NationStates Jolt Archive

The Dark Land

13-12-2004, 06:18
The Dark Land

The Forests darken with each step I take. The leaves rustle as if with life, producing a sinister melody foreshadowing impending doom to all those who dare enter their uninhabitable domain. As my warband drifts onward into this dark abyss I sway in my horse, the gods of these lands must be punishing us, for the cold is strange and intolerable. Snow falls from every direction imaginable and it’s touch upon my flesh produces a sensation that harkens to that of fire. Even so my fellow warriors and tribesmen shall never look upon the eyes of the god of cowardice for they know our earth lands are at stake, and so we move onwards upon these dark wooden lands. We dare not sleep by the cover of darkness, for in this land it is not a veil of protection but of evil. Many tales tell of the Children of Darkness that reside in these land, a people mad with bloodlust and possessed demons some say. Each rustling of the many leaves causes fear upon my warriors and I too must admit am weary with fear, for I know that in the darkness of these woods eyes are upon us and as to whom they belong I know not.

I now ride on the fore of the column ever suspicious of the blackness that covers the interior of the trees. I scan the rough edges of the forest on both sides, by the gods they look like tall wooden sentinels guarding this land ready to strike at us with their long rough arms. As I return to my senses I call up three of my scouts, instructing them to go yonder up the trail and report any important details of the terrain or suspicious material. As they turn their steeds to begin their task I grasp the shoulder of the one closest to me, an aspiring young lad from a noble family no doubt, and instruct him to be extremely cautious and especially attentive to the dark edges of the forest. He acknowledged this and rode on with the other two scouts.

As time passed and the column went onwards in a steady pace I became worrisome, for the three scouts I sent did not return. With each step that my horse took I feared what the next few feet would bring. Suddenly I felt a hand upon my arm, at this I turned and to my relief I came upon the hairy face of Lugotrix, one of my able captains. He informed me that the men were beginning to sight strange shadowy shapes upon the veiled forest. It is as I feared we have journeyed too far…too deep upon this cold, dark territory. I stared deep into Lugotrix’s eyes and I told him we have passed the point were our earth god’s protection is no longer with us, that only personal courage shall prevail this day.

I rode now along the dreary column inspecting the shape of my great warriors. The icy touch of air tortured my men, the wind with its stabbing gusts enveloped their fur covered body. I felt a sadness creep over me at the sight off all this. Here I was with my noble horse and my body covered with rich layers of warm fur, it didn’t seem fair to me to see them suffer on my account while I myself took no share of their suffering. And so at this internal reflection I set to myself the task to suffer with them. I gave some of my fur to those that barely had any and shared my horse with the most exhausted of the men. I did this for them, yes, but also for my own selfish reasons. I longed to be a part of them, to be their companion in arms and not just their leader. Plus this act would boost morale. And as my father instructed me in his many war lessons morale is the single most important aspect of warfare.

As time passed, snow drifted endlessly over our bowed bodies. The crunching of the snow under our fur boots was like the hypnotizing melody of war drums as the band of brothers marched on sustained only with the hopes of warmth and a cozy tavern. Suddenly the war dogs became restless, barking curses at the darkness that surrounded us. Then came great screams and howls, terrible screams that would make a man’s skin crawl. I tried to ascertain from which direction came this frightening sound, but I could not for it flowed from every direction. I felt my body stiffen as it became consumed by fear. The screeching noise entered my eardrums with such great force that it seemed I would go mad or deaf at the very least. I gathered from the tone that it was female, screeching women no doubt. The whole column ceased its march and stood prepared for what would come to pass. I ordered every man to take up his arms and stand his ground for the moment of true ordeal would befall us at any moment and direction.

I stood beside Lugotrix, whom had dismounted such as I had done. I sheathed my sword, creating a sweet sound of metal as I did so, and I grasped the cold leathered hilt of my mighty sword with both hands. As prepared as ever I assured myself. Onward I looked, scanning the edges of the shrieking forest. A multitude of small blinding flashes of light followed our every move as if dancing in the blackness. Wolf eyes stared at us, an uncountable multitude of wolf spirits stalked us it seemed. Out of the twinkling blackness came three medium sized objects, at first I saw only only a grayish round outline. But as it swirled the object stared back at me, stamping a horrendous image in my glazy eyes. The blue eyes of the young scout stared at me for a twinkling moment as it was ripped from my eye sight by the crash of the head upon the shield of snow covering the cold earth.

My body was not my own as it trembled uncontrollably at the knowledge of the death of my scouts. I feared for my life, what would I do, there is no escape from this dark land. My only salvation shall be the road of death I concluded. The screeching of the forest ceased, replaced by mighty howls produced by the sinister animal eyes holed in the blackness. Suddenly the forest rustled as hundred of black shapes uprooted themselves dashing forward.

The Dark ones emerged and took shape as the little brightness of the sun shone through the cracks in the snowy sky. Great tall black sentinels rushed toward us, blackness covered them as if consuming their very flesh. Heads of great wolves and bears that bore human bodies ravished my mind, such indescribable evil and rage emanated from their large bodies.

When I arose from my thoughts I realized the sunken ground from which I stood would soon become a battlefield. A jolt of fear passed through my body producing mindless fearful images of ravaged flesh and blood. Still the great shadowy beasts advanced, uprooting layers of snow from their peaceful resting place in the icy ground. A great flash of courage awakened from the blackness of fear that covered my whole. I howled to the skies and looked for any sign of hope the gods would present us with. The sky became covered suddenly with a wall of snow, darkening the ground on which I and my warriors stood. Looking at this I acknowledge that no god shall stand along side us in this forsaken land. I turn my sights toward the ever advancing dark shapes, they charge with such speed, I look only upon a dark blur cutting the falling flakes of snow from their tranquil spiral downwards. War drums thundered in my mind as the moment of action was at hand. I grasped my sword tighter with both hands and positioned my body in a killing stance. I closed my eyes, commanding body and sword to merge as one. For this mighty union shall be fed this day, it shall be fed blood and flesh.

I smelt them even before I opened my eyes. Upon the foggy air I could only distinguish a great wall of blackness consuming the whiteness it treed upon. I took a long breath and exhaled. I steadied my balance and planned my killing as I watched the black ones dash in a mighty charge. My response at this was a mighty cry as I prepared for the impact that I knew was inevitable and would come soon. A wolf giant approached me, a wolf with the body of a man, only his head visible. Its great translucent eyes hypnotized me, taking me to a clear void of silence upon which a sudden great calm befell me, the last great second of peace before the great dark storm that approached.

The air collapsed against the sharp blade of my sword as it was swung with sudden violence. Blood splattered in every direction as my sword’s hunger was satiated with dark beastly flesh. The dark giant advanced still, even though half it’s body was slashed open, raining blood everywhere. My face was coated with fresh liquidly blood as the dark one tackled me. I felt its muscular body hit me with great force. My eye sight was all a blur as my body was ripped from it’s position and thrown back, crashing against a fellow warrior. I could feel his warm hands upon me as he hurled me forward against my dark foe. I animated my thighs and legs as to catch my body’s balance upon the slippery snow, in this one same movement I spurned my heavy blade up into the air and down again upon the tasty flesh of my enemy. Death met the dark creature as its face ripped by the sharp steel of my blade, I felt it’s blood and loose teeth hit me. I was in such a state of concentration that one would look upon me and think me mad. Great amounts of warmth emanated from everywhere direction as I turned my sluggish body, warmth from the blood now covering every visible area in my figure and warmth from the hundreds of moving bodies. I became entangled in the great multitudes of arms and limbs surrounding me, backs pressed upon me from every direction as if trying to crush me. In this close proximity my sword would feed upon any man, friend or foe. I instructed my body and mind that I would certainly have to break through the line of black beasts. I hurled forward with all earthly force pushing aside my warriors and slashing dark flesh without stop until the snowy ground it met.

I lost all sense of being, lost track of reality as I fed my insatiable sword upon dark flesh. My body became numb from overuse, pain enveloped completely, but on I went slashing wolf and bear heads clean off from their human bodies. My body gave way as it’s will to animate evaporated. I fell upon the red snowy ground, my wet face met the crunchy ground with a cold embrace. I heard and felt a large multitude of my bones break and crack as heavy legs and feet met my lone figure. Numbing cold grabbed hold of my lifeless body as I stared on at the battle raging before me. Great amounts of red liquid spattered suddenly outwards from screaming figures as they were cut by the blade without mercy. Howls, screams, metal slashing air and flesh alike, steel sinking its teeth upon wooden shields, war dogs digging their powerful jaws upon loose limbs, hands and heads flying up from the multitudes; all this I saw as I lay upon the wet snow. I wait unknowing… this is the price of war, we rise with noble intensions and risk all that is pure. What awaits us upon the gates of death? We are only as great as our hearts allow. This all comes upon me in a moment of sudden internal peace and comfort. I come now, upon this field of death, to know the value of life and all the goodness it conveys. The warrior’s path is a futile one of anger and unending dissatisfaction, of which misery is all it produces. Sleep, yes…sleep is all I need now my body tells me, I feel the soft bed of snow cover my legs and arms…yes I welcome this...warmth upon my soul.
13-12-2004, 14:44
dude that was cool but you got su issues man :p
14-12-2004, 02:13
hahaha glad you liked it. I posted another story called war echoes in this forum but it went unnoticed. Glad you like this one though. Too much blood? I think it was realistic, i tried to portray battle in a soldier's point of view.