What issue do you fight best? Why?
Glinde Nessroe
08-01-2005, 13:07
It's interesting that a person can watch many boards go by without posting, but post on this "signature" issue and they spring into action. What's the issue that gets you ticking? Why? Why do you think your case is better than everyone else when it comes to that issue? (Cause you know you do baby!)
Me, I'll go with the whole gay issues, mostly because I'm a member of the demohraphic lol and I'm pretty avid in politics, law etc.
So get braggin!
North Island
08-01-2005, 13:27
Issues concerning tyrant nations. Because I have no pitty for them.
The Tribes Of Longton
08-01-2005, 13:30
Corrupt a wish threads :p
Only joking. I like the science ones, but I'm not a very good debater. Even if someone has got a fact absolutely wrong, I can never seem to argue the correct point properly (e.g. if someone said the moon was made of cheese, I couldn't dissuade them from this thought through reasoning)
08-01-2005, 13:34
I like threads where I can rely mostly on theory instead of actual statistics and facts. These tend to be philosophical, religious, and politically abstract stuff.
Lessr Tsurani
08-01-2005, 13:36
I have to go with the gay thing. It pisses me off people go on about gay people as if it concerns them. I am not going to get into it here, but you get my point.
im a fan of the science threads as well. i try not to take part in any evolution threads as these are often full of the same people who simply wont consider any other alternatives, and often just collapse into a big mess of insults and opinions. :)
Almighty Kerenor
08-01-2005, 14:44
The Middle-East.
Hey, I learned our history and I hate to see people showing off their ignorance.
Pure Metal
08-01-2005, 14:46
science, ethics, general politics (political theory/philosophy that is - "real-world" politics gets boring fast :headbang: )
Anything invloving America in a bad way. That we're stupid, hated, anything like that. Espically when It's from some guy whose never been here.
08-01-2005, 15:15
Christian ones, generally, but I'll venture into politics, ethics, philosophy, favourite X-man, loads of stuff.
I tend to avoid Evolution/I.D./Creationist threads, very samey.
Letila's anarchist threads are fun. I always make the same point, though.
I suppose I post because there aren't many followers of Jesus on NS who can consistently spell words accurately. But maybe that's mean! ;)
08-01-2005, 15:21
I love gun rights issues. Unfortunately I have gotten sick of arguing about them.
08-01-2005, 15:24
I love gun rights issues. Unfortunately I have gotten sick of arguing about them.
That's a pity, there's a Second Amendment thread going right now!
Magical Shiny Funland
08-01-2005, 15:37
I only really post on the trivial threads...i guess i should take part in the serious threads more often, but i don't like to offer my opinion only to have it shot down most viciously, as i find that happens more often in those threads.
Also I don't like to post on the long threads, as i always have to read through it first and i get bored.
08-01-2005, 15:44
Issues bashing conservatives as a generalisation, because they're all bashing Bush-type conservatives, which is not my definition of a conservative at all.(I'm English) The people who start them seems to think all conservatives are like that.
08-01-2005, 16:19
Even though I'm straight, I fight strongly in favour of gay rights.
I also like political theory and am big on personal freedoms in general.
08-01-2005, 16:21
Issues bashing conservatives as a generalisation, because they're all bashing Bush-type conservatives, which is not my definition of a conservative at all.(I'm English) The people who start them seems to think all conservatives are like that.
If you like Bush you are probably not a real conservative at all. Rather, you are probably a neo-conservative or religious authoritarian.
Conservatives are for small government, non-interventionist foreign policy and a free market. Bush stands for none of these so he is not a conservative.
08-01-2005, 16:43
I often go into the gay rights/abortion/homosexuality/politics/evolution threads out of curiosity. However, when I see something that is either completely outrageous or factually wrong, I have this obssessive-compulsive thing to enter the debate.
It probably isn't good for me.
08-01-2005, 16:59
lets see...
I get riled up about gay rights, or lack there of. Also racism, and anything to do with children. My condescending,rolls eyes, sarcasm goes into overdrive when I see threads like "are Americans Idiots". I for one, am not and dont like being stereotyped just because someone hates our President. Not all of us voted for him, so our hands are tied. This especially erps me when its coming from someone whos been brainwahsed to hate the US or someone who has never been here or knows anyone from here. Those who just jump on the bandwagon cause its the cool thing to do. Bah....
Oh and like someone else said...I'm not one of those who has statistics or facts about everything sitting in my pocket. The topics I best debate are the ones that stir my spirit and heart.
Word Games
08-01-2005, 17:15
The answer to this is obvious
08-01-2005, 17:25
Anything involving the amoral opportunist John Kerry, because he's a lower lifeform ranking somewhere between lichens and pond scum. :D
Underemployed Pirates
08-01-2005, 18:03
I like meaningful discussions of political issues. I like respectful discussions of serious moral issues, whether dealing with personal liberties or life-styles. But, discussions that are full of sarcasm or pure personal bias are a useless waste of time and intellectual effort.
I like solid, research based discussions on the balance between federal v. state power, and between individual rights v. governmental authority.
08-01-2005, 19:03
Anything political, or related to computers.
08-01-2005, 19:55
I'll get involved with most politics debated about British Politics or leftist political theory, becuase they are things I know about. I try not to argue about things i am ignorant of. :D
08-01-2005, 21:20
...other than that, sometimes random other science or atheism threads. But mostly evolution debates.
Lunatic Goofballs
08-01-2005, 21:24
I merely babble.
It's worked fairly well so far. :)
08-01-2005, 21:28
Anything involving the amoral opportunist John Kerry, because he's a lower lifeform ranking somewhere between lichens and pond scum. :D
Yeah, I've never seen anyone hate with such a passion... you could easily match ANY of those Iraqi guys holding the machetes. ;)
08-01-2005, 21:29
Conservatives are for small government, non-interventionist foreign policy and a free market. Bush stands for none of these so he is not a conservative.
That's what I'm talkin' 'bout! :D
*Throws Siljhouettes a taco*
I usually have a good old bash in the "Communism actually works!" or "Why are all you capitalists such greedy evil monsters" threads, because I like to defend my political ideology (libertarian capitalism).
I give my two cents on the whole gay rights/gun issues/transgender/is god real? front too, but my view is pretty uniform for this, and that is:
"It's up to you to do whatever you want. Be gay, carry a gun, have a sex change, worship whatever god you like. If it doesn't hurt anybody else it's all good."
anything that the majority don't agree with, communism, gay rights, god .... stuff like that
08-01-2005, 22:08
That's what I'm talkin' 'bout! :D
*Throws Siljhouettes a taco*
That taco better not be no illegal immigrant!
Armandian Cheese
08-01-2005, 22:19
Fighting the good fight against liberalism, terrorism, and religious/atheistic extremism. Basically, a war on "ism."
History, politics, economics, philosophy, candy...
ok. I was kidding about the last one.
08-01-2005, 22:46
It's interesting that a person can watch many boards go by without posting, but post on this "signature" issue and they spring into action. What's the issue that gets you ticking? Why? Why do you think your case is better than everyone else when it comes to that issue? (Cause you know you do baby!)
Me, I'll go with the whole gay issues, mostly because I'm a member of the demohraphic lol and I'm pretty avid in politics, law etc.
So get braggin!
I fight best in issues where I'm close enough to bite them...
No, really, I don't think I'm all that great in any particular thing, I just do random stuff in a fit of passion.
Glinde Nessroe
09-01-2005, 00:44
Ha fantastic, I love all the subtle add ons that have gone into each post that show the argument for affirmative or negative. Very human aren't we all.
09-01-2005, 00:48
Yeah, I've never seen anyone hate with such a passion... you could easily match ANY of those Iraqi guys holding the machetes. ;)
Nahh! I'm much better with a Bowie knife. Besides, I don't wanna kill 'im, but it would be nice to see 'im suffer jus a bit. :D
09-01-2005, 01:55
Evolution. Anything involving predicting human behaviour.
I suck at religion though.
Whest and Kscul
09-01-2005, 02:23
Racism-- I enjoy debating in racism threads, the only problem is their aren't enough racists to debate with :D ...
The Masses vs. The Educated-- I am proud to be educated, and proud to be an individual and have a sense of self. I will fight to the death to educate the masses...
Nihilistic Beginners
09-01-2005, 02:29
I have to say none, because I know nothing
which is a hell of alot more than what the rest of you people know
East Canuck
09-01-2005, 02:34
I ususally chime in in gay rights, geneva conventions, guantanamo bay and US election threads. (although the latter are a goner).
Also, I defend Canada everywhere I see it attacked.
But what I'm best at is pointing out contradiction. I sometimes end up defending the opposite side because I point out errors in my side's arguments.
09-01-2005, 02:39
I have to say none, because I know nothing
which is a hell of alot more than what the rest of you people know
So what we know is a negative quantity? It's physically impossible.
Fighting the good fight against liberalism, terrorism, and religious/atheistic extremism. Basically, a war on "ism."
Surely if you're against religious extremism you need more liberalism, not less of it.
Nihilistic Beginners
09-01-2005, 02:40
So what we know is a negative quantity? It's physically impossible.
Surely if you're against religious extremism you need more liberalism, not less of it.
But is it mentally impossible?
09-01-2005, 02:43
The Masses vs. The Educated-- I am proud to be educated, and proud to be an individual and have a sense of self. I will fight to the death to educate the masses...
Hmmm. I thought that was "The Masses" and "The Intelligensia." If you're going to be a Marxist, at least use correct terminology. :)
Niccolo Medici
09-01-2005, 03:53
I take on social issues on my whims, but I rather consistently go after military theory and practical military application...
I dabble in economics and diplomacy issues a fair amount as well.