What is your sexuality?
Kramers Intern
11-12-2004, 22:40
I just got the idea to make this, I will make it so people cant view who posted where, whatever circle you select it stays a secret.
Word Games
11-12-2004, 22:41
11-12-2004, 22:42
Bisexual, not bysexual.
New Tyrollia
11-12-2004, 22:44
So . . . why is it 'Homosexual (man)' and 'Homosexual (woman)', but only 'Heterosexual (all)'? Doesn't that skew the results slightly? And isn't it 'bisexual', not 'bysexual'?
(So I'm a nitpicker. Sue me. ;))
11-12-2004, 22:47
The correct orthographical spelling is "bisexual". I have no idea where it came from, since "bi-" is the latin numeric prefix, yet the Latin word for "two" is duo. Though we do sometimes use "duo-" in words such as "duet", but not often. Just to continue, if anyone's interested, the Greek prefixes for "two" are "di-" and "dy-", which came from dyo / duo / di.
Kramers Intern
11-12-2004, 22:47
two things ok I mispelled it, and second I thought someone would tell me about the Man, woman thing, I wrote that because once I was talking to a woman and she said, people call me a homo, or a gay, I prefer lesbian, so I just wrote Homo woman so I wouldnt have to write lesbian because that might affend some people, dont ask why.
11-12-2004, 22:49
I've got a major hard-on for Condoleeza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld. What does that make me?
Word Games
11-12-2004, 22:53
I've got a major hard-on for Condoleeza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld. What does that make me?
A hard dick with bad taste
11-12-2004, 22:54
A hard dick with bad taste
Oh... I was thinking "beastialist," but what do I know?
11-12-2004, 22:56
so I just wrote Homo woman
In an interesting twist, "sex" comes from the Latin sexus. Yet the "homo" in "homosexual" comes from the Greek homos, same. The Latin version would be homo, man, which would mean that the word is bastardised. "Homosexual" really should, etymologically speaking, mean someone who is sexually attracted to men.
Also, "sexual" is derived from the Latin sexualis, which came from sexus.
11-12-2004, 22:59
Heterosexual, but wouldn't drop Sigourney Weaver out of my bed :D
11-12-2004, 23:01
I've got a major hard-on for Condoleeza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld. What does that make me?
Bleh... can't conceive how Condie can arouse anyone from either sex (shudder)
11-12-2004, 23:03
Bleh... can't conceive how Condie can arouse anyone from either sex (shudder)
Now, now, there are masochists out there...
11-12-2004, 23:17
Now, now, there are masochists out there...
You don't like the hot man-on-rotweiller action?