NationStates Jolt Archive


03-12-2004, 12:38
You are boarding the time machine.
It will take you 300 years back in time.
To a place of your choice.
You will stay for a year.
You can bring one item and one companion.
What/who is it, where do you go?
Torching Witches
03-12-2004, 12:41
You are boarding the time machine.
It will take you 300 years back in time.
To a place of your choice.
You will stay for a year.
You can bring one item and one companion.
What/who is it, where do you go?

A list of desired business transactions, my accountant, a bank.
The Imperial Navy
03-12-2004, 12:41

I'm spawn in Germany, with a nuke and Torching witches-then we could all go into happy oblivion with Germany-and earn a place in the history books as a mysterious explosion.
03-12-2004, 12:41
so we have from 03/12/1704 until 03/12/1705?

What was going on that year?
03-12-2004, 12:59
Me, The Rock, and a tank go back in time to London where we stir up some trouble and kick ass - with hillarious consequences
Pure Metal
03-12-2004, 13:07
You are boarding the time machine.
It will take you 300 years back in time.
To a place of your choice.
You will stay for a year.
You can bring one item and one companion.
What/who is it, where do you go?
a shitload of money... somehow ingeniously converted into contemporary 18th Century currency...
then party for a year dude!
Lunatic Goofballs
03-12-2004, 13:10
I think I'd appear right where I am(Connecticut) with a Sears Tower and Martha Stewart(to cook and decorate for me).
Legless Pirates
03-12-2004, 13:16
In some bar... beer is way cheaper back in those days
The Imperial Navy
03-12-2004, 13:17
In some bar... beer is way cheaper back in those days

And often fatal. :D

Unless you knew where to go...
Legless Pirates
03-12-2004, 13:18
And often fatal. :D

Unless you knew where to go...
a bar?
Pure Metal
03-12-2004, 13:18
And often fatal. :D

Unless you knew where to go...
better than drinking the water lol
Powerhungry Chipmunks
03-12-2004, 13:20
You are boarding the time machine.
It will take you 300 years back in time.
To a place of your choice.
You will stay for a year.
You can bring one item and one companion.
What/who is it, where do you go?
I will travel to Vienna with a piano and a good pianist I know. We will introduce the Viennese aristocracy to new music, and live fat and rich off of their commissions :D
03-12-2004, 13:26
I'd go to Germany and bring a gun and a friend who also has a gun. We'd shoot The Imperial Navy before he could set off his nuclear device.
The Imperial Navy
03-12-2004, 13:27
I'd go to Germany and bring a gun and a friend who also has a gun. We'd shoot The Imperial Navy before he could set off his nuclear device.

I armed it before i left.
Legless Pirates
03-12-2004, 13:28

Maybe I can piss on the nuke, rendering it useless
The Imperial Navy
03-12-2004, 13:29

Maybe I can piss on the nuke, rendering it useless

I don't think piss effects nukes... Although it's never been tried...
Legless Pirates
03-12-2004, 13:31
I don't think piss effects nukes... Although it's never been tried...
that's what I mean
03-12-2004, 14:06
I'd go to back to London with an engineer and a big book of how to build industrial machinery, turning Britain into the greatest Empire ever, and allowing to crush those revolutionaries in the colonies, when they eventually appear, with tanks and aircraft and advanced structural engineering. Thus cementing the glory of the Empire for all time in the manner which amuses me the most.