Womanizer or Hero?
Wicked Metal
02-01-2005, 18:01
In light of the film "The Aviator" about play-boy Howard Hughes I have come to the question of : Can a man be a womanizer and still be a good man? Howard Hughes fought bravely against monopolies but treated women like play things. What kind of man does this make him?
Well it's obvious what you think, as you don't even put a simple 'yes' option in the poll.
Women are objects.
02-01-2005, 18:10
You can do good things and still be an extremely bad person.
Hitler was a vegetarian for example.
("vegetarianism can in extreme cases lead to genocide" - Bill Bailey)
Although by that logic, you can do bad things and still be an extremely good person...
In answer to your question I don't know
02-01-2005, 18:15
Your poll seems a bit biased.
Anyway, as the people above me said, you can do good things and be a horrible person, or you can do horrible things and be a good person.
I think there are FAR worse things to do than consider women inferior. Before you shout "OMG TEH SEXIST!" consider the number of things that could be done, other than act in a patronizing manner towards a female.
Johnny Wadd
02-01-2005, 18:17
I was a womanizer and a Vietnam Vet, so I guess it is possible.
02-01-2005, 18:18
Did he physically or emotionally abuse womem?
If he didn't, then he really didn't do anything bad. Not to mention that was the general attitude in his time.
02-01-2005, 18:18
I was a womanizer and a Vietnam Vet, so I guess I it is possible.
again rather biased :p
Yeah, this poll clearly omits one obvious option. "Yes, womanizers can be good people" is my stance, and also the missing option.
02-01-2005, 18:22
In light of the film "The Aviator" about play-boy Howard Hughes I have come to the question of : Can a man be a womanizer and still be a good man? Howard Hughes fought bravely against monopolies but treated women like play things. What kind of man does this make him?
Just like James Bond... he womanized and people regard him as a "Hero".
Greedy Pig
02-01-2005, 18:25
I'm sure there has to be some women who like guys like that either in 'fantasy'.
Someone who's willing to take risks and loves adventure.
Johnny Wadd
02-01-2005, 18:38
I'm sure there has to be some women who like guys like that either in 'fantasy'.
Someone who's willing to take risks and loves adventure.
It doesn't hurt if that risk taker is filthy rich too.
The Pirate Islands
02-01-2005, 18:45
Let me clear some stuff up:
1. I do not think women are inferior as I am one and I belive in total equality of the sexes.
2. I belive each situation is diffrent.
3. It doesent matter mean it doesnt matter if they are a womanizer they can still be a good person
Sorry for the confusion
The Pirate Islands
02-01-2005, 18:45
Just like James Bond... he womanized and people regard him as a "Hero".
Good point
The Pirate Islands
02-01-2005, 18:47
Let me clear some stuff up:
1. I do not think women are inferior as I am one and I belive in total equality of the sexes.
2. I belive each situation is diffrent.
3. It doesent matter mean it doesnt matter if they are a womanizer they can still be a good person
Sorry for the confusion
by the way I am wicked metal just on a diffrent account
Social Outcast-dom
02-01-2005, 19:10
I give you three examples:
Albert Einstein, father of at least one illegitimate child. Also staunch pacifist in his later years and arguably one of the many heroes of WWII (though it did come with a cost).
Green Arrow, blatant womanizer (had an illegitimate son), countless innocent bystanders (by saving Superman and his fellow JLA-ers). The illegitimate son Connor Hawke is also a member of the Justice League, and has prevented demons/thugs/wackos from invading/plundering/conquering earth for some time now.
Sir Lancelot, knight of the Round Table (who dances whene'er he's able) and also a womanizer (Guinevere being only one of his conquests). Illegitimate son, Sir Galahad, was one of three knights to find the Holy Grail.
So you tell me: can a womanizer be a decent guy, too?
04-01-2005, 01:13
Ok...here's what I think...
There is a null line between good and evil. All sorts of Chi comes from all sorts of actions. And for every negative Chi thrown into the mix, there is a positive Chi. Meaning that everyone is good and everyone is bad-it's all balanced. So what the fuck does this mean towards womanizing?
It means that a great man always has something wrong with him. If its the fact that he womanizes, so be it. I don't approve of it, but it happens. No body is a, 'great-man', we have to expect human flaws. Negative Chi can be routed though, and, the only type of womanizer who needs his Negative Chi routed about it is the man who does it just to hear her scream.
And that man is not a womanizer. He is a rapist.
04-01-2005, 01:16
I think it depends on what they have done besides what they done to women.
04-01-2005, 01:19
In light of the film "The Aviator" about play-boy Howard Hughes I have come to the question of : Can a man be a womanizer and still be a good man? Howard Hughes fought bravely against monopolies but treated women like play things. What kind of man does this make him?
What kind of man does this make him? A typical pilot. :rolleyes:
Trust me, I speak from experience.
04-01-2005, 01:22
When I saw the question, I though right away of Martin Luther King Jr. and Oskar Shindler, both of whom while extremely unfaithful husbands seem to be heroic by almost everybody's standards. However, I would say as a caveat, that there is a difference between being unfaithful and being a bad or abusive spouse, and in such cases, I would say that they are a heroic person with serious flaws. In this scenario, I would think of Ghandi who pretty much didn't give a damn about his wife or children and liked to sleep with virgins, but was still a hero.
Tuesday Heights
04-01-2005, 01:24
Play boys or girls for that matter have to make the choice to reform; there free will is still in tact, they just have to go through with being good.
04-01-2005, 01:25
Hughes was a complete batsh** loonball, plain and simple.
04-01-2005, 01:27
Womanizer or Hero?
Both !!!
04-01-2005, 01:29
... what they done to women.
They made women happy :fluffle:
04-01-2005, 01:32
[QUOTE=Wicked Metal]Womanizer or Hero? QUOTE]
Both !!!
Are you implying that he is a hero because he is a womanizer?
Or that it doesn't matter?
04-01-2005, 01:45
Are you implying that he is a hero because he is a womanizer?
Or that it doesn't matter?
...I wonder why you dont get it...maybe my english is somewhat rudimentary....
he is both a hero and a womanizer.
Nihilistic Beginners
04-01-2005, 01:49
Two words:
Frank Sinatra
Nihilistic Beginners
04-01-2005, 01:53
I dont see Frank as a Hero.
I dont see Artists or Athletes as heroes.
Frank is good people.
04-01-2005, 01:55
John F.Kennedy is a better example...IMO
04-01-2005, 01:57
Frank is good people.I agree, he is great.
and for millions of Americans he is somekind of hero.
I take back my previus comment.
Nihilistic Beginners
04-01-2005, 01:59
I agree, he is great.
and for millions of Americans he is somekind of hero.
I take back my previus comment.
You got that call didn't you? don't worry I am sure the Boys won't hurt your family.
04-01-2005, 02:04
You got that call didn't you? don't worry I am sure the Boys won't hurt your family.
LOL...they made an offer I could not refuse.
CirqueDuSoleil VIP tickets...+ expenses... :D
04-01-2005, 02:45
as a woman, ive thought alot about this topic. (after all *I* am who such a man would think is inferior)
first of all no one is all good. no one. and it seems the greater the man, the bigger his flaws.
so ive decided that you need to look at HOW you think this person is good. so if a man is a great SOLDIER he is great even if he kicks puppies on the street. if he is a great VETERINARIAN he cant be kicking puppies and still be considered great.
a man can be a great husband and be an utter failure in the rest of his life. he can be a great businessman and have a personal life that is an utter failure.
so i guess its good to remember that being a great man in public doesnt mean squat about how a man is in his private life. many women take the glow that surrounds a famous great man as meaning that he would be wonderful to take up with in private. he may indeed be a great man in his private life but he is just as likely (id say more likely) to be a failure in his private life and should be as avoided as the nice man who is homeless.
was howard hughes a great man? yup. but he sure wasnt a great choice for a long term relationship
04-01-2005, 02:49
was howard hughes a great man? yup. but he sure wasnt a great choice for a long term relationship
And what about Sinatra and Kennedy?
Trudeau? Clinton? Tiger Woods? Malone? BratPitt?
04-01-2005, 02:50
...I wonder why you dont get it...maybe my english is somewhat rudimentary....
he is both a hero and a womanizer.
I am afraid your english is a bit rudimentary. I read your post write, I'm just concerned about the meaning of what you said. Because it could mean anything.
Nihilistic Beginners
04-01-2005, 02:53
And what about Sinatra and Kennedy?
Trudeau? Clinton? Tiger Woods? Malone? BratPitt?
...Stephen Hawkings
Nihilistic Beginners
04-01-2005, 02:54
And then there is MLK and Gandhi.
04-01-2005, 03:06
I think that it depends what other things they have done in their lives. Someone can be a womanizer and still be a good person. Schindler, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and JFK are all good examples. They are all heroes to many people and have done wonderful things, they literally changed the world. I think that is more important than the fact that they were not good husbands. I wouldn't want to date a womanizer, but that doesn't mean i couldn't be friends with one.
04-01-2005, 03:13
...Stephen Hawkings
stephen hawkings is a womanizer?? he looks like such a NICE man
yeah all those men can be considered great in their fields. to expect perfection of your heros means you will have no heros.
bill clinton was a great president but i sure wouldnt be in an office alone with him.
04-01-2005, 03:30
....many women take the glow that surrounds a famous great man as meaning that he would be wonderful to take up with in private. he may indeed be a great man in his private life but he is just as likely (id say more likely) to be a failure in his private life and should be as avoided as the nice man who is homeless....
they are not homeless...
just that...they are not ready...to let you move in (their home )
You can do good things and still be an extremely bad person.
Hitler was a vegetarian for example.
("vegetarianism can in extreme cases lead to genocide" - Bill Bailey)
hitler couldn't digest meat properly so his doctor ordered him not to eat it. he did anyways...
he wasn't a vegetarian.
04-01-2005, 03:46
hitler couldn't digest meat properly so his doctor ordered him not to eat it. he did anyways...
he wasn't a vegetarian.
LOL, i dont know and I dont really care...
BTW Hitler was the least womanizer head of state (he was like mother teresa)...But I dont care about that...
I dont judge Presidents on their sex drive...
I give you three examples:
Albert Einstein, father of at least one illegitimate child. Also staunch pacifist in his later years and arguably one of the many heroes of WWII (though it did come with a cost).
Green Arrow, blatant womanizer (had an illegitimate son), countless innocent bystanders (by saving Superman and his fellow JLA-ers). The illegitimate son Connor Hawke is also a member of the Justice League, and has prevented demons/thugs/wackos from invading/plundering/conquering earth for some time now.
Sir Lancelot, knight of the Round Table (who dances whene'er he's able) and also a womanizer (Guinevere being only one of his conquests). Illegitimate son, Sir Galahad, was one of three knights to find the Holy Grail.
So you tell me: can a womanizer be a decent guy, too?
Hey now, having illegitimate children doesn't necessarily make a man "a womanizer". Also, isn't referring to Lancelot as a womanizer making claims based on only some stories? In many (most, I'd say, except I'm not sure I've read most, so I can't really make such claims) stories we are only in fact told about two women he slept with: Guinevere, and another woman of varying names who he only slept with because she drugged him and tricked him into thinking she was Guinevere.
Vegetarianism is genocide against Vegetables.
As for womanizers, there is no shuch thing. During the women's sufferage movement, protesters held signs stating the fact that the right to vote was denied to children, idiots, and women. The same applies to sex.
The Mann Act of the 1949 made it illegal to cross state lines with a women for the purpose of "performing immoral acts" with her. This was, in part, designed to attack interstate prostitution. However, it was worded in such a way that any permarital or extramarital sex act was covered by the statute. This, in many ways, relates to modern statutory rape laws.
Today, it is illegal to have sex with a child because children lack the mental capacity required for informed concent. The same is true for the mentaly disabled. At the time, it was also considered true of grown women. Women are naive, innocent, and mentally inferrior. It is the job of of good men to protect them from lecherous perverted men who would take advantage of them, unless the lecherous pervert is her husband or father, of course.
Today, we know that women are not inferior to men in any way and deserve to enjoy sexual independance. If a women concents to have casual sex with a man why should we jude him for "taking advantage of her". That notion is what demeans and objectifies women. Why don't we just say that she was taking advantage of him?
James Bond was used as an example of a "good womanizer". 007 is a playboy but not a womanizer in any sense of the word. Almost all of the women he seduced knew what he was and knew that sex with him would lead nowhere. Heck, more than have of his "conquests" were just trying to get him to lower his guard so they could kill him.
Naval Snipers
04-01-2005, 07:32
People who know about Samson(very strong character in the Bible whose hair was the root of his strength) seem to think he is a hero but he really was a womanizer. That probably continues the question rather than answering it but whatever...
Underemployed Pirates
04-01-2005, 07:44
In light of the film "The Aviator" about play-boy Howard Hughes I have come to the question of : Can a man be a womanizer and still be a good man? Howard Hughes fought bravely against monopolies but treated women like play things. What kind of man does this make him?
A "good" person honors other people and wants only what is good for them. So, no. Howard Hughes was not "good". He very well might have been effective in many areas (finance, aviation, venture capital), but "good" he was not.
04-01-2005, 10:26
....He very well might have been effective in many areas (finance, aviation, venture capital), but "good" he was not.
well...he was "good" for the ladies :fluffle: ...the ladies were having a "good" time
"g" spot and all