What do you dream about?
01-01-2005, 02:41
Please, tell us all what your dreams contain and express them in detail.
I, of course, control my dreams thanks to www.dreamviews.com By using their methods, I have full control at all times. So most of the time I use my dreams to plan out bits and pieces of my fanfic novel.
Goed Twee
01-01-2005, 02:43
Curiosity-is this an actual thread, or are you just whoring your link?
Pure Metal
01-01-2005, 02:50
last night i dreamt about anna kournikova http://www.ironmaiden.org/images/smilies/drool.gif
01-01-2005, 02:51
Curiosity-is this an actual thread, or are you just whoring your link?
Of course it's an actual thread; it just occurred to me to provide the link once I started writing it because I thought people might be interested. The focus is on the question, of course; the link is simply there to be there, so you'd know how I learned how to control my dreams.
Das Rocket
01-01-2005, 03:09
This super wierd and annoying recurring nightmare about my religion teacher as a superhero fighting an army of miniscule peanut men led by the Planters Peanut. And I always die.
01-01-2005, 03:15
"What do you dream about?"
Sometimes my family, sometimes Vietnam, sometimes just the military in general, sometimes jobs or careers I've had, sometimes women and sex. :D
01-01-2005, 03:19
01-01-2005, 03:20
When I was young I dreamt the source code of the universe.
Then I woke up and forgot.
01-01-2005, 03:23
Sometimes my family, sometimes Vietnam
You are not alone, I dream of Vietnam too. I have bad relations with my family, so my dreams of them are rarely any good.
01-01-2005, 03:25
You are not alone, I dream of Vietnam too.
You served?
01-01-2005, 03:26
You served?
No, I just dreamed about it once, never served.
01-01-2005, 03:27
You served?
Don't. Hijack. My. Thread. >_>
01-01-2005, 03:27
Well, I've had this weird recuring dream since as long as I ca nremember where I'm falling upwards, until I crash in through the bottom of my bed, and into my body. I always wake up about four inches off my bed, from some sort of jump I do. It's freaky.
01-01-2005, 03:30
Well, I've had this weird recuring dream since as long as I ca nremember where I'm falling upwards, until I crash in through the bottom of my bed, and into my body. I always wake up about four inches off my bed, from some sort of jump I do. It's freaky.
That is freaky. I have this reocurring dream that I had 3 times where I am Fox Mccloud (I like the Star Fox games :p ) flying through space, and then I find these tunnels on planet Venom, and I fly into them into a maze, and somehow I find my way through alright, then Andross kills me! :mp5: :gundge: :gundge:
01-01-2005, 03:31
I have bad relations with my family, so my dreams of them are rarely any good.
Fortunately, my relationships with my children and grandchildren are great. Surprisingly enough perhaps, my relationship with my ex is very good too, we even went on vacation together this last year. :)
Also fortunately, my dreams about Vietnam are hardly ever nightmares anymore. After I had been back about 20 years, I started having the worst imaginable nightmares, even woke up one night on the verge of attacking my wife because in my nightmare she had been a Viet Cong. I moved into a separate bedroom for awhile until they went away.
01-01-2005, 03:32
The last rememberable lucid dream I had was I was talking to some girl I'm friends with, about our futures - I had mentioned something about trying to find a job, and then she was going to mention (then I had a burst of telekenesis, I knew what she was gonna say) being "a translator at the UN" (but I can't stand the UN!). So we both said that at the same time . . . and then we hugged (at that point I realized I was dreaming; while we're friends, it felt too strange to be real)
01-01-2005, 03:33
Don't. Hijack. My. Thread. >_>
Gnaw. On. My. Shorts. :D
01-01-2005, 03:34
Gnaw. On. My. Shorts. :D
>_> And you claim to be a mature father. I was just trying to avoid this thread losing it's original purpose, like what tends to happen to my other threads.
01-01-2005, 03:35
>_> And you claim to be a mature father. I was just trying to avoid this thread losing it's original purpose, like what tends to happen to my other threads.
Wasn't the purpose to talk about dreams? because that was what we were doing. :rolleyes:
01-01-2005, 03:37
And speaking of talking about dreams, read mine, back up at the top of this page!
01-01-2005, 03:39
>_> And you claim to be a mature father. I was just trying to avoid this thread losing it's original purpose, like what tends to happen to my other threads.
I never claimed to be "mature," just a father and grandfather. :D
01-01-2005, 03:41
I never claimed to be "mature," just a father and grandfather. :D
Damnit, I've done exactly what I didn't want to do: shift the focus of the thread.
Anyway, let's get back to dreams. For example, last night I dreamed about actually being the ruler of PIcaRDMPCia, and seeing what the terrorist attacks that I've been RPing were like.
01-01-2005, 03:41
That is freaky. I have this reocurring dream that I had 3 times where I am Fox Mccloud (I like the Star Fox games :p ) flying through space, and then I find these tunnels on planet Venom, and I fly into them into a maze, and somehow I find my way through alright, then Andross kills me! :mp5: :gundge: :gundge:
I love that game! Especially the SNES one. I never had an N64. Anyway, I don't want to piss off the author of this thread, so I'll stop.
01-01-2005, 03:44
Damnit, I've done exactly what I didn't want to do: shift the focus of the thread.
Anyway, let's get back to dreams. For example, last night I dreamed about actually being the ruler of PIcaRDMPCia, and seeing what the terrorist attacks that I've been RPing were like.
Kewl. In my dreams about 'Nam, I'm usually leading a patrol, though I have no idea what our mission or objectives are, I keep getting lost, and usually wind up in mud up to our armpits! Strange, since none of that actually happened while I was actually on patrol in 'Nam.
01-01-2005, 03:46
That is freaky. I have this reocurring dream that I had 3 times where I am Fox Mccloud (I like the Star Fox games :p ) flying through space, and then I find these tunnels on planet Venom, and I fly into them into a maze, and somehow I find my way through alright, then Andross kills me! :mp5: :gundge: :gundge:
I once had this random dream I was in a starfighter (i forget which), and I kept blasting away at stuff, tho I had no control over my friggin ship
01-01-2005, 03:48
I love that game! Especially the SNES one. I never had an N64. Anyway, I don't want to piss off the author of this thread, so I'll stop.
You love Star Fox too? I thought I was the only one, everyone else think I am a freak about it. You have the SNES? Because the graphics on the game were just like in the SNES one in the dream, and not N64.
01-01-2005, 03:54
Oh - I should mention these two weird Gundam dreams I had.
In one of them, something really bad had happened, and Cagalli (from Gundam SEED) was leading me around some bizarre place that seemed like a cross between Legend of Zelda and FF. I think we were looking for Kira (or were we looking for some Gundam, and I was Kira?!??! :confused: )
And in another, I saw this Guncannon (from the original Gundam) go into battle with a GINN (from Gundam SEED) - it was really weird, and the whole battle was shrouded in some weird purple haze.
Unfortunately I didn't realize I was dreaming until after I woke up
01-01-2005, 03:55
I dream about girls and sex, at least thats all i remember! :rolleyes:
01-01-2005, 03:57
Hi everybody, i am new lol. they are all pretty class dreams, i always have really random dreams like last night i dreamt of a girl i havent spoke to in years and the night before i dreamt my aunt died, its strange. i dont usually remember much of my dreams but i have been lately :confused: lol.
01-01-2005, 03:57
I had this one dream once, where I knew I was in a dream, and I knew I controled everything just by thinking about it, so I go to the neighbors house, and eat all there food and force them to treat me like royalty. I left after eating all their food, but then it was 6:00AM next morning, then I woke up, and it was 6:00AM
My dreams are usually boring (just like life) but recently I've had the most boring dreams. In one I was sleeping, woke up and looked at the clock and it said 5:27 p.m., then fell back asleep (at which point I woke up and realized I had just dreamed of sleeping). In the second one I walked down three steps of a bus towards my friends (that was it, I woke up).
01-01-2005, 04:03
I have this dream where I'm aiming my .50 AE Desert Eagle at some random guy who appears beaten up and and tied to a chair. He's claiming he had nothing to do with the death of my brother and I don't believe him, so I pull the trigger and wake up.
01-01-2005, 04:07
Ooh, did I mention that I dreamed I was in math class and I HAD TO WRITE A FRIGGIN ESSAY FOR SOMETHING CONCERNING ENGLISH!!!! I got like 3 extremely shitty paragraphs done, before the bell rang and I woke up
^classic "I didn't study for the big test" dream, eh?
Angry Fruit Salad
01-01-2005, 04:11
I have bizarre, completely incoherent dreams at times, and other times, I dream about being in front of the computer...that's how I know I need a break,lol
01-01-2005, 04:11
I have this dream where I'm aiming my .50 AE Desert Eagle at some random guy who appears beaten up and and tied to a chair. He's claiming he had nothing to do with the death of my brother and I don't believe him, so I pull the trigger and wake up.
Dreams like that make me suspect that sometimes we're getting visions of the life of an alternate self in another universe.
01-01-2005, 04:15
Dreams like that make me suspect that sometimes we're getting visions of the life of an alternate self in another universe.
That'd be cool. So, my dream of being Fox Mccloud killed by Andross 3 times would mean I am or could be Fox in another alternate universe, but instead I am stuck with the reality that sucks! D'oh! :headbang: Flying real Arwings would be so cool, and I would just fly away from Andross instead of dying again, and then explore the Galaxy. Cool theory.
The last time I dreamed it was just a long stream of how many ways my brain wants to kill me. The most vidid one would be me standing at the top of a hill with a sled in hand. Then there is this voice that tells me its okay to sled down the hill. "Go ahead, you won't hit that jagged ice... You can jump that gorge. Its not that wide... I'm sure you can navigate through those trees." :confused: why does my mind want me dead.
01-01-2005, 04:24
:confused: why does my mind want me dead.
You must kill your mind first!
Second Russia
01-01-2005, 04:26
My dreams are always as weird as hell- sometimes a dinosaur disguised in a clown mask wants to kill me, sometimes my grandma poisons me to death with a magical plastic bag, sometimes i go to war and our whole squad has no weapons. They usually change pace completely and end with sex.
Das Rocket
01-01-2005, 04:39
I had another one where I was out on a hill with a bolt-action sniper rifle and a bazooka, and millions of Pokeymans were attacking me. I killed a whole pack of them, but then my rifle ran out of cartridges and the bolt jammed. I reached for the bazooka, but it had mysteriously turned itself into a bassoon.
Then my music teacher grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and hurled me intoa hard wooden chair, placed a dunce cap on my head and a school uniform (blue MMCSS) an my body(all in one movement) and in front of my class, demanded that I play "Flight of the Bumblebee" on the bassoon. Unsurprisingly, I couldn't do tit. He subsequently killed me with a hatchet. Delightful! :) :headbang:
01-01-2005, 04:45
I had another one where I was out on a hill with a bolt-action sniper rifle and a bazooka, and millions of Pokeymans were attacking me. I killed a whole pack of them, but then my rifle ran out of cartridges and the bolt jammed. I reached for the bazooka, but it had mysteriously turned itself into a bassoon.
Then my music teacher grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and hurled me intoa hard wooden chair, placed a dunce cap on my head and a school uniform (blue MMCSS) an my body(all in one movement) and in front of my class, demanded that I play "Flight of the Bumblebee" on the bassoon. Unsurprisingly, I couldn't do tit. He subsequently killed me with a hatchet. Delightful! :) :headbang:
That strikes me as hilarious, for some reason, as did the Religion superhero nightmare earlier.
01-01-2005, 04:47
and millions of Pokeymans were attacking me. I killed a whole pack of them,
Yay! kill the stupid Pokemon!
Down System
01-01-2005, 06:00
I dreamt that President Bush had me drafted into the army by special presidential order. Then I went AWOL and somehow ended up in Korea at a MASH 4077th unit and I punched out Frank Burnes. Then Hawkeye shouted me a martini. Then it ended with some guy calling me an artiste and saying that All your base are belong to us. Even my dreams have obscure referances...
01-01-2005, 06:04
The most normal dream I've had is probably the one where a bunch of tigers eat babies. Then Garfield saves the world. Yes. The overweight cat from that comic strip.
The less normal ones vary greatly, although one that pops into mind involves, AK-47s, fried dough (or doughnuts, can't remember), Watership Down, a bicycle, an extremely small island, a forest, a marina, salt and pepper shakers, and the Simpsons. The plot was too fucked up for me to remember.
01-01-2005, 06:10
The most normal dream I've had is probably the one where a bunch of tigers eat babies. Then Garfield saves the world. Yes. The overweight cat from that comic strip.
The less normal ones vary greatly, although one that pops into mind involves, AK-47s, fried dough (or doughnuts, can't remember), Watership Down, a bicycle, an extremely small island, a forest, a marina, salt and pepper shakers, and the Simpsons. The plot was too fucked up for me to remember.
Don't tell me, let me guess! You woke up with your arms around your bong, yes??? :D
01-01-2005, 06:13
Don't tell me, let me guess! You woke up with your arms around your bong, yes??? :D
Nope. I'm just insane.
Har Land
01-01-2005, 06:15
Please, tell us all what your dreams contain and express them in detail.
I, of course, control my dreams thanks to www.dreamviews.com By using their methods, I have full control at all times. So most of the time I use my dreams to plan out bits and pieces of my fanfic novel.
Just about everything.
Two nights ago I had a dream about the afterlife. In the dream I had died, and the next thing I knew I was blindfolded, bound at the hands and feet, hanging upside down with a knife in my hands. I had to cut myself down and remove my blindfold. I saw many other people hanging there, but they were still alive, and not concious in the afterlife. I walked around for a while checing the place out, there were other people there with me in a large foresty area, I had discovered two different areas of living... that's pretty much all I remember from it.
Just last night I had a dream about having sex with a woman I know after that a dream about someone invading the US and myself and my father preparing and arming to defend our town, and I know I had one other but I can't remember at this time.
Many other times I start a dream, but it soon becomes lucid and I become aware that it is indeed a dream. Then I use my limited time in the dream to fly around, perform tricks, fight people/things, find a woman to have sex with... etc etc.
01-01-2005, 06:20
it ended with some guy ... saying that All your base are belong to us.
LOL! For some reason, that has always sounded hilarous to me! Heh!
01-01-2005, 06:20
Nope. I'm just insane.
Ah! An honest man! :D
Word Games
01-01-2005, 06:25
I never know, but I wake up with a woody
01-01-2005, 07:30
The most common dream I have is I'm a German during WWII.
Yesterday I dreamt I was in the Reichstag and Hitler was yelling a speech, and everyone was cheering. Then I stood up from my seat and screamed (Oddly enough, in what was German), "Stop it! This man will destroy Germany! Can't you see what he want's to do? HE WANT'S TO KILL OUR PEOPLE!"
Then I walked out of the Reichstag. It was night and I was at my "home" writing in a journal. Then I heard a crash, and I walked into my living room and turned on a light and there were two Brownshirts with guns ramsacking my room. One saw me and shot me three time. I fell over and then I woke up.
Any the other ones are war. Where... *Rants on and on*
01-01-2005, 07:40
My dreams are always based some twisted reality of things that happened to me. For instance, I dreamt that CIA agents kidnapped me and performed cruel experiments. That must have been becuase of the time I was abducted by aliens. Or it was because of the month-old turkey casserole I had before I went to bed.
01-01-2005, 07:43
The most common dream I have is I'm a German during WWII.
Yesterday I dreamt I was in the Reichstag and Hitler was yelling a speech, and everyone was cheering. Then I stood up from my seat and screamed (Oddly enough, in what was German), "Stop it! This man will destroy Germany! Can't you see what he want's to do? HE WANT'S TO KILL OUR PEOPLE!"
Then I walked out of the Reichstag. It was night and I was at my "home" writing in a journal. Then I heard a crash, and I walked into my living room and turned on a light and there were two Brownshirts with guns ramsacking my room. One saw me and shot me three time. I fell over and then I woke up.
Any the other ones are war. Where... *Rants on and on*
Sounds to me like these might be visions from a past life, almost, considering the frequency. Either that, or an alternate in another universe where time runs at a different rate, or perhaps that universe simply started sixty years later than our own.
01-01-2005, 07:46
Sounds to me like these might be visions from a past life, almost, considering the frequency. Either that, or an alternate in another universe where time runs at a different rate, or perhaps that universe simply started sixty years later than our own.
That stuff is so cool that can happen. Past life and alternate universe stuff is cool because you really don't know.
Demented Hamsters
01-01-2005, 15:54
I have very vivid and interesting dreams that have no connection with every day life. They're kinda metaphysical/philosophical stories I guess.
I don't know about you lot, but the strange thing is about my dreams is that they're first-person and third-person at the same time. So I'm usually in them or can feel what the main characters feel, yet am also watching it like it's a movie. Very odd, I can't really describe it. So I'm looking at something, but simultaneously watching myself looking at that thing.
Here's 4 of my better ones that I can remember (I should write them down):
First one is particularly odd in that I'm an Athiest.
I'm in a large castle and have descended down into the catacombs where it's very dark and wet and slimy. I'm searching for something very important and am walking down a long corridor (yes yes all very psycho-analytical so far). I come up to a room were it's pitch black inside. The darkness is almost tangible and very forbidding. Somehow I know the object I'm searching for is in this room. However I also know that Satan is in the room as well (hence the feeling of dread I'm getting from the room).
After contemplating this for a while I realise how to get into the room: I read a passage from the Bible about Jesus. (BTW as far as I know this story isn't in the Bible). I start reading it aloud. It's a story where Jesus stops time to help someone. When I get to that particular point in the story, time stops for me as well. I'm able to walk into the room, get the treasure (which was the Holy grail btw) and walk out. As I leave, the room lights up completely with an incredible warm pure light.
Satan comes out and tells me that he can't do anything to me now because I've beaten him. However he asks me if I could finish reading the story because he found it so interesting. So I begin reading. Just then, Jesus appears and tells me that he was watching and would also like to know how the story ends. I get confused now, and ask Jesus why doesn't he know about the story, as it's about him?
He replies that by becoming immortal means you have to exist outside of Time. Because you are now outside Time, this means you have no memory, since memory is dependant on feeling the passage of Time.
Therefore he has no memory of anything he has ever done, since there is no past, present or future, only existence.
So Jesus and Satan settle down on the stone floor (which was a bizarre sight believe me) and listen as I read out the Biblical story.
Then as I start reading I end up becoming part of the story, in which I and my sister (I don't have a sister in real life, though I have had a few dreams where I do) are being hunted, so disguise ourselves as Lepers and hide within a caravan heading out of the ancient Jewish city we were in.
I woke up at this point, so can't tell you what happened. Sorry. But interesting concept about what it would mean to be a god I thought.
That's a long post. If anyone's interested (or still awake after reading this) I'll post another of my dreams later.
01-01-2005, 16:04
I very rarely remember dreams anymore. I've had a few lucid dreams, but only one that I've properly got into. I wish I dreamt more so that I could try for a few more lucid ones.
01-01-2005, 16:07
Wow Very Interesting! Its probally a dream in which god is trying to send you a message. I know my grandma had a dream that she said she expierianced god. I can tell you if I get enough hits because it might be spreading info.
Aligned Planets
01-01-2005, 16:11
I have occasionally realised that I was dreaming, and gone into a state of semi-awareness. You become in full control of the dream, and can fall off cliffs and fly, etc.
I have a tendancy to speak whilst asleep though, and my gf gets quite angry if I happen to mention another girls name instead of hers whilst dreaming...lol ;)
01-01-2005, 16:14
I have occasionally realised that I was dreaming, and gone into a state of semi-awareness. You become in full control of the dream, and can fall off cliffs and fly, etc.
that's a lucid dream (for those who were unaware).
Aligned Planets
01-01-2005, 16:19
aye - lucid dreaming, I know :)
The Unlimited One
01-01-2005, 17:32
My dreams, all of them start out with me running from something unseen. When i can run no longer and finally turn to fight there is nothing there. I usually wake up in a cold sweat at this point, but when i don't my dream reverts to world conquest and i am the king or dictator of some up and comming world super power in the middle ages and i am constantly fighting battles all i do is invade and spread my world order.
Why would you want to dream like that? Running takes to much work. *shrugs* oh well. :)