Greatest world leader? (Ex-leaders don't count)
17-12-2004, 00:11
I'd have to say Thaksin Shinawatra.
Drunk commies
17-12-2004, 00:13
Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe. That guy's a class act all the way.
Yevon of Spira
17-12-2004, 00:14
Wheres a choice for "none", and I don't mean "other"
17-12-2004, 00:15
Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe. That guy's a class act all the way.
Please tell me you're being sarcastic.
17-12-2004, 00:19
Cor... do we have anyone who is not a joke left in office anywhere?
None of the guys you mentioned can even get close to the likes of:
to mention just a few.
17-12-2004, 00:22
The first one that came to mind if Akihito. Mainly because he has very little power. But I do agree, I think the Dalai Lama is probably one of the greatest of our era.
Drunk commies
17-12-2004, 00:22
Please tell me you're being sarcastic.
He's eliminating the white imperialistic influences from his great nation. Of course I'm being sarcastic. I voted for Sharon. He's disengaging from Gaza and is willing to dismantle some of the west bank settlements. He might just be sowing the seeds of peace in Israel.
New Genoa
17-12-2004, 00:24
World leaders can't be great. They're all l0sers.
Personal responsibilit
17-12-2004, 00:25
I really hate chosing between the lesser of evils. I don't think any of the above deserve the word "great" attached to their name. Most don't even qualify for the word "good".
Personal responsibilit
17-12-2004, 00:26
Wheres a choice for "none", and I don't mean "other"
sounds about right to me :(
Personal responsibilit
17-12-2004, 00:27
He's eliminating the white imperialistic influences from his great nation. Of course I'm being sarcastic. I voted for Sharon. He's disengaging from Gaza and is willing to dismantle some of the west bank settlements. He might just be sowing the seeds of peace in Israel.
As long as there is a temple mount to fight over and people with religious ties to it, there will never be complete peace there.
17-12-2004, 00:28
umm who voted for Paul martin, get ye a beating please...
Drunk commies
17-12-2004, 00:36
Anyone who hasn't voted for Sharon or expressed his support for Robert Mugabe really needs to reexamine his beleifs.
umm who voted for Paul martin, get ye a beating please...
lol... Here's to the west
Cor... do we have anyone who is not a joke left in office anywhere?
None of the guys you mentioned can even get close to the likes of:
to mention just a few.
Please tell me this is a joke. Or maybe in your country jokes aren't allowed.
La Terra di Liberta
17-12-2004, 00:43
Whoever voted for Martin should know he's lying through his teeth about the sponsorship scandal.
Drunk commies
17-12-2004, 00:45
Who besides me voted for sharon? I want to post his/her name in the "most respected NSer" thread.
La Terra di Liberta
17-12-2004, 00:46
Who besides me voted for sharon? I want to post his/her name in the "most respected NSer" thread.
Yevon of Spira
17-12-2004, 00:58
Occupied Lands voted for Paul Martin. I agree with whoever said The Dalai Lama. None of those people up there are great.
Me. I rule!
Other. And by other, I mean, "none."
The Stalinist Union
17-12-2004, 00:58
All of those so-called leaders aren't even close to what true leader is. A true leader holds absolute power and isn't controlled by things like a Congress or a Parliament. Obviously the Great and Glorious Comrade Stalin is the greatest world leader ever.
Yevon of Spira
17-12-2004, 00:59
The following Nations are insane:
Kwangistar, Ninjita, Pyschotika
Those people voted for George W. Bush.
17-12-2004, 01:02
The following Nations are insane:
Kwangistar, Ninjita, Pyschotika
Those people voted for George W. Bush.
Would you consider us more or less insane than people who said George Bush was worse than Kim Jong Il?
17-12-2004, 01:02
Does Kim Il Sung count? I mean, I know he's dead, but he seems to provide role much similar to our Queen.
Other then that, The Dalai Lama
17-12-2004, 01:04
Whoever voted for Martin should know he's lying through his teeth about the sponsorship scandal.
Of course he is that why voting for Paul Martin as the greatest leader is insulting...
17-12-2004, 01:19
I'm gonna go with the popular alternative vote and say the Dalai Lama.
Failing that, Roy of Sealand. (look it up. He won a war against Germany and Denmark! well.... not quite. Look over there!)
17-12-2004, 01:23
Why is Bush a choice in this poll?
And I really can't say that I'm fond enough of any current leaders to call them "greatest".
The Canadian Prime Minister, Paul Martin is probably the current greatest leader of the world in this current standing. First, Martin does not allow the United States of America to bully Canada in its foreign affairs over the utmost ongoing event in Iraq and also is a strong in what he believes in for the country and a majority of Canadians I know, support him.
You have people like George W. Bush, Tony Blair, John Howard and many other leaders that a lot of people to a level of degree disagree with them greatly. George W. Bush, appears to the world as the international bully, not a great crusader. Tony Blair, looks like someone who has recieved a lot of Botox injections and well John Howard, I have nothing on him.
However, my favourite world leader of all must be Ronald Reagan. A strong conservative at heart and believes he was doing the world a favour, which he did.
17-12-2004, 02:10
favorite past leader is Reagan......currently the best is ariel sharon......but why isn't putin on there.....what about kofi annan (oops, forget that last one......fuktard)
New Anthrus
17-12-2004, 02:19
I hate how everyone says that world leaders are evil. Sometime in the future, we'll look back, choose a few leaders, and say that they were great for such and such.
And as for my pick, it'd be George Bush, naturally. But two close runner-ups are Jiunchiro Koizumi, and Hu Jintao.
La Terra di Liberta
17-12-2004, 02:22
[QUOTE=Canad a]The Canadian Prime Minister, Paul Martin is probably the current greatest leader of the world in this current standing. First, Martin does not allow the United States of America to bully Canada in its foreign affairs over the utmost ongoing event in Iraq and also is a strong in what he believes in for the country and a majority of Canadians I know, support him.
I didn't mind him when he became leader, only because I really disliked Chretien but now, I dislike Martin as well.
17-12-2004, 02:27
1) Great here is an extremely relative term.
2) All the leaders on the list have some serious character flaw!
3) Yes...George W. Bush is worse than Kim Jong-Il...GWB is 2-0 up on countries invaded, 1-0 on illegal invasions, and probably about equal on abuses of human rights, but takes it because most of the abuses were against non-American people.
4) The Dalai Lama doesn't do anything...he's not a great leader because he's not a leader. There's no hope of him doing anything decent...except dying so they can get a new Dalai.
5) Arial Sharon does have a few positives going for him, such as certain disengagements, but he's still a murdering scumbag...just as bad as the Palestinians, if not worse. And his past record isn't exactly inspiring.
6) I voted other - Hu Jintao. The guy is holding China together with tremendous skill, and continuing Deng & Jiang's policies of opening the country up to the world. Political reform is not possible in China, so the guy is doing the best he can. And he's not invaded anywhere yet.
7) Tony Blair isn't a world leader; he's a puppet, and GWB has his hand up Blair's ass most of the time. Despite being English, I fail to see any positive impact Blair has had on either Britain or the world...whoever voted for him is extremely foolish / misguided.
That's it...
New Anthrus
17-12-2004, 02:35
I'd have to say Thaksin Shinawatra.
Who's s/he?
The Lagonia States
17-12-2004, 02:39
Anyone but Chirac!
17-12-2004, 02:40
Who's s/he?
leader of Thailand
The Lagonia States
17-12-2004, 02:42
Yes...George W. Bush is worse than Kim Jong-Il...GWB is 2-0 up on countries invaded, 1-0 on illegal invasions,
It's not an illeagal invasion.
1. Iraq was in violation of UN sanctions.
2. We have actually been at war with Iraq since Desert Storm, and have been on a ten year cease-fire. This is a resumtion of hostilities
17-12-2004, 02:43
Helen Clark. No one will admit liking her, but half the country still votes for her. Kinda like Bush but with a rockingly good economy...
La Terra di Liberta
17-12-2004, 02:44
It's not an illeagal invasion.
1. Iraq was in violation of UN sanctions.
2. We have actually been at war with Iraq since Desert Storm, and have been on a ten year cease-fire. This is a resumtion of hostilities
How was Iraq in violation. Saddam was an ass and treated his people like shit, yes but there were no WMDs and isn't that why W invaded?
17-12-2004, 02:47
3) Yes...George W. Bush is worse than Kim Jong-Il...GWB is 2-0 up on countries invaded, 1-0 on illegal invasions, and probably about equal on abuses of human rights, but takes it because most of the abuses were against non-American people.
You're wrong. Kim Jong-Il has starved millions to death in a country of just over 20 million. There is absolutely no free speech or freedom of the press. The judiciary is completely loyal to their leader. Officials believe that there are 200,000 political prisoners sitting in jail cells, and many prisoners of all stripes are executed summarily. Even if they aren't killed by a gun, malnutrition, lack of medical care, and torture has a good chance of getting the better of them. Forced labor is applied to most political prisoners who live. Even the worst exaggerations of Guantanamo Bay don't compare to what goes on here, on either scale or severity. Forced abortion is a practice, so that there aren't too many new children. There's no labor unions, and no freedom of religion. And GWB is worse than him. :rolleyes:
I didn't mind him when he became leader, only because I really disliked Chretien but now, I dislike Martin as well.
This is the difference between Martin and Chretien. On one hand, we have Jean Chretien who is more of a pro-Quebec then we have Paul Martin whose more pro-Canada. We need a strong Canadian leader who is very pro-Canada and doesnt leave their heart for one provincial territory.
La Terra di Liberta
17-12-2004, 03:52
This is the difference between Martin and Chretien. On one hand, we have Jean Chretien who is more of a pro-Quebec then we have Paul Martin whose more pro-Canada. We need a strong Canadian leader who is very pro-Canada and doesnt leave their heart for one provincial territory.
I don't doubt Martin's patriotism, I doubt whether I can trust him or not.
I voted for President Bush
and proud of it.
4 four more years, Viva Bush.
17-12-2004, 04:12
The Dalai Lama
New Anthrus
17-12-2004, 04:39
Not to burst your bubbles, but the Dalai Lama was little more than a windbag, using pity and Richard Gere to sell his books, concoct some "philosopy", and has occaisonally whined about China. Now he realizes the hopelessness of a "free Tibet", and is even endorsing Chinese policies. He's little more than a small, insignificant man.
Socalist Peoples
17-12-2004, 04:44
sharon...whatever the politics are of his actions gets up and does what he wants.
thats a great political leader i think
17-12-2004, 06:37
Look at the list of names up there. You can equate "greatest" with a single one? I sure can't.
For a leader to be great, you don't have to even agree with their politics. Reagan was a great leader. While sure he was in the right place at the right time to make him great, he could of screwed it up and he didn't. The Iron Curtain while not really brought down totally by the Americans could of been a very dangerous time in our history had Reagan made the wrong moves. No, he did manage to do a fine balancing act and not a single bomb was dropped.
John. F. Kennedy was a great leader. Can any of us imagine what could of happened if any of this list of clowns had been in power during the Cuban missile crisis? Perhaps again the world got lucky and the right man was in the right place at the right time.
A true leader is some one like Lester. B. Pearson who stopped what could of ended up as a global conflict had he had not come up with a little idea called peace keeping. Peace keeping doesn't always work, but it did in that case. He later went out to win the Nobel Peace Prize for it.
None of these people in this list have the wisdom and foresight that these three simple examples provide. Sure Reagan had his not so proud moments in Central America, downright criminal some would argue, but he didn't almost start a global conflict over it.
Great leaders come and go.. there is no promise that each part of our history will have one or more. It is possible to go through periods of history where there just simply are no great leaders. As for my opinion, I believe we are in those times now. If there was truly great leadership in the world today we would not see and be living in the times we are.
Great leadership is not always a given in the people who run our world.
17-12-2004, 07:19
How was Iraq in violation. Saddam was an ass and treated his people like shit, yes but there were no WMDs and isn't that why W invaded?
Saddam had missiles that had a maximum range that was greater than the range allowed by the nteen sanctions we placed on him (this is true, i remember the a couple weeks before he invaded, he launched a missile and it was on the news while they watched the range pass the acceptable limit)....
Copiosa Scotia
17-12-2004, 08:13
I voted other/none, but now that I think about it, I'd like to change my vote to Paul Martin. He's doing pretty well so far, mostly because he's barely had time to do any harm to his country.
17-12-2004, 08:24
Saddam had missiles that had a maximum range that was greater than the range allowed by the nteen sanctions we placed on him (this is true, i remember the a couple weeks before he invaded, he launched a missile and it was on the news while they watched the range pass the acceptable limit)....
True, but now you forget that if this missile is launched with a bomb attached to it, it could not pass the acceptable limit. They launched an empty missile.
17-12-2004, 08:51
once again true....but the duration of the flight and the distanc the missile traveled was much greater than the aceptable was out of the range that it would have had to be had there been a warhead attached to it...(the distance it traveled showed that the effects of the extra weight would not have hindered its progress past the acceptable limit..)
17-12-2004, 08:57
once again true....but the duration of the flight and the distanc the missile traveled was much greater than the aceptable was out of the range that it would have had to be had there been a warhead attached to it...(the distance it traveled showed that the effects of the extra weight would not have hindered its progress past the acceptable limit..)
ok, thanks for giving more information. I barely remember the incident.
Dobbs Town
17-12-2004, 09:25
The Dalai Lama
17-12-2004, 09:29
wtf is up with the dali lama crap...he is neither a leader nor a fiigurehead....just becasue it is cool to say you like the dali lama doesn't mean he is the answer to all world problems.....
Dobbs Town
17-12-2004, 09:31
...doesn't mean he isn't, either...
17-12-2004, 09:35
he is a shriveld old man in an orange tell me...who is gonna take him seriously even if he did wield immense political power?
Dobbs Town
17-12-2004, 09:36
17-12-2004, 09:38
wtf is a spambot doing in these threads....go away dobbs :p
Borro Klapwokkel
17-12-2004, 09:39
they are all a bunch wankers with small dicks and most of them are murderers.
17-12-2004, 09:59
I agree most with the murderers part.. but you need not throw insults.. (even though I agree fully with you :p )
why all those bad leaders on the list?