt (a huge belt of debris past Neptune) to be roughly 200 million. The Oort cloud is yet another potential comet source which is theorized to hold even more comets. All of these long-period comets could potentially be converted into short-period comets through gravitational perturbation from various sources, hence the constant influx of new comets into the inner solar system. But we'd better not tell that to our friend; he thinks there's no conceivable way that a short-period comet might be replaced once lost. The existence of such a heavily populated comet-source debris belt so far away from the Sun would tend to put a damper on his theory, thus possibly driving him to speak in tongues.
Lack of erosion between rock layers - Rock layers that are supposedly separated by millions of years show little or no signs of erosion, or disturbance by worms, roots, etc. It’s also interesting to point out that there are fossils that traverse vertically through several of these layers! Surely no one would try & suggest a tree stood for millions of years without rotting. It would be logical to conclude that these layers didn’t take millions of years to form but instead they were formed rapidly over weeks or months because of a catastrophe like a global flood.
Another false dilemma. Where does this guy think coal seams come from? Coal is often formed from peat, which in turn is formed in bogs and swamps. Got that? Bogs and swamps. Trees exist with their bases and root systems buried under thick swamps or bogs today, so should we be shocked to find an upright tree in a coal seam? Not at all.
Ah, but what about the millions of years of sedimentation? Well, when peat compacts into a coal seam, the process is not identical to the formation of, for example, limestone. When creationists say that a tree trunk was found cutting across millions of years of sedimentation, what they're really saying is that the tree trunk was found cutting across what would have been millions of years of sedimentation if it weren't coal. I'm sure that in his mind, this proves something.
Claim 2: Mutations never add new genetic code.
"Evolutionary theory requires some mutations to go ‘uphill’—to add information."
No evolutionist with any brains would claim that. This claim is actually INCONSISTENT with evolutionary theory
"The mutations which we observe are generally neutral (they don’t change the information, or the ‘meaning’ in the code) or else they are informationally downhill—defects which lose/corrupt information."
Biochemical homology is a wonderful thing. This guy should pick it up so he can refute his own statements.
"The rare ‘beneficial’ mutations to which evolutionists cling, all appear to be like this wingless beetle—downhill changes, losses of information which, though they may give a survival advantage, are headed in precisely the wrong direction for evolution."
Outright lie. First of all, evolutionists don't have to "cling" to any mutations, since there are countless examples and there is no need to limit themselves. Second of all, this guy knows nothing about evolutionary theory. NO EVOLUTIONIST HAS EVER CLAIMED THAT A MUTATION HAS TO OR SHOULD ADD INFORMATION. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Jeez.
"That is, having no effect on the outcome, or the expressed meaning of the code. Using English as an (admittedly limited) analogy, assume a message were transmitted saying ‘the enemy is now attacking,’ which accidentally suffers a one-letter substitution changing it to ‘the enemy is not attacking.’ The result is potentially disastrous, like a harmful mutation. Whereas a change to ‘tha enemy is now attacking’ would be neutral; a change, but not affecting the end result."
Okay ... and how does this disprove evolution? Oh, right. It doesn't. This is just a baleful analogy of his view on genetics. So what?
Claim 3: Petrification can take as little as 3 weeks
I am not even going to bother reading this, as I can see where it is going. No geologist ever said that anything which is fossilized must be millions of years old. The methods used for dating fossils are a lot more complicated than some yokel digging up a fossil and saying "hey, it's been fossilized! It must be millions of years old!"
Claim 4: Neanderthals were fully human.
"The great pathologist Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902) claimed that the Neanderthal specimen he examined had rickets and arthritis, which may have caused some of the skeletal features leading to the wrong reconstruction, but his opinion was overlooked.3 It took 44 years for the highly misleading nature of the reconstructions to be revealed, indicative of the shared bias of the evolutionary community."
So after this guy has summarily ignored most scientific evidence, he uses one example of ONE pathologist being unjustly discredited as evidence that the entire scientific community is biased? Simply amazing. Did he ever stop to think that back in the 19th century when Virchow made his observations, EVOLUTIONARY THEORY WAS NOT EVEN WIDELY ACCEPTED YET.
Okay, after reading his entire article, not ONCE did ever say anything that discredited evolutionary theory. Okay, Neanderthals are closer to modern man then originally expected. But there is documented evidence that the Neanderthals did indeed go extinct, and that modern man descended from Cro-Magnon Man. Oops. Guess if you look at ALL the scientific evidence the conclusions turn out slightly differently ...
Claim 5: Rock layers provide evidence of rapid soft earth deposit.
"Polystrate fossils – tree trunks, for example,running through strata supposedly representing many millions of years (these are common in coal) show that the strata must have been deposited in quick succession, otherwise the tops of the trunk would have rotted away."
Already covered this in Claim 1, but I will repeat what I said. Where does this guy think coal seams come from? Coal is often formed from peat, which in turn is formed in bogs and swamps. Got that? Bogs and swamps. Trees exist with their bases and root systems buried under thick swamps or bogs today, so should we be shocked to find an upright tree in a coal seam? Not at all.
Ah, but what about the millions of years of sedimentation? Well, when peat compacts into a coal seam, the process is not identical to the formation of, for example, limestone. When creationists say that a tree trunk was found cutting across millions of years of sedimentation, what they're really saying is that the tree trunk was found cutting across what would have been millions of years of sedimentation if it weren't coal. I'm sure that in his mind, this proves something.
"Delicate surface features preserved on underlying rock units – such as ripple marks and footprints – indicate that there was no long time gap before the next unit was deposited."
Humanity has been mining coal seams for thousands of years, reaching back into the Bronze Age. Moreover, the more primitive mining operations were invariably open-pit operations. So why should he be surprised that jewellery or fossilized remains have been found in coal seams? Considering the fact that we've been hitting these coal seams for millenia, I would be shocked if we didn't find the occasional skull or tool or footprint. Hell, I'm surprised we haven't found more.
"Lack of fossilised soil layers in the rock strata,indicating no long time gaps."
Outright lie. He is making up "facts" to support his points now.
"Lack of erosion features in the rock layers or between the rock units (any significant time break would result in channels being formed in the exposed strata from the action of water or wind)"
Another outright lie. This just simply isn't true.
"Limited extent of unconformities. Although unconformities (clear breaks in deposition) indicate time breaks, such unconformities are localised, with no break evident in rocks of the same strata elsewhere, thus indicating that any time break was localised and brief"
This is simply untrue. There are numerous patterns, and those patterns have been carefully studied for more than a century. Some people are simply not very good at recognizing patterns even when they are carefully described- this can be interpreted as either a dogmatic refusal to recognize that the pattern exists, or evidence of low intelligence (remember that pattern recognition is considered a fundamental part of the IQ test).
"Clastic dykes and pipes – where a sand/water mixture has squeezed up through overlying layers. Although the underlying sand is supposed to be millions of years older than the overlying layers, it obviously did not have time to harden."
The ground is not a constant. Just because something is underneath something else, does not make it millions of years old. What happens is that severe erosion or a geological upheaval can occasionally expose strata. This evidence would be disproof if it was impossible to rationalize its existence with that record. However, that is simply not the case. Geologists can examine patterns in the rock to determine whether a region is old or new, cross-cut, the result of upheaval, etc. It is the creationists who will look at a region, assume its age without using proper methodology, and then use fossil findings in that region to "disprove" geology and evolution theory.
" For example, starfish, jellyfish, brachiopods, clams and snails, which are known as fossils dated by evolutionists as 530 million years old, look like those living today. Dr Joachim Scheven, a German scientist, has a museum with over 500 examples of such ‘living fossils’. Furthermore, some of these fossils are missing from intervening strata that supposedly represent many millions of years of evolutionary time, again indicating that there were no time gaps."
Guess what? Starfish, jellyfish, et al are mollusks. Mollusks absorb minerals from certain types of sedimentary rock into their bodies, and those rocks can be very old, hence the erroneous dates. Since most creatures don't do this, it's a situation that's unique to mollusks and their unusual anatomy, and so it can hardly be used to explain carbon-dating of every other plant and animal species on Earth.
Claim 6: There is but one biological race.
So what? Read his article. All he says is that the various human races are genetically similar. Wow ... astounding. Evolution must be wrong. Too bad that this result is EXACTLY WHAT EVOLUTIONARY THEORY PREDICTS. What a moron. This claim is exactly what an evolutionist would say the subject. Simply mindboggling how stupid this guy can be.
Claim 7: Dinosaurs & Humans co-existed on the Earth.
Meet the Flintstones! This argument is frankly so silly that most people simply laugh at it, hence the creationists' desire to invent a piece of evidence to support it. What I am surprised at is he did not use the Paluxy riverbed example. The Paluxy riverbed is a location where supposedly human footprints and fossils have been found alongside dinosaur footprints and fossils.
The Paluxy riverbed tracks have been advanced as the evidence in question, but they are not. The "Burdick print" was not found in situ, and may have been a fabrication. The so-called "fossilized finger" was also not found in situ, and cannot be shown to be anything more than an oddly shaped piece of rock. The photograph of human footprint trails is actually a photograph of a non-human creature, perhaps a small species of dinosaur, unless you believe that humanity had three-toed, clawed feet at one time.
I am not going to bother disecting this argument, as franklly it is ridiculous. Oh no! Wales has a dragon as an emblem! Evolution has failed!
Claim 8: All ‘Missing links’ have largely been rejected.
Today, this argument is a plain and simple lie. It carried weight in Darwin's day because Darwin had based his theory on the distribution and physical nature of living species, not fossils. A century later, we have found fossils of intermediate forms of man. There are also examples of transitional forms between other species, such as Archæopteryx (between dinosaur and bird, discovered in 1862) or Amphioxus (between invertebrate and vertebrate). Since Darwin's time we have increased our knowledge of the Tertiary period more than tenfold, and the unbroken chain of life is so clear now that no one in the entire paleontological community has seriously doubted evolution theory for the past century. In fact, it's been said that if the biologists hadn't invented evolution theory, the paleontologists would have eventually had to do it for them, otherwise none of their findings would have made any sense.
Creationists have four tactics which they use against this evidence:
1.) Pretend that the transitional fossils aren't really transitional, ie- Neanderthal is 100% human. They typically find a characteristic that is like modern man and say "Ha! Neanderthal is just a human!". But that is a deception because the "missing link" should, by definition, have some structural aspects which are like humans, and other structural aspects which are like apes. If they want to disprove the status of a transitional fossil, they will have to demonstrate that all of its structural aspects are like a modern species, rather than simply showing that some of them resemble those of humans.
2.) Pretend that it doesn't exist, stating the nonexistence of transitional form fossils as a fact. For example, creationists will often say things like "contrary to popular misconception, no transitional form fossils have ever been discovered anywhere." They try to make it seem as if all of the paleontologists in the world are subscribing to "popular misconception", and we enlightened folk should know better. Yeah, sure.
3.) Pretend that it has been faked. Invoke the ever-present spectre of the vast, overarching global conspiracy of evil scientists.
4.) Demand ever smaller steps of transition. If a missing link can be found between man and ape, then demand a missing link #2, between ape and the missing link. If that is found, demand yet another missing link #3, between ape and missing link #2. If that is found, demand missing link #4, between ape and missing link #3. Repeat ad nauseum.
These tactics are desperate and against rational people, they would be utterly futile. However, as I mentioned earlier, there are a lot of people in this world who have poor or virtually nonexistent critical thinking skills and who are therefore vulnerable to such arguments.
Even if we had not discovered these fossils, this failing would still not constitute disproof of evolution- it would only constitute a gap in the supporting evidence, which would still fit evolution theory far better than creation theory. Trends in the fossil record are very clear, even though we have not unearthed all of it and will never unearth all of it due to the effects of tectonic activity and other environmental effects which can act to obliterate fossil evidence. Some gaps will undoubtedly exist in this record, but the continuity of life has been well established. Remaining gaps do not constitute disproof of the validity of paleontology, or of evolution theory. The creationists again rely upon logical fallacies, by claiming that "if the evidence for evolution is not 100% complete, then we don't have to explain any of it."
Claim 9: Apes and Humans share only 93% DNA
Once again, this does not disprove evolutionary theory. Oh no, an arbitrary number has been adjusted according to new evidence. Whoopdy-doo.
What about the fact that human blood-precipitation agents are still 64% effective in gorillas? What about the similarities in bone structure? What about the striking similarities in certain behavior mechanisms? What about the fact that human embryos have tails, which never develop into anything useful?
Claim 10: Variation in Dog breeds shows loss & reshuffling of genetic code.
Yes, yes it does. Selective breeding effects genetics. Big whoop. This is consistent with evolutionary theory.
Claim 11: Superbugs - not so super after all!
What? This is just stupid. Bacteria have evolved to protect themselves against certain antibiotics, but because they can still be killed, evolution is suddenly a worthless theory? Half of this article is proving evolutionary theory by describing exactly how the bacteria evolve, then he claims that because the bacteria can still be destroyed, evolution is wrong. Guess what? Humans are more or less safe from the Bubonic Plague because we have medication to deal with it these days (only one or two people die a year from it). But HIV/AIDS kills millions of people. According to this guy's logic, evolution is wrong. Wow.
Claim 12: Carbon dating can show only thousands of years
I don't have time to disprove this now, but essentially his grasp of how carbon and radiological dating works are not only wrong, but he ignores the fact that other methods have corraborated the evidence.