Like Political Debate? Need to Get Informed?
09-12-2004, 03:48
Immediately after the election, discussing it with others, helped us realize how little the American people know about key political issues. So my friends and I created a livejournal community to act as a medium for us to talk about issues, give opinions, raise awareness...that kind of thing. Unfortunately, livejournal presented us with an interesting number of limitations... a week or so ago we made a "real" forum, that tackles a lot of those problems. It's not slanted to one particular agenda, but really is meant to be a place to debate, discuss and inform. If that sounds interesting to you, please check it out.
The link is right here (
If you have any trouble with it, please email me at
All are welcome to join
09-12-2004, 04:14
09-12-2004, 06:16
bump, again
The disillusioned many
09-12-2004, 12:50
Immediately after the election, discussing it with others, helped us realize how little the American people know about key political issues. So my friends and I created a livejournal community to act as a medium for us to talk about issues, give opinions, raise awareness...that kind of thing. Unfortunately, livejournal presented us with an interesting number of limitations... a week or so ago we made a "real" forum, that tackles a lot of those problems. It's not slanted to one particular agenda, but really is meant to be a place to debate, discuss and inform. If that sounds interesting to you, please check it out.
The link is right here (
If you have any trouble with it, please email me at
All are welcome to join
I would but i'm a member of so many things that i just end up forgetting the website, so sorry.
I replied cos i felt sorry for you being alone.
Pure Metal
09-12-2004, 15:02
hmm looks good... would join if i was an american. being european im not really informed enough to join the debate. soz
Pibb Xtra
09-12-2004, 15:44
As an American, I think I get enough debate here at nationstates. Noting wrong with international opinion. Frankly, I think Americans are too quick to ignore the opinions of us from other countries. Some of us live overseas ya know. (like stationed military for example)
09-12-2004, 16:31
Well, I think the idea was misunderstood a little, and that may be our fault because of the name. Non-Americans are more than welcome to join, because the reason I'm promoting it like this is to try and get more varying viewpoints. We have no desire to restrict the contributors to Americans, or solely American issues. There are a lot of domestic concerns in America that should be addressed on the forum, but personally I'm much more interested in international relations, so that if we can ever get it up and running thats where I want to spend most of my efforts. I'd love to have non-Americans contribute to the forum, honestly anyone who's interested at all. And if you feel like you're not informed enough, but are interested, then monitor the site and read the news. Getting informed isn't hard and that's half the mission of the forum.
I'm sure there's plenty of debate on nationstates, which is why I was initially reluctant to try and promote it on here, but I was actually hoping to capitalize on that. I'd like to get people that enjoy debating on to our site as well, and I'm not trying to take away from NS at all. It's your choice though.
09-12-2004, 17:31
09-12-2004, 17:42
So you basically made a clone of this forum?
09-12-2004, 17:43
I think the results of the past election show that people in the U.S. don't understand what's really going on. It also shows that people in the U.S. don't really care about freedom. :headbang:
I think the results of the past election show that people in the U.S. don't understand what's really going on. It also shows that people in the U.S. don't really care about freedom. :headbang:
Yes, because anyone who doesn't agree with you obviously doesn't know what's going on. Good logic :headbang:
09-12-2004, 17:50
That's not what I'm saying. Some 76% of Bush supporters thought that there was ties between al-Qaida and Iraq. That's a known lie that was pushed by this administration to begin the invasion. Also, a large majority of Bush supporters believe that there were WMD in Iraq. Another lie. If people were voting on moral values, apparently honesty isn't tied to American morals or values.
09-12-2004, 17:51
I wouldn't say it's exactly a clone. Nationstates has always struck me (I had another nation for a year, but stopped playing and lost it) as more of a fantasy thing. While I know there's debate on here, there's also a lot of rp and other stuff. The forum I made is more real-world politicallly oriented.
And as far as people not knowing what's going on, that's not altogether untrue. A surprising number of people (I'll pull up numbers if you like) still believe things that the 9-11 commission and other government efforts have proven false (the existence of wmd in iraq, saddam's link to al qaeda, etc...). So yeah, people don't know what's going on. I don't claim to know everything that's going on. But we really want to use the forum to promote people being informed about their country and the world around them.
09-12-2004, 18:05
I think Americans would vote in anyone that's good looking. I mean, you could say that you want to support a Nazi agenda and if you looked like Brad Pitt you would win.
09-12-2004, 18:39
bump, yet again.
sorry im trying to whore my site out to y'all
09-12-2004, 21:41
bump it up
09-12-2004, 22:55
09-12-2004, 23:15