Interesting Tsunami oddity
Daistallia 2104
29-12-2004, 12:19
Where are all the dead animals? Sri Lanka asks (
COLOMBO, Dec 29 (Reuters) - Sri Lankan wildlife officials are stunned -- the worst tsunami in memory has killed around 22,000 people along the Indian Ocean island's coast, but they can't find any dead animals.
The Phoenix Milita
29-12-2004, 12:20
Eaten by the populace
The Supreme Rabbit
29-12-2004, 12:22
Animals can sense the danger, you know.
Daistallia 2104
29-12-2004, 12:26
Eaten by the populace
Cannot think of a name
29-12-2004, 12:27
though they probably used one of the regular senses, something along the lines of "Crap, the grounds shaking, book it...."
29-12-2004, 12:29
Animals can sense the danger, you know.
It's true. Animals don't generally stand around and watch the wave come rolling in. They get the hell out of there! And those that didn't make it were probably washed out to sea. Some of them may have been eaten as they were probably all that were left. Man, what a fucked up situation.
Where are all the dead animals? Sri Lanka asks ( it comes to Natural Desasters, animals obey the warning signs. it's only Humans that will ignore the signs and place themselves in harms way.
New Fuglies
29-12-2004, 13:33
this seems rather suspicious.;)
Greedy Pig
29-12-2004, 13:38
Suspicious indeed...
Could be some kind of animal conspiracy.. That they've planned to take over us Humans, regain what they've lost for, Revenge for polluting the earth and the seas. Probably their the one's who contacted the fishes and formed a giant school of fishes pushed the earth plate under the Indian Ocean crashing it on another causing the giant earthquake.
Findecano Calaelen
29-12-2004, 13:38
The animals are after us, they are in league with mother nature to kill all humans, we have to strike back, go kill the next animal you see and then build a dam
Elephant: "Did you hear that?"
Dog: "Hmm...this reminds me of that time.."
All: "Run!!!"
Zon BloodStar
29-12-2004, 13:42
There, thats it, thats the answer!
Humans aren't the wisest animals
"Look! The water is rushing in rapidly, something is obviously wrong, lets go STAND in the danger zone"
Free Avestopol
29-12-2004, 13:48
Some kid survived the Tsunami by surfing it...
29-12-2004, 13:52
Some kid survived the Tsunami by surfing it...
How far inland did he end up?
29-12-2004, 13:54
The animals are smart. they realise that when sumthing happens they gotta bolt. as with us we see then we go, which is why so many are gone... :(
29-12-2004, 13:59
Some kid survived the Tsunami by surfing it...
thats one hell of a story to tell your grand kids!
well kids, my entire family drowned but i surfed the 10 meter (33 feet) high wave and survived!
Roflmao :D
There, thats it, thats the answer!
Humans aren't the wisest animals
"Look! The water is rushing in rapidly, something is obviously wrong, lets go STAND in the danger zone"Don't laugh... the last Hurricane that hit the Hawaiian Islands had people (tourists even) standing on the beach watching for it. News casters say "Don't stand by large glass windows" and everyone in my building was at the meeting room, yup, looking out the large glass windows hoping to catch a glimpes of the Hurricane.
Me... I like the shirt... "I am a member of the Bomb Squad... if you see me running, try to keep up!"
Actual Thinkers
29-12-2004, 14:07
Why would an animal be on the beach? I'm sure we've been to beaches before. Animals don't go there, only humans. I doubt animals would go to have a swim or drink the ocean water. Humans go to beaches to have fun, get a tan, swim around. Animals don't do that crap.
The only animals that would be at a beach would be ones that can fly, are amphibious, or aquatic. This is because the ocean waters can offer them shelter and food. Land animals go inland for that stuff.
How far inland did he end up?
Bangalore, too bad cause he was a sri lankan native :P
29-12-2004, 15:40
Long live the animals' spidersense, but if they all ran off before the tsunami hit, why weren't there any reports of an animal exodus? Where did the island animals go? What about the animals that were tied up or locked in?
I think the only logical conclusion isthat animals are simply kick-ass surfers who don't even need a board.
Totally, dude!
**The Armed Republic of Lekkerheid**
Proud member of the United Sick Alliance
Lex Terrae
29-12-2004, 16:19
Undisputable proof that animals have more common sense than humans.
Animals - they got the fuck out of Dodge.
Humans (mostly men) - went out on the beach to watch the second and most deadly set of waves come in.
How many animals were there in the affected area anyway?
And are rescue/recovery crews actually looking for dead animals?
I think a clue may lie in the answers.
Findecano Calaelen
30-12-2004, 13:49,4057,11816172%255E13762,00.html
scary stuff
30-12-2004, 14:00
How many animals were there in the affected area anyway?
And are rescue/recovery crews actually looking for dead animals?
I think a clue may lie in the answers.
Lots of animals in the area before the wave hit. And yes, rescue/recovery crews are noting the lack dead animals. Not to rescue/recover but as a curiosity.
There are plenty of stories about both domesticated and undomesticated animals going crazy before earthquakes and other natural disaters. Proof once again that humanity is one of the stupidest species in the animal kingdom.
30-12-2004, 14:02
Bangalore, too bad cause he was a sri lankan native :P
ROFLMAO. I almost went to Bangalore for a job. Too bad the pay sucked as much as it did. I could have lived well over there, but wouldn't of had anything to show for it when the job was finished but some interesting stories and probably a comunicable disease or two.
Findecano Calaelen
30-12-2004, 14:18
Bangalore, too bad cause he was a sri lankan native :P
how did he go with immigration?
Findecano Calaelen
31-12-2004, 03:25
bing bada bump :D
31-12-2004, 03:36
Some kid survived the Tsunami by surfing it...
Animals know when an earthquake is going to happen, and they know about tsunamies too. They went to high ground, I'd guess...
Disposable Paradise
31-12-2004, 04:24
It's true. Animals don't generally stand around and watch the wave come rolling in. They get the hell out of there! And those that didn't make it were probably washed out to sea. Some of them may have been eaten as they were probably all that were left. Man, what a fucked up situation.
It is also possible that animals are adpated to the environments in which they live. For example, if your native habitat is a beach, you are used to changing tides and might be capable of surviving these sudden changes. This was a natural, not man-made disaster -- and a terrible tragedy.
But I'd still expect dead dogs and domesticated animals. But I would not expect to find any dead birds.
Are they finding dead fish?
Demented Hamsters
31-12-2004, 04:43
There, thats it, thats the answer!
Humans aren't the wisest animals
"Look! The water is rushing in rapidly, something is obviously wrong, lets go STAND in the danger zone"
Reminds of what my Dad told me his father did when he was young. There was a possible tsunami warning out, so everyone (my Dad's family included) went to the beach to watch. :rolleyes:
My grandad complimented himself on his intelligence because he parked the car facing away from the beach, so when they saw the waves he would have a head-start on the others. Yep, those 1950s cars could out-run a 500km/hr wave.
Fortunately for him (and me!) it came to nothing. Just a couple of big swells.
*shakes head*
On the other topic, I remember reading that cats can detect earthquakes even before we can with our instruments. No-ones sure exactly, but they think it's to do with how sensitive the pads on their paws are. They can feel the Earth's vibrations. An expert said the other day that this 'quake even affect the Earth's rotation, causing it to wobble.
Also a major 'quake like this would have disrupted the magnetic field, and lots of animals can sense this (especially ones who can fly), so they would have buggered off. I guess the other animals saw them heading inland and figured they'd better follow.
31-12-2004, 06:46
Where are all the dead animals? Sri Lanka asks (
The animals marched, two by two, into the ark
31-12-2004, 06:54
I have a better oddity, especially for those who are criticizing Bush's response.
Kofi Annan was on a skiing vacation on Dec 26. It took him to Dec 29 to actually come out of his vacation. And what did he do when he finally came out?
He scheduled a meeting...for NEXT WEEK!!!!
So much for the once-again useless United Nations.
Goed Twee
31-12-2004, 07:42
I live under a bridge. I demand food and money from travellers, and beat them to death with a club if they don't have it. Can you guess what I am?
So was there any point to that, or are you just some juvenile little child who's up past their bed time?
The Mindset
31-12-2004, 08:55
This is so clearly a conspiracy - the story has been covered up! It no longer exists on Netscape.