New Years Resolutions stupid
Well it is now 2005 and people everywhere have made New Year's Resolutions. Whether it is to lose weight, change some aspect of their personality, spend more time with family, whatever, people make them. Which to me is foolish to do it then. Perhaps it is some kind of tradition or something that seems to force people to change only starting on Jan. 1st. Why not on June 17th? You can decide to change at any point and not be pinned down by the "New Year." To me it is a shame that holidays are needed for people to treat each other right. Christmas and birthdays are fine for presents, and treating people nice. Why not everyday? Kindness is confinded to a few short days to get "into the holiday spirit?" Human nature I guess requires it. The Simpsons always has the right idea it seems. The holiday Love Day comes around and the next day when Homer acts like an ass and is asked if he learned anything from Love Day. "That was yesterday, moron." Yeah. Resolutions and kindness certainly don't need to be confined. End resolutions and holidays! Get and give gifts at any point! Resolve to change whenever! You can do it!
07-01-2005, 18:50
In the heat of your bitter cynicism, you have raised a valid point.
We as humans often forget the kindness we show to others during certain times of year because we have been conditioned to think and act like that. Resolutions, in theory, are to better ourselves, but they are flimsey at best sometimes...
07-01-2005, 18:51
Why don't you make your 2005 resolution to not make any more resolutions from now on? :D
08-01-2005, 00:28
New years resolutions are bullshit. They set you up for failure. Most people get grandiose in their resolutions and seem to think that because of the date they are made they will have some binding power. 6 weeks later people are bashing themselves because they haven't kept their resolutions.
All new years resolutions do for most people is set unattainable goals and then trash your self image because they haven't been kept.
New years resolutions are bad for general mental health - and as silly as that sounds, I'm serious.
Are you sure?
My resolution is to prevent others from fufilling theirs.
08-01-2005, 00:46
New Year's Resolutions are an expression of the hope that the New Year will be better than the previous. They are a way of planning positive steps to take with your life.
But we should be kind all year round, not just at holidays. Shame people forget that, even at Christmas.
08-01-2005, 00:50
New years resolutions are bullshit. They set you up for failure. Most people get grandiose in their resolutions and seem to think that because of the date they are made they will have some binding power. 6 weeks later people are bashing themselves because they haven't kept their resolutions.
All new years resolutions do for most people is set unattainable goals and then trash your self image because they haven't been kept.
New years resolutions are bad for general mental health - and as silly as that sounds, I'm serious.
Yes well you're supposed to fail. That's the goal they've set you up to achieve. By "they" I mean the large corperations with their expensive marketing campains. Trying to profit from your every thought. "Want to quit smoking this year? Buy nicorette" "Wanna loose weight? To freakin' lazy to exercise or diet? Have some diet pills!" "Listen to Dr. Phil! Send his ratings through the roof! C'mon everybody you can achieve whatever you want if you pay a little money at some point or another!"
08-01-2005, 01:19
I resolved not to eat any more babies like I do every year...
...and like every year I broke it after 3 days... :D :sniper: