For those of you screwed on the fenceposts, just like me
25-12-2004, 04:37
Just wondering...
I'm a guy at a conservative university that has both conservative and liberal viewpoints, depending on the issue(s) in question. Just wondering if I'm in the minority or part of a larger group. Going to school where I do, it's hard to gain that sort of perspective sometimes. To see how you hit, list the top five issues that concern you and whether you hold a conservative or liberal viewpoint on the matter. I'll start:
low taxes, but not quite as low as Bush has them-CON
pro-judicial activism-LIB
Anti-gun control-CON
Pro-life (meaning both anti-abortion and anti-death penalty)-CON/LIB
Pro gay marriage/civil union-LIB
Ninjadom Revival
25-12-2004, 04:43
Religion in society - conservative
Strong military in all fields - conservative
Patriotic values (i.e., flag desecration) - conservative
Welfare economics - liberal
Taxation - moderate
Goed Twee
25-12-2004, 06:31
Religion in society - conservative
Strong military in all fields - conservative
Patriotic values (i.e., flag desecration) - conservative
Wow, you suck.
I'm pretty much a liberal all around, although I think the democrats need to drop the war on guns-if at least for a bit.
Niccolo Medici
25-12-2004, 10:17
Just wondering...
I'm a guy at a conservative university that has both conservative and liberal viewpoints, depending on the issue(s) in question. Just wondering if I'm in the minority or part of a larger group. Going to school where I do, it's hard to gain that sort of perspective sometimes. To see how you hit, list the top five issues that concern you and whether you hold a conservative or liberal viewpoint on the matter. I'll start:
low taxes, but not quite as low as Bush has them-CON
pro-judicial activism-LIB
Anti-gun control-CON
Pro-life (meaning both anti-abortion and anti-death penalty)-CON/LIB
Pro gay marriage/civil union-LIB
Anti-Private industry Corruption: Non-partisan
(No one even talks about it in DC!)
Proper allocation of military funding: Non-partisan
(Both parties have atrocious records on this, be it missle defense dreams or massive spending cutbacks)
Government Transperancy: Non-partisan
(Both parties stink at this one, be it the current administration's woeful record of dilerberate information manipulation or more the more typical passive opaqueness of government services)
Social issues: Liberal
(I cannot be anything but eager to greet all my fellow men and women as equal in the eyes of the law. They are already equal in my eyes.)
Gun Control: Non-Partisan, conservative in scope but not supportive of the gun-lobby group itself...
(Putting a lock on your gun and having to buy a permit is not the same as wanting to ban them outright. Owners of guns forged this nation, they continue to support this nation, and though I disagree with the NRA fiercely on most issues, I would never dream of having legal owners being deprived of firearms.)
25-12-2004, 11:20
Religon, your own.
Taxes moderate to high.
Military, compulsory, any wusses that cant be bashed into it, can go sit in
the cooler for ten years.
Pro life(accept extremes,like rape, danger to mother etc)
Pro death pentalty, get rid of scumbags who murder, molest, burn and thieve.
25-12-2004, 11:32
I like how none of us are really answering his question.
Its sweet sweet like the finest of nectars.
25-12-2004, 12:13
Basis of law-Libertarian
Gun control-Conservative
25-12-2004, 12:26
Just wondering...
I'm a guy at a conservative university that has both conservative and liberal viewpoints, depending on the issue(s) in question. Just wondering if I'm in the minority or part of a larger group. Going to school where I do, it's hard to gain that sort of perspective sometimes. To see how you hit, list the top five issues that concern you and whether you hold a conservative or liberal viewpoint on the matter. I'll start:
low taxes, but not quite as low as Bush has them-CON
pro-judicial activism-LIB
Anti-gun control-CON
Pro-life (meaning both anti-abortion and anti-death penalty)-CON/LIB
Pro gay marriage/civil union-LIB
This is mostly a Libertarian stance. Libertarians would want even less taxes than Bush, but they would also have the government providing fewer services. Libertarians tend to go both ways on abortion, but the official party stance is one of neither mandating nor funding abortions. You can view the party's platform here (
This is mostly a Libertarian stance. Libertarians would want even less taxes than Bush, but they would also have the government providing fewer services. Libertarians tend to go both ways on abortion, but the official party stance is one of neither mandating nor funding abortions. You can view the party's platform here (
Thanks Pythagosaurus for saving me the time to write this myself.
On topic: I'm neither conservative or liberal on issues, I'm Libertarian as well.
There's a difference based on fundamental principle philosophy.
I'm pretty left in most things. To give a broad description I believe in a strong welfare system and a fair economy but not in restricting or granting favoured civil rights to certain groups.
And I go to a pretty politically neutral university overall (Though I study an arts course and leftists far outweigh the right there as you would probably expect, but it varies from degree to degree)