Steel Law
First I must establish 2 things, 1 I am not some random newbie, I have been here for a great length of time, I just keep forgetting to check my nation, and thus it almost always appears new.
Second, I'm going to talk about something called Steel Law, note that I am not the creator of this concept, nor do I run it, and I gain nothing from informing people about it.
Steel Law is an online roleplaying game set on a giant cityship in the distant future. It is played through a rather unattractive 2D isometric interface, but I love it despite that. It's a game about conspiracy, fighting alien nasties, organisational strife, but most importantly it's about players, it's a player driven game rather than the gameplay driven standard for MMORPGs. That means no pointless level grind, but instead intrigue and role playing.
So why am I plugging it? Well it doesn't have many players. There will generally be 14 online at any given time at most, and it's typically more like 1-5 people. It's a game with a hell of a lot of promise, but it needs more players to work. So please, join up, try it out (but try not to take too much notice of the crappy tutorial, frankly I'd advise just walking straight through it).
EDIT: By the way, if you've ever heard of Augustus or RepRev, you'll probably like this. Most of you won't have, but still, just saying.
Whoops... forgot the link.
I'm bumping this... but I feel that bumping it uselessly would be a bit crap, so I'll tell some game stories as bump posts.
This one comes from a player who has styled himself as a historian and records certain events:
The Cartel Boss incident was a source of great tension amongst the citizens of the Charon, and the earliest event that I have detailed records of in which the organisations engaged in active hostility towards one another.
Records would suggest that Charon Command recieved word that a pair of Cartel Bosses would be arriving on the Charon to discuss some matter of defence and security and exchange information. This knowledge was relayed to the general population, along with an order to kill these individuals should they be spotted. Apparently these Crime Lords possessed unique, biometric information stored within their own bodies, which could be extracted at the Charon hospital facility.
Initially this order was met with a certain amount of dissent, particularly from a number of FIST and Masque representatives, who believed that it should be determined exactly why the bosses were meeting on the Charon to discuss something pertinent to it.
I believe that soon after this occurred FIST recieved new information on the subject however, this is at least what the records would indicate. One could assume that FIST command on Earth, by it's nature an organisation predisposed to aiding criminal elements, gave the order for FIST to protect the representatives (Shavez and Rynton).
On the night of the meeting, many organisation members met on Charon Stronghold to await the new arrivals. As soon as the first arrived, FIST began to escort him to a secure location in the Training bays on Stronghold. Police Chief John Aries is believed to have led an assualt on their rear guard, though he did not succeed, and was hospitalised. While the Police were firmly dedicated to killing the criminals, Masque were a more uncertain issue. It is reasonable to assume from the data available that Masque at least gave the impression that they were willing to lend support to FIST, but at the last moment, in typically mercurial fashion declared their intention to side against FIST, many of their number were hospitalised as a result due to superior FIST numbers and an excellent defensive position.
Police and Masque tactics from this point in can be described as spotty at best. They made several attempts to attack the FIST meeting point, leading to repeated hospitalisations. Maps of the Stronghold suggest that a far more effective tactic would have been to hide people in the rooms joined to the central corridor down which the second delegate had to walk, and making a sudden surprise attack. However, the lack of a leadership presence to any great degree on the part of these organisations made for ineffective maneouvers.
In one last ditch effort The Police are believed to have taken Habitation Deck 1, and Masque Commerce Deck 1. FIST ignored this diversionary tactic however, and took them back later that night, after the Cartel Bosses had successfully met.
Here's one from in-game journalist, John Steed:
Yesterday evening at approximately 1800GMT the ships status monitors registered that the engineering deck had come under the control of pirates. Since this time is when charon citizens are changing shifts very few citizens were available to respond to the preliminary report.
Several explosions were observed beside the nodes as pirates commited acts of sabotage and the deck was in a toxic state. The pirates themselves were spread out around the deck in ones and twos rather than bunched up in groups but they put up a spirited fire against the two citizens who first arrived at the deck.
This reporter was so badly injured by gunfire that he needed hospital help, but after half an hour the pirates appeared to have been dealt with.
As time progressed more citizens had the opportunity to don armour and pick up weapons in time to be prepared for the arrival of more pirates.
More pirates made their way into the deck over the next hour and by 2000GMT the floor was littered with their corpses. In fact so many pirates were killed that it overwhelmed the clean up facilities of Charon and bodies could still be seen an hour later.
By about 2000 GMT the last of the pirates had left of were killed and most of the nodes on Engineering were back in masque hands.
None of the pirates were recognised, and they did not attack in groups as they have done in the past. It looked as if sabotage was their motive rather than invasion. They did not appear to make any incursion into Commerce deck or the sewers.
Here's another, this time with pictures (as links so as not to kill 56k users):
Chi news services have managed to obtain footage of police officer Krychter repeatedly assaulting Charon citizen Sien following a break in.
The footage is disturbing and shows the officer repeatedly hacking at Sien with a sword and waiting while emergency services revived the citizen before continuing to slash at the body. It also shows the officer robbing the body and selling the items taken.
Recruit Sien of FIST encounters police officer Krychter in the Barracks by a node.
Recruit Sien is attacked in hospital after being incapacitated elsewhere.
Recruit Sien killed in hospital - Officer Krychter apparently aware that he is on film.
Krychter continues to attack Sein, and talks about selling the looted equipment - the most damning photo of the series.
Why would a respected police inspector behave in such a fashion? He was using a sword instead of a shockstick possibly because he was unable to arrest Recruit Sien as Sien had positive merit. Krychter in the past has been accused of heavy handed tactics but no proof has been brought forward. Perhaps he is suffering from job related stress.
Another document has been shown to me provided by a police source who said that is was discovered in the police data viewer behind two untampered police locks. The document was not necessarily written by Krychter but it seems likely that it was written or planted by a policeman and Krychter has indeed lost a large amount of Crazy Juice.
Perhaps the Inspector needs to take a long holiday.
Not even a "this looks a bit rubbish"? Does anyone have an opinion? At all?
Last game I tried this for got an extra 20 members. Wonder what I'm doing wrong here.
It must be your breath.
I'll be checking it out tonight, as I am a huge fan of free mmorpg' DOES look quite interesting...
It must be your breath.
I'll be checking it out tonight, as I am a huge fan of free mmorpg' DOES look quite interesting...