The 10 commandments
The Black Forrest
23-12-2004, 23:03
A passing thought....
Why is there the need to have them posted everywhere?
Is their faith so bad that they have to be reminded with visuals?
Bored and at work......
Free Soviets
23-12-2004, 23:10
A passing thought....
Why is there the need to have them posted everywhere?
Is their faith so bad that they have to be reminded with visuals?
Bored and at work......
and isn't erecting a giant monument of them coming awful close to violating one of them?
Defensor Fidei
23-12-2004, 23:10
and isn't erecting a giant monument of them coming awful close to violating one of them?
No. :confused:
Drunk commies
23-12-2004, 23:12
A passing thought....
Why is there the need to have them posted everywhere?
Is their faith so bad that they have to be reminded with visuals?
Bored and at work......
They are the foundation of US Constitutional law. It clearly states in the constitution that there is only one god, you can't make images of him, and you are forbidden to work on the sabbath. Plus you have to honor your father and mother.
The Black Forrest
23-12-2004, 23:17
They are the foundation of US Constitutional law. It clearly states in the constitution that there is only one god, you can't make images of him, and you are forbidden to work on the sabbath. Plus you have to honor your father and mother.
Which copy of the Constitution are you reading? Mine has no reference to God or the creator.....
Drunk commies
23-12-2004, 23:19
Which copy of the Constitution are you reading? Mine has no reference to God or the creator.....
Actually I was just making fun of the christian fundies who try to excuse posting the ten commandments on government property by saying it's the foundation of our laws.
New Granada
23-12-2004, 23:20
If somone had an honest interest in putting the bible's ten commandments up out of a concern that they were 'good moral messages' or the 'moral foundation of society,' that person would be unopposed to the religious ones being removed and them being renumbered into the Four Commandments.
If they have a problem with that, their aim is wholy of a religious nature.
That is the acid test for the ten commandments.
I have no problem with a big bronze statue of a book opened up that says
1) Thou Shalt Not Murder
2) Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness
3) Thou Shalt Not Steal
4) Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery
The Black Forrest
23-12-2004, 23:20
Actually I was just making fun of the christian fundies who try to excuse posting the ten commandments on government property by saying it's the foundation of our laws.
Got it!
Me slow today! ;)
Free Soviets
23-12-2004, 23:21
Which copy of the Constitution are you reading? Mine has no reference to God or the creator.....
you must have the censored version used by the commie teacher and pushed by the liberal media.
Defensor Fidei
23-12-2004, 23:21
The Ten Commandments must be posted to show our obedience to His universal Law in all things.
The Black Forrest
23-12-2004, 23:22
The Ten Commandments must be posted to show our obedience to His universal Law in all things.
So if they are not posted, I don't have to follow the universal law?
The Black Forrest
23-12-2004, 23:23
you must have the censored version used by the commie teacher and pushed by the liberal media.
Since I am brainwashed, I have no idea what you are talking about!
23-12-2004, 23:23
you must have the censored version used by the commie teacher and pushed by the liberal media.
those damn leftist. Ruining our education.
Defensor Fidei
23-12-2004, 23:24
So if they are not posted, I don't have to follow the universal law?
No, you still do.
Drunk commies
23-12-2004, 23:27
No, you still do.
Hey Defensor, are you a Catholic? I got the impression from some of your posts that you are. I also get the impression that you are against evolution. Haven't you heard? The catholic church officially recognizes evolution.
P.S. Sorry to go off topic.
23-12-2004, 23:27
The Ten Commandments are not posted anywhere.
'Some' stuff that Moses said is posted everywhere, but the bible shows that God explicitly says those things were not His "Ten Commandments", which are actually listed elsewhere in the Bible.
Defensor Fidei
23-12-2004, 23:28
Hey Defensor, are you a Catholic? I got the impression from some of your posts that you are. I also get the impression that you are against evolution. Haven't you heard? The catholic church officially recognizes evolution.
P.S. Sorry to go off topic.
Evolution is heretical, but that is indeed for another topic.
23-12-2004, 23:30
Evolution is heretical, but that is indeed for another topic.
well smack me silly and call me a heretic then.
Anyway - are you a Vatican I catholic?
On topic: If religious types want to post the ten commandments every where, then I get to nail a copy of the constitution to every crucifix I find.
Defensor Fidei
23-12-2004, 23:31
On topic: If religious types want to post the ten commandments every where, then I get to nail a copy of the constitution to every crucifix I find.
No, you don't.
The Black Forrest
23-12-2004, 23:31
On topic: If religious types want to post the ten commandments every where, then I get to nail a copy of the constitution to every crucifix I find.
No need for that. You can just hang it off the crown of thorns.
23-12-2004, 23:32
well smack me silly and call me a heretic then.
Anyway - are you a Vatican I catholic?
On topic: If religious types want to post the ten commandments every where, then I get to nail a copy of the constitution to every crucifix I find.
And, in the interests of fairness, perhaps I should obtain 'commandments' from Satanists, etc, to erect on churches?
The Black Forrest
23-12-2004, 23:32
Evolution is heretical, but that is indeed for another topic.
It is? I missed that commandment.
Must have been on the tablet Moses dropped....
23-12-2004, 23:32
No, you don't.
Sure I do. In fact I'll start now.
*pound pound pound*
There, now Jesus looks better. And it covers up all that horrid blood.
Drunk commies
23-12-2004, 23:33
No, you don't.
Why not? Once the line between church and state is gone then the state can interfere in the church's business all it wants.
The Black Forrest
23-12-2004, 23:33
No, you still do.
Then If I have to, then I should know them as such they don't need to be posted.....
Defensor Fidei
23-12-2004, 23:34
Why not? Once the line between church and state is gone then the state can interfere in the church's business all it wants.
What line? The Church is the state and the state is the Church.
Great Agnostica
23-12-2004, 23:34
I personally follow the revised list of the ten commandments. The Three Commandments.
1.Thou shalt always be honest and faithful, especially to the provider of thy nookie.
2.Thou shalt try real hard not to kill anyone, unless of course, they pray ot a different invisible avenger than the one you pray to.
3.Thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself!!!
The three were made up by George Carlin.
23-12-2004, 23:36
What line? The Church is the state and the state is the Church.
I see... so now you call Jesus a liar?
I guess you must be a 'better' christian than he was....
Drunk commies
23-12-2004, 23:44
What line? The Church is the state and the state is the Church.
Well that flies in the face of that "give to caesar what is caesar's" thing, doesn't it. If that's what you beleive, then you should move to the vatican. In the USA we go by the constitution. I have no problem with a church of the constitution. Just keep your imaginary friend out of it.
Chess Squares
23-12-2004, 23:45
no no no, the christians know them perfectly well and dont need them to tell them to be good, they need them posted everywhere to tell people of OTHER religions how to act based upon the christian religion
23-12-2004, 23:47
Well that flies in the face of that "give to caesar what is caesar's" thing, doesn't it. If that's what you beleive, then you should move to the vatican. In the USA we go by the constitution. I have no problem with a church of the constitution. Just keep your imaginary friend out of it.
Exactly - I didn't think 'df' was going to be the one to work out that connection.
Jesus expressly sets up a separation between church and state.
I guess 'df' just knows more about god's will than Jesus did.
Defensor Fidei
23-12-2004, 23:48
Well that flies in the face of that "give to caesar what is caesar's" thing, doesn't it. If that's what you beleive, then you should move to the vatican. In the USA we go by the constitution. I have no problem with a church of the constitution. Just keep your imaginary friend out of it.
The Church of God condemns "separation of Church and state."
Drunk commies
23-12-2004, 23:48
Exactly - I didn't think 'df' was going to be the one to work out that connection.
Jesus expressly sets up a separation between church and state.
I guess 'df' just knows more about god's will than Jesus did.
Well, what could jesus know? He wasn't educated. Just a carpenter's son who wandered around with 12 guys and a whore.
23-12-2004, 23:52
A passing thought....
Why is there the need to have them posted everywhere?
Is their faith so bad that they have to be reminded with visuals?
Bored and at work......
I don't see any one, not even the most fundamentalist christians demanding they be posted "everywhere."
Its just a matter of free choice. I don't see any thing wrong with posting them in places like say a public square or a court house.
I could care less where they are posted. But if you are going post tenets from any other religion, including athiesm, then you have to let people post the ten commandments too.
23-12-2004, 23:53
The Church of God condemns "separation of Church and state."
I notice you troll, and flame, and flamebait every thread you have come into, yet to refuse to respond to any of the valid points people make (especially myself).
How about this... you explain why YOU are a better arbiter of church/state separation than Jesus?
Matthew 22:21 "They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's."
23-12-2004, 23:53
and isn't erecting a giant monument of them coming awful close to violating one of them?
Depends on why you are erecting it. If you are doing it as some sort of offering to God or to promote people converting to chrisitianity, then it would violate the wall of seperation, but if you are doing because our laws are based on them, as all western laws are, then it is perfectly ok.
Drunk commies
23-12-2004, 23:54
I don't see any one, not even the most fundamentalist christians demanding they be posted "everywhere."
Its just a matter of free choice. I don't see any thing wrong with posting them in places like say a public square or a court house.
I could care less where they are posted. But if you are going post tenets from any other religion, including athiesm, then you have to let people post the ten commandments too.
The point is that nobody but christians wants to post their beleifs in courtrooms and such. Everybody else seems to be fine with the separation of church and state.
23-12-2004, 23:54
They are the foundation of US Constitutional law. It clearly states in the constitution that there is only one god, you can't make images of him, and you are forbidden to work on the sabbath. Plus you have to honor your father and mother.
Nay, that is not in US constitution.
Drunk commies
23-12-2004, 23:55
Depends on why you are erecting it. If you are doing it as some sort of offering to God or to promote people converting to chrisitianity, then it would violate the wall of seperation, but if you are doing because our laws are based on them, as all western laws are, then it is perfectly ok.
Our laws are based on the ten commandments? Perhaps four of them, but the rest would, if they were passed as laws, be struck down as unconstitutional.
23-12-2004, 23:55
I don't see any one, not even the most fundamentalist christians demanding they be posted "everywhere."
Its just a matter of free choice. I don't see any thing wrong with posting them in places like say a public square or a court house.
I could care less where they are posted. But if you are going post tenets from any other religion, including athiesm, then you have to let people post the ten commandments too.
The reasons why they shouldn't be posted on court-houses:
It makes a court-house, indirectly, linked with one church.
Court-houses are 'public' property - so they 'belong' to the state... so they belong to all - which makes it an infringement for ONE group to be allowed to express their religion on that property - while other groups are not given EQUAL access.
Defensor Fidei
23-12-2004, 23:55
I notice you troll, and flame, and flamebait every thread you have come into, yet to refuse to respond to any of the valid points people make (especially myself).
How about this... you explain why YOU are a better arbiter of church/state separation than Jesus?
Matthew 22:21 "They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's."
That does not relate to the so-called "separation of Church and state."
23-12-2004, 23:58
well smack me silly and call me a heretic then.
Anyway - are you a Vatican I catholic?
On topic: If religious types want to post the ten commandments every where, then I get to nail a copy of the constitution to every crucifix I find.
fine with me as long as they are public crosses in public squares you are posting them on, and not private property.
24-12-2004, 00:01
fine with me as long as they are public crosses in public squares you are posting them on, and not private property.
I'll agree to that.
24-12-2004, 00:01
Our laws are based on the ten commandments? Perhaps four of them, but the rest would, if they were passed as laws, be struck down as unconstitutional.
No, our laws are NOT based on the Ten Commandments, they are based on European common laws from the settler nations.
Those nations MIGHT have been influenced by christian thinking, and christian 'law'... but christian 'law' itself is based on the much earlier Babylonian Laws, that were (literally) carved into stone before the Hebrews had a recorded history.
Stop insulting religion. First of all there is no proof of evolution that's why it is called a theory. All those bones of dinosaurs can be stones for all you know. Any way if you know anything about science, scientists are opened to all theories that are tested. The big bang couldn't have happened according to the science you THINK you know. According to the big bang theory, all the matter in the universe was in a little ball and it just imploded. That breaks several science laws. First of all in science nothing can spontaniously create itself. Also the big bang wouldn't have been a bang but multiple bangs. According to basic physics rules for every matter there is an equal amount of antimatter. The antimatter copies the matter's every move or the matter copies the antimatter's every move. Antimatter was found so it does exist. Any way you shouldn't talk about an impossibility if you didn't try every possible way in the universe to try to make it. In the string theory, a string moves in 10 dimensions. If we can only move in 3 what are the others. All the ten dimensions are 90 degrees away from each other so that leaves seven unaccounted dimensions. Of those seven diimensions it is likely that at least one of them contains life. These beings also might be able to transend dimensions. This can account for angels or demons. Also in science may one of you "scientist" explain to me how life can just form? It is not enough to explain but also to create life out of nothing but rock without any instruments that can "evolve". Since you can't do this it is only further evidence that God does exist. Finally if there is no God, there is no soul and without a soul there are no spiritual happenings (such as an out of body experience) which is experienced by 20% of the people who underwent cardiac arrest even some atheist.
Any way the ten commandments are only in the Bible. The person who started this thread must have confused it withe the "Ten Science Laws" which do not exist since a law of nature must be a constant. Don't try to act smart by disproving something that can't be disproven.
24-12-2004, 00:02
That does not relate to the so-called "separation of Church and state."
okay, and I'm Jesus himself.
24-12-2004, 00:02
The Church of God condemns "separation of Church and state."
Show me that in the Bible. Show me where in the Bible Jesus or any of the apostles said that.
In my Bible, Jesus said the exact opposite.
You seem to be making chrisitians look bad.
24-12-2004, 00:05
That does not relate to the so-called "separation of Church and state."
I said explain, DF.
The way I see it, if Jesus expressly sets up domain for church, and for government, and says (in as many words) to "render unto" each, "that which belongs" to each - how can you argue that it is irrelevent to church/state?
Jesus gives express delineation between church and state.
To refute that, you must provide evidence.
I am waiting.
24-12-2004, 00:05
The reasons why they shouldn't be posted on court-houses:
It makes a court-house, indirectly, linked with one church.
Court-houses are 'public' property - so they 'belong' to the state... so they belong to all - which makes it an infringement for ONE group to be allowed to express their religion on that property - while other groups are not given EQUAL access.
Public property means that all groups are allowed to post or express their religion on said property. If you ban religious speech then you must of necessity ban all speech because all political and religious speech is specially protected by the first amendment.
24-12-2004, 00:06
Show me that in the Bible. Show me where in the Bible Jesus or any of the apostles said that.
In my Bible, Jesus said the exact opposite.
You seem to be making chrisitians look bad.
I long ago came to the conclusion that, what we have here is a TROLL, masquerading as a christian... he seems to be TRYING to make christians look bad.
That would explain his lax grip on scripture...
24-12-2004, 00:06
Our laws are based on the ten commandments? Perhaps four of them, but the rest would, if they were passed as laws, be struck down as unconstitutional.Actually they wouldn't be, cause then you would be violating the first amendment's protection of free speech.
Defensor Fidei
24-12-2004, 00:07
I said explain, DF.
The way I see it, if Jesus expressly sets up domain for church, and for government, and says (in as many words) to "render unto" each, "that which belongs" to each - how can you argue that it is irrelevent to church/state?
Jesus gives express delineation between church and state.
To refute that, you must provide evidence.
I am waiting.
The way you see it is highly irrelevant to the Church of Christ. He is not referring to "separation of Church and state."
Drunk commies
24-12-2004, 00:07
Stop insulting religion. First of all there is no proof of evolution that's why it is called a theory. All those bones of dinosaurs can be stones for all you know. Any way if you know anything about science, scientists are opened to all theories that are tested. The big bang couldn't have happened according to the science you THINK you know. According to the big bang theory, all the matter in the universe was in a little ball and it just imploded. That breaks several science laws. First of all in science nothing can spontaniously create itself. Also the big bang wouldn't have been a bang but multiple bangs. According to basic physics rules for every matter there is an equal amount of antimatter. The antimatter copies the matter's every move or the matter copies the antimatter's every move. Antimatter was found so it does exist. Any way you shouldn't talk about an impossibility if you didn't try every possible way in the universe to try to make it. In the string theory, a string moves in 10 dimensions. If we can only move in 3 what are the others. All the ten dimensions are 90 degrees away from each other so that leaves seven unaccounted dimensions. Of those seven diimensions it is likely that at least one of them contains life. These beings also might be able to transend dimensions. This can account for angels or demons. Also in science may one of you "scientist" explain to me how life can just form? It is not enough to explain but also to create life out of nothing but rock without any instruments that can "evolve". Since you can't do this it is only further evidence that God does exist. Finally if there is no God, there is no soul and without a soul there are no spiritual happenings (such as an out of body experience) which is experienced by 20% of the people who underwent cardiac arrest even some atheist.
Any way the ten commandments are only in the Bible. The person who started this thread must have confused it withe the "Ten Science Laws" which do not exist since a law of nature must be a constant. Don't try to act smart by disproving something that can't be disproven.
Um, this post has nothing to do with the thread, and if I may offer some advice, read a few science books that AREN'T written by creationists. Creationists pick a few facts, a number of which have been disproven, and a number of which were never accepted and use them to support their ideas. Real scientist look at all the verified data available and build their theories from that.
24-12-2004, 00:07
I long ago came to the conclusion that, what we have here is a TROLL, masquerading as a christian... he seems to be TRYING to make christians look bad.
That would explain his lax grip on scripture...
but its fun for the rest of us as we groan in agony over the sheer ignorance.
24-12-2004, 00:09
Public property means that all groups are allowed to post or express their religion on said property. If you ban religious speech then you must of necessity ban all speech because all political and religious speech is specially protected by the first amendment.
I disagree.
First, I still hold that: by allowing ONE group to post on a site, you give an official endorsement to THAT ONE group.
Second: I do not believe that the Neo-Nazi's would be given free reign to place 'laws' on a public building.
To be honest, I don't believe that most states would allow even other religious organisations (Muslim, Hindu, Wiccan, Satanist) to post THEIR codes on court-houses...
24-12-2004, 00:09
I long ago came to the conclusion that, what we have here is a TROLL, masquerading as a christian... he seems to be TRYING to make christians look bad.
That would explain his lax grip on scripture...
Are you talking to me?
24-12-2004, 00:12
The way you see it is highly irrelevant to the Church of Christ. He is not referring to "separation of Church and state."
Perhaps you misunderstood my post... here...
"I said explain, DF.
The way I see it, if Jesus expressly sets up domain for church, and for government, and says (in as many words) to "render unto" each, "that which belongs" to each - how can you argue that it is irrelevent to church/state?
Jesus gives express delineation between church and state.
To refute that, you must provide evidence.
I am waiting."
Perhaps you failed to understand "Explain" and "Provide Evidence".
You have provided no evidence, and I would more happily follow the teaching of Jesus, than follow your corrupt interpretation.
24-12-2004, 00:13
I disagree.
First, I still hold that: by allowing ONE group to post on a site, you give an official endorsement to THAT ONE group.
Second: I do not believe that the Neo-Nazi's would be given free reign to place 'laws' on a public building.
To be honest, I don't believe that most states would allow even other religious organisations (Muslim, Hindu, Wiccan, Satanist) to post THEIR codes on court-houses...
1. I disagree with this. Just because you have a religious group on your property and they are praying or handing out Bibles, does not mean that you are endorsing them. You are only letting them exercise their free speech rights. It only becomes endorsement if you don't provide the same opportunity to all other religious groups.
2. They could because they have the same rights as everyone else.
3. I doubt that they would be denied. It would go against our nation's principles of equal rights for all people.
Drunk commies
24-12-2004, 00:14
Are you talking to me?
I think he was talking to Defensor Fidelis.
24-12-2004, 00:14
Are you talking to me?
Talking to you, yes... not about you...
Looking around the thread will clearly illustrate the 'troll' in question.
Defensor Fidei
24-12-2004, 00:14
Perhaps you misunderstood my post... here...
Perhaps you failed to understand "Explain" and "Provide Evidence".
You have provided no evidence, and I would more happily follow the teaching of Jesus, than follow your corrupt interpretation.
The Church has spoken strongly on the issue. Church and state are to be united- and so-called "religious liberty" is CONDEMNED.
The Sapphire Phoenix
24-12-2004, 00:14
Show me that in the Bible. Show me where in the Bible Jesus or any of the apostles said that.
In my Bible, Jesus said the exact opposite.
You seem to be making chrisitians look bad.
Catholics aren't bad, Christians (The protestants, and other uba'-fundamentalist denominations) sometimes are.
I believe I read something about Jesus saying give what is Cesar's to Cesar, and what is God's to God.
So, what Bible are you reading?
Drunk commies
24-12-2004, 00:17
The Church has spoken strongly on the issue. Church and state are to be united- and so-called "religious liberty" is CONDEMNED.
The founding fathers have spoken strongly on the issue. Church and state are to be divided- and establishment of faith by the state is CONDEMNED. The state has armed men to back their laws up.
One Many
24-12-2004, 00:19
At the risk of sounding ignorant, can someone please tell me what you mean when you call someone a "troll"? :confused:
24-12-2004, 00:20
1. I disagree with this. Just because you have a religious group on your property and they are praying or handing out Bibles, does not mean that you are endorsing them. You are only letting them exercise their free speech rights. It only becomes endorsement if you don't provide the same opportunity to all other religious groups.
2. They could because they have the same rights as everyone else.
3. I doubt that they would be denied. It would go against our nation's principles of equal rights for all people.
"Target" would disagree with you on the first. By allowing a religious organisation to hand out bibles, you would be allowing 'canvassing'... or 'soliciting'. (Both of which, I suspect, are fowned upon by American Law)
Similarly, if the state 'allows' a group to signpost a venue, they ARE IMPLICITLY offering an endorsement of that organisation.
Since many state or local governmental bodies have been involved in the placing of a scriptural reference in public buildings... it is the duty of those governments (if they are not abusing equal rights) to ALSO post the Wiccan Rede, etc.
24-12-2004, 00:25
The Church has spoken strongly on the issue. Church and state are to be united- and so-called "religious liberty" is CONDEMNED.
Incredible... second reply to the same basic post, and yet you STILL fail to provide ANY evidence, or show any reason why we shouldn't believe JEsus on this one, rather than listen to your rambling.
I have seen nothing to prove to me that any church has any legal superiority over state law (despite Saint Bush's best efforts) - so, even if you ever DID show that the church of today (heretically) disbelieves Jesus... I don't see how that has any bearing on the separation of church and state.
Please, do try again.
Defensor Fidei
24-12-2004, 00:28
Incredible... second reply to the same basic post, and yet you STILL fail to provide ANY evidence, or show any reason why we shouldn't believe JEsus on this one, rather than listen to your rambling.
I have seen nothing to prove to me that any church has any legal superiority over state law (despite Saint Bush's best efforts) - so, even if you ever DID show that the church of today (heretically) disbelieves Jesus... I don't see how that has any bearing on the separation of church and state.
Please, do try again.
I) The Church does "believe Jesus." It is His Church.
II) State law? The universal State is the Church.
24-12-2004, 00:30
At the risk of sounding ignorant, can someone please tell me what you mean when you call someone a "troll"? :confused:
On the Internet, troll and trolling are slang term used to describe:
A person who makes posts (on newsgroups or other forums) that are solely intended to provoke responses from others, or to cause annoyance or offense.
A post that is intended to incite controversy or cause offense. (Many posts may inadvertently cause strife as collateral damage, but they are not trolls.)
Basically, it is someone who appears in a thread making deliberately inflammatory comments purely to get a reaction. Obviously, these 'comments' are usually totally insupportable, because they are designed to cause a reaction, nothing more.
Ultra Cool People
24-12-2004, 00:30
I personally have no qualms about putting the big ten on public property as long as the monument is privately donated and all religions have the same right to "Post" monuments. The big ten, Jesus on a cross, Shiva, a big fat nasty Buddha, a satanic sacrificial alter, and some statues I saw at a temple complex in Singapore that would just wig you out, it's all good.
It would make going to court to pay a traffic ticket a lot more interesting. :D
Drunk commies
24-12-2004, 00:31
I) The Church does "believe Jesus." It is His Church.
II) State law? The universal State is the Church.
The church is a lousy state. It provides few if any services, has no military, no police, and no courts of law. Your state sucks, dude.
24-12-2004, 00:31
I) The Church does "believe Jesus." It is His Church.
II) State law? The universal State is the Church.
You are starting to bore me.
Provide evidence... do you need me to expalin this to you?
I feel like I am trying to arm-wrestle an egg...
Drunk commies
24-12-2004, 00:32
I personally have no qualms about putting the big ten on public property as long as the monument is privately donated and all religions have the same right to "Post" monuments. The big ten, Jesus on a cross, Shiva, a big fat nasty Buddha, a satanic sacrificial alter, and some statues I saw at a temple complex in Singapore that would just wig you out, it's all good.
It would make going to court to pay a traffic ticket a lot more interesting. :D
How about a big monument at the end of the line of religious iconography that says Please ignore the preceeding. Go atheist.
24-12-2004, 00:35
How about a big monument at the end of the line of religious iconography that says Please ignore the preceeding. Go atheist.
Or just an empty pedestal... with a little note that reads "We erected a statue based on ALL the verifiable 'evidence' for god(s)... if only everyone else had done the same"...
Ultra Cool People
24-12-2004, 00:41
How about a big monument at the end of the line of religious iconography that says Please ignore the preceeding. Go atheist.
That's cool. If your stuck for a God you can allways go to a Chinese God store. I went to one when I was on a business trip to the far east. The Chinese have lots of Gods and in various sizes. The Hindus and the Japanese too.
You know maybe if your an atheist you just haven't found the right God yet. The Japanese have a God for every river, even dried noodles and women's under garments. Have you tried the Japanese God of Panties?
24-12-2004, 00:41
Talking to you, yes... not about you...
Looking around the thread will clearly illustrate the 'troll' in question.
Drunk commies
24-12-2004, 00:43
That's cool. If your stuck for a God you can allways go to a Chinese God store. I went to one when I was on a business trip to the far east. The Chinese have lots of Gods and in various sizes. The Hindus and the Japanese too.
You know maybe if your an athiest you just haven't found the right God yet. The Japanese have a God for every river, even dried noodles and women's under garments. Have you tried the Japanese God of Panties?
I want to worship Mars, Roman god of war, but there just aren't any Martian churches in my neighborhood.
24-12-2004, 00:43
Catholics aren't bad, Christians (The protestants, and other uba'-fundamentalist denominations) sometimes are.
I believe I read something about Jesus saying give what is Cesar's to Cesar, and what is God's to God.
So, what Bible are you reading?
King James.
Ultra Cool People
24-12-2004, 00:47
I want to worship Mars, Roman god of war, but there just aren't any Martian churches in my neighborhood.
Be ahead of the curve and start one. With the current mood in the United States your's could be growing religion.
24-12-2004, 00:49
Sorry about the confusion... I made my comment in response, I think, to one of YOUR posts ABOUT the alleged 'troll'...
I may disagree or debate with you, but I don't consider opposition to be the equivalent of trolling...
Even if we two are on opposite sides in debate, I can still respect your position, your ability, and your 'debating manner'.
My apologies over the confusion. :)
24-12-2004, 00:58
Stop insulting religion. First of all there is no proof of evolution that's why it is called a theory. All those bones of dinosaurs can be stones for all you know. Any way if you know anything about science, scientists are opened to all theories that are tested. The big bang couldn't have happened according to the science you THINK you know. According to the big bang theory, all the matter in the universe was in a little ball and it just imploded. That breaks several science laws. First of all in science nothing can spontaniously create itself. Also the big bang wouldn't have been a bang but multiple bangs. According to basic physics rules for every matter there is an equal amount of antimatter. The antimatter copies the matter's every move or the matter copies the antimatter's every move. Antimatter was found so it does exist. Any way you shouldn't talk about an impossibility if you didn't try every possible way in the universe to try to make it. In the string theory, a string moves in 10 dimensions. If we can only move in 3 what are the others. All the ten dimensions are 90 degrees away from each other so that leaves seven unaccounted dimensions. Of those seven diimensions it is likely that at least one of them contains life. These beings also might be able to transend dimensions. This can account for angels or demons. Also in science may one of you "scientist" explain to me how life can just form? It is not enough to explain but also to create life out of nothing but rock without any instruments that can "evolve". Since you can't do this it is only further evidence that God does exist. Finally if there is no God, there is no soul and without a soul there are no spiritual happenings (such as an out of body experience) which is experienced by 20% of the people who underwent cardiac arrest even some atheist.
Any way the ten commandments are only in the Bible. The person who started this thread must have confused it withe the "Ten Science Laws" which do not exist since a law of nature must be a constant. Don't try to act smart by disproving something that can't be disproven.
Ironically enough, fossis are basically rocks. More specifically, they are mineralized remains of the animal.
i suggest we ignore df, as hes ha no clue that their is a line between the protestant faith(i.e the mormons, christians) and catholicism, you see, the protestants broke away from the vatican so we dont listen to the pope, and since the vatican is a differant country from america, we follow our own laws and basic freedoms.
I find it amazing when people completely ignore questions and don't provide any argument to backup their statements.
It's imperative if you make a statement to provide some type of evidence/argument for it.
If I say "The world is flat," and not provide any evidence, and simply say that if you don't believe me you're a moron, this is what the arguments of so many people look like.
I hate debating with people who make statements and provide nothing to back it up.
By the way, the foundation of our laws(in the USA) is common law, which is not from the ten commandments. Common law was created by the Anglo-Saxans in the 6th century, around 100 years before Christianity had any influence there. SO by stating our laws are based off of then ten commandments is absurd. Check out Early America ( for information on common law and other things involving the separation or church and state...
The Black Forrest
24-12-2004, 01:16
Stop insulting religion. First of all there is no proof of evolution that's why it is called a theory.
Ok do you understand the difference between a law and a theory?
All those bones of dinosaurs can be stones for all you know.
No not really. The contents of a rock tend to be different then bones. Rocks have differnt structures, etc. I have a petrified Dino poop, bones, and rocks and comparing the them you can see differences.
Any way if you know anything about science, scientists are opened to all
Also in science may one of you "scientist" explain to me how life can just form? It is not enough to explain but also to create life out of nothing but rock without any instruments that can "evolve".
Ahhh a Dr. Dino follower......
Any way the ten commandments are only in the Bible. The person who started this thread must have confused it withe the "Ten Science Laws" which do not exist since a law of nature must be a constant. Don't try to act smart by disproving something that can't be disproven.
I am that person and you have confused the intent. There was nothing about science mentioned. It happened later. YOu might try reading the threat rather then the first page and the last page.
Free Soviets
24-12-2004, 01:32
Depends on why you are erecting it. If you are doing it as some sort of offering to God or to promote people converting to chrisitianity, then it would violate the wall of seperation, but if you are doing because our laws are based on them, as all western laws are, then it is perfectly ok.
not what i meant.
tell me exactly what the following means
"Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness, of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth"
New Granada
24-12-2004, 08:35
Show me that in the Bible. Show me where in the Bible Jesus or any of the apostles said that.
In my Bible, Jesus said the exact opposite.
You seem to be making chrisitians look bad.
It's called "trolling" and that guy is whats called a 'troll.'
Goed Twee
24-12-2004, 10:39
How about this. If some backwards hick town gets to put the 10 Commandments someplace, the rest of us get to put giant foam testicles to go with the Washington Monument. We also get to rename it the Big Stone U.S. Penis.
A passing thought....
Why is there the need to have them posted everywhere?
Is their faith so bad that they have to be reminded with visuals?
Bored and at work......same reason why...
1) there are signs in every store reminding people that it's illegal to by Cigs/liquor if you're under age...
2) there are stop signs/lights at every corner
3) there are warnings about children being present at every school
4) there are signs and warnings at every pool/beach about lifeguards and safety protocals.
some people need all the signs they can get... and they still don't get it.
also think about this. Man needs hundreds of laws to say the same thing God said in 10 sentences.
go figure.
A passing thought....
Why is there the need to have them posted everywhere?
Is their faith so bad that they have to be reminded with visuals?
here's my bit of confusion:
isn't building a big 10 Commandments statue the same as making a graven image? isn't that a little odd?
EDIT: oh good, somebody else is addressing this.
same reason why...
1) there are signs in every store reminding people that it's illegal to by Cigs/liquor if you're under age...
2) there are stop signs/lights at every corner
3) there are warnings about children being present at every school
4) there are signs and warnings at every pool/beach about lifeguards and safety protocals.
those are laws and rules that all citizens are expected to follow. only three of the 10 Commandments are required by American law, and they are the three that have been a part of every major religion, government, and social group in recorded history. also, those are rules and laws that help prevent solid, physical, proven consequences to violation...they stop people from engaging in acts that directly cause death or injury to others or themselves.
also, 7 out of the 10 Commandments apply only to people who 1) believe they have an immortal soul, 2) believe that soul is in the charge of the Judeo-Christian God, and 3) believe that following the rules Moses brought down from the mountain will help safeguard that soul.
some people need all the signs they can get... and they still don't get it.
there are no signs about that tell people not to murder each other, yet for some reason people seem to get that...people who commit murder never try to claim "well, i didn't know it was illegal" unless they are so mentally deranged that they are ruled insane by psychological professionals (in which case even a sign wouldn't have helped them).
also think about this. Man needs hundreds of laws to say the same thing God said in 10 sentences.
actually, in America, human law needs to cover many things that God neglected; i don't recall the 10 Commandments covering child abuse, rape, or domestic abuse, for instance. did God just forget about those issues? did he skip those bits because he assumed we would figure it out on our own?
also, please remember that our laws do NOT say what God did in 10 sentences...only 3 of the 10 Commandments are in American law, and 30% is a failing grade in any class i've ever taken.
The Ten Commandments must be posted to show our obedience to His universal Law in all things.
We are not obedient to his laws. if You want to be obedient to him thats fine. but they're not laws. guidelines at best. a bit of adulterous murder never hurt anyone. nor did worshipping false (american) idols