Favorite Member of the Justice League
Social Outcast-dom
22-12-2004, 04:14
I figured a little extra levity couldn't hurt; methinks I've been spending too much time in forum debates. What can I say? I'm a DC-comics geek. Green Arrow is my favorite, and consequently my specialty.
Dobbs Town
22-12-2004, 04:16
I say Green Lantern - the Hal Jordan Green Lantern, that is.
New Fubaria
22-12-2004, 04:35
I was never much of a DC fan, I was a Marvel fanboy...but if I had to pick, I'd say Green Lantern...
Lobo was pretty cool, but he wasn't a JLA member (he was in Legion, though)
Silent Truth
22-12-2004, 04:36
Looks down, yup I've got my Green Lantern shirt on. You know where my vote goes.
Social Outcast-dom
22-12-2004, 04:37
That reminds me, while we're at it, if you can, please list the incarnation of your vote; DC has more Green Lanterns than Michael Jackson has noses. When I say I like Green Arrow, I'm usually referring to Oliver Queen, not his son Connor Hawke.
Green Lantern, any version I guess....
22-12-2004, 05:37
I pretty much liked that Hawkgirl character until she started getting off with Green Lantern. What horrible taste in men.
Ultra Cool People
22-12-2004, 05:39
Wonder Woman. She can tie me up with her golden lasso and make me tell the truth anytime.
Wonder Woman is like patriotic S&M. Where else but America would you find a government agent who's a domineering Amazon dressed like a dominatrix on the 4th of July who'll make you tell the truth through bondage. I'm thinking the Bush bedroom, but that ain't no one's business but their own.
22-12-2004, 05:39
batman is always the coolest, no matter where he is.
22-12-2004, 05:46
Green Lantern, that is such a pimp ring.
22-12-2004, 05:48
Green Lantern is a horrible name though. Christ he sure pulled the short straw when they were naming thier characters.
22-12-2004, 05:53
Maybe : "I-have-a-super-ring-so-don't-mess-or-I'll-kick-your-ass"
Social Outcast-dom
22-12-2004, 13:51
Eh, Green Lantern's cool, but I don't like the fact that he has a horrendous weakness to anything yellow. And Batman needs to lighten up.
Batman...definately Batman.
I will concede that Hal Jordan going crazy and creating an entire planet of people to punish the guy that destroyed the original version of the planet is both awesome and fantastic, but as a character Batman is so much more interesting.
Batman was a 'normal' (though exceptionally gifted) child that could have grown up to be an olympiad, or the guy that cured cancer. But instead some jackass shot his parents, he went nuts, and now he's some goof in a suit pathetically trying to stop the unstopable. And yet, he manages to pull it off in a style all his own. He's a consumate dick.
He's also the only dude to consistently woop Superman and Green Lantern's monkey asses.
Social Outcast-dom
22-12-2004, 16:16
Yeah, Batman's super-smart, has really cool gadgets (and a sweet car), and is an excellent martial artist. But I like Green Arrow's story better, and his son Connor (Green Arrow II) is a martial artist to rival even Lady Shiva, the Birds of Prey, and even Batman himself. The cool thing about Connor is that he can watch martial arts moves being executed and then replicate them himself, making him the ultimate martial artist.
And Green Arrow (Ollie Queen) is officially "The World's Greatest Archer." Does Batman have a "World's Greatest" title? Noooope, unless you count "World's Greatest Detective," but that is in large part attributed to the massive amount of moola he has that allows him to do a heckuva lot of research in a short amount of time. That and he has a great sense of humor, and can claim to have died and come back. Now THAT is cool.
Little Minds
22-12-2004, 16:19
Weren't they all ambiguously gay?
Darsylonian Theocrats
22-12-2004, 16:24
I fear, of the choices, I'm going to have to side with the Green Lantern role as well, though I've almost universally loathed Hal Jordan. Rayner has done pretty well in my book, but I have a hard time not liking a guy with a green girlfriend. :)
It's been some time since I read it, but I recall the whole Parallax storyline, and when Ollie "killed" Jordan, I was glad Hal was done, but man, you felt Ollie's anguish over that one. Good writing, great damn art.
Social Outcast-dom
22-12-2004, 16:25
Who, the Justice League, gay? Nonsense. Oliver Queen (no jokes about his last name; they've all been made already) had/has quite a romance going with Dinah Lance, aka Black Canary. Unfortunately, a round in a supervillain's torture chamber left her sterile, so she was seriously miffed when Oliver eventually had a son, Connor Hawke, from an affair.
And Superman has married Lois Lane (very late in the comics, surprisingly enough), so he's off the hook, and Batman...yeah. He's a lot more of a ladies' man in the movies than in the comics. In the comics he's just depressed/disgruntled (hard to tell which) and never seems to pay the ladies any mind.
And if you read when Ollie was resurrected (not sure what issues, but Quiver depicts it all), you meet Hal again, this time as the Spectre. There's a lot of funny stuff in that one.
Little Minds
22-12-2004, 16:28
Hmmm. Quiver....
Social Outcast-dom
22-12-2004, 18:05
It's a reference to a container for arrows, if your implication was that it meant something else. Sicko.
Dobbs Town
22-12-2004, 18:08
It's a reference to a container for arrows, if your implication was that it meant something else. Sicko.
Aww, where's the fun in that? You...non-sicko, you...
Little Minds
22-12-2004, 18:08
I'm not saying he's gay, I'm saying they're "ambiguously" gay. And it sure seems ambiguous to me...
Social Outcast-dom
22-12-2004, 18:27
I'm not saying he's gay, I'm saying they're "ambiguously" gay. And it sure seems ambiguous to me...
"Ambiguously?" Could you please clarify? Seems pretty plain that Ollie is straight (read Quiver, you'll see what I mean), if not the others.
Little Minds
22-12-2004, 18:40
From a Saturday Night Live skit:
Check the link, it should be explanation enough.
And if not, check out those cute tights everyone is always wearing.
Social Outcast-dom
22-12-2004, 21:04
Uh...huh. Point taken. Still, I feel obligated to point out that Green Arrow tends to prefer fighting at range, and consequently has little opportunity to...ah...grapple.
New Fubaria
23-12-2004, 00:46
Social Outcast-dom
23-12-2004, 01:23
That's it, that's the LAST time I click on a link in here with a parent in the room!