Ski/Snowboarding: helmet or no?
Snowboarding Maniacs
25-12-2004, 02:13
So for all the skiers and snowboarders out there, I'm curious: do you wear a helmet?
25-12-2004, 02:18
I'm a skiier who makes a habit of going extremely fast, but I have a very thick skull and am not really susceptible to a concussion.
25-12-2004, 02:35
I wore a Helmet the first few times boarding. Now I don't.
25-12-2004, 03:21
I have a tendency to catch myself with my head whenever I fall, so I have to protect the noggin
25-12-2004, 03:30
When I ski, I fucking fly, so I might as well be safe and wear a helmet.
Hey, if one of the Kennedys can die doing it, so can you.
25-12-2004, 04:03
I'm a skiier who makes a habit of going extremely fast, but I have a very thick skull and am not really susceptible to a concussion.
Absolute bollocks. You simply havent hit your head hard enough. Maybe if you do fall over youll skip the concussion and go straight to brain damage.
25-12-2004, 04:14
The way I ski, had I not been wearing a helmet, I'd be dead, or at least pretty hurt, many times now. I always wear one, even if it looks stupid (and with my helmet, believe me... it does).
25-12-2004, 04:58
The way I ski, had I not been wearing a helmet, I'd be dead, or at least pretty hurt, many times now. I always wear one, even if it looks stupid (and with my helmet, believe me... it does).
The way I ski, I'd either be dead or completely brain-addled if I didn't use a helmet.
Oh wait! I don't use a helmet!
Holy Sheep
25-12-2004, 06:24
Says something about some of your views :D jk man.
Always - but my helmet is huge to accomidate my hair :D
25-12-2004, 06:35
I really should get one...
Don't want my bran wrapped around a nice Mt Ruapehu rock!
'specially not on some of the "more interesting" trails!
I snowboard, but I don't wear a helmet.
It's not because I have a "Look at me, I'm cool and tough because I don't wear a helmet" attitude. It just tends to be a serious annoyance. Anyway, I only actually wiped out during my first year. At this point, I never fall. Yeah, I know it's sometimes better to be safe than
25-12-2004, 06:47
Well, I am a pretty good skiier, and like many others have said if they dident wear one, they would be dead. Thats it. Over the years I have seen 2-3 people get concussions even with helmets, and if they dident have one, doctors said they would have severe brain dammage. Also, I have seen one person hit a tree and get amnesia, because he wasent wearing a helmet. So, overall, get one or die, you dont look dumb if your wearing one, you just look like you value your brain cells!
25-12-2004, 07:00
I learned a couple of years ago on a trip to Tahoe while performing an awe inspiring scorpion.. must.. buy... helmet. Then I blacked out.