Bad Day
Zoidburg XIX
14-01-2005, 03:37
Anyone here had a day that they screw up so bad that they want to just shoot a metal spike through their head?
Yeah, today has been one of those days for me. It seems like the more I try to do the right thing, the more I screw things up. GAH!
14-01-2005, 03:40
Yes my dear, I have had more of those kinds of days than I care to remember. I usually put on angry music and play it as loud as I can and take a drive on those days. One thing is for sure though, tomorrow could be better. And the day after that even better than that. So I'm sorry you've had a rotten day.....but dont get too far down.....
now go put on some angry music :mad:
Zoidburg XIX
14-01-2005, 04:08
Thanks for your reply. I guess I just need to go let this out somehow. Too bad all the gyms on campus are already closed.
14-01-2005, 04:10
When I have a bad day, I decide that rationality is of no worth, and as such I either go to sleep or listen to Wagnerian Operas so as to get the ol' German blood flowing.
14-01-2005, 06:22
Yeah, those suck. Just ruminate around your room until tomorrow.
14-01-2005, 06:44
It's been a bad day, please don't take a picture...
14-01-2005, 06:47
I've been having those days a lot. I usually fix it with a cigarette, a soda, some relaxing music, and a good nap.
14-01-2005, 06:59
Yes. Naps are *vital* to dealing with a bad day. As for music, that's really a matter of taste. Some people like to let their anger "run its course" so to speak and listen to angry music to facilitate this. Others prefer to use music as a direct calming tool. You probably know which will work better for you. Good luck.
14-01-2005, 07:22
As has been said, naps are pretty good. Under any conditions, actually.
I've had days that made me want to drive a spike through someone else's skull, but not my own. Maybe I just have to big a sense of self-preservation, or too small a sense of guilt. Feel better.
14-01-2005, 07:27
I just whip out sims 2 and make a sim that looks like the people who pissed me off, torture and then kill them. If that doesn't make me feel better, I then write in my blog about how they are such assholes and degrade my rant into a whine session about how my ex-boyfriend is such a tool.
Greedy Pig
14-01-2005, 08:16
God bless my punching bag.
Either that.. probably play my electric guitar with heavy distortians and very loud till the neighbours complain.
Lascivious Maximus
14-01-2005, 08:19
I think I just started one, I had a great day until about three minutes ago when I said something stupid in a conversation to a girl I really do adore, and I think shes lost all respect for me. It happens, and I cant change that - I sure wish life had a 'stop' 'rewind' 'erase' button. :(
Sometimes a hug helps...may tomorrow be much better for you, for every one.
LM, life may not have a stop, erase, rewind... but respect can be regained.
I don't think that any one is immune to bad days.
Greedy Pig
14-01-2005, 08:37
I think I just started one, I had a great day until about three minutes ago when I said something stupid in a conversation to a girl I really do adore, and I think shes lost all respect for me. It happens, and I cant change that - I sure wish life had a 'stop' 'rewind' 'erase' button. :(
Yup happends all the time. Especially if it's a dirty joke or distasteful, and they took it offensively. :p I'm to carefree around girls. Aih.....