Roe v. Wade - Page 2
Chess Squares
13-01-2005, 18:30
Everyone should have an abortion.
performed by mountain lion cubs
13-01-2005, 18:40
I must take this opportunity to pay homage to George Carlin...
"You ever notice that women who are against abortion are women you would never want to fuck in the first place?"
Seriously now. This goes back to my arguments on another thread where I said that conservatives and christians want to chip away at our rights until the entire twentieth century is nothing but a "distant and maligned memory."
You don't want an abortion? DON'T GET ONE! To claim sympathy for the unborn in this way is to ignore the already living. There are so many other things much more richly deserving of your time and effort in fighting against them. Like drug addiction, homelessness, poverty, kids with guns, OVERPOPULATION, etc. etc.
Sadly a sizable portion of the US has turned into single issue voters, and this seems to STILL be a hot-button issue. Everyone here should read "What's The Matter With Kansas" by Thomas Frank. It will help demonstrate how christian conservatives get people to vote against their own best interest. It's bothe enlightening, and frightening at the same time... :eek:
Angry Fruit Salad
13-01-2005, 21:01
Anyone who thinks abortion is the easy way out should have to feel the cramping and deal with the bleeding afterwards. It is in no way easy. Also, try fighting your way through a crowd of protesters with picket signs and pictures of mangled human flesh. Finally, imagine having to make up your mind as to whether you want to be a mother/host to another life-form for nine months. Emotions can get in the way and cloud one's judgement.
Angry Fruit Salad
13-01-2005, 21:03
And neither can my 2 year-old. Is it okay for me to kill him?
Your kid sure as hell can convey his opinion on something. Does he point? Does he cry when he's not happy? Does he throw food when he doesn't want to eat it?
14-01-2005, 14:37
:headbang: I'm out of here. Everyone is repeating themselves.
performed by mountain lion cubs
AHHH! Godammit! I had just got that whole freaking episode erased and now you bring it back!
Damn you, Chess Squares!
:headbang: I'm out of here. Everyone is repeating themselves.
Behold, the first step on the path to enlightenment.