Japanese SHUN the Nintendo DS on opening day
Well...not SHUN...but you get the picture...more people waited for Dragon Quest 8 than for the DS.
If the Japanese buying more PS2s than Xboxes is an indication of how smart they are in buying video game consoles, then the PSP should dominate in Japan. Bringing in better games for Japan, and eventually extraordinary games in the U.S.
now that's over with that is very funney and im gona buy a PSP when it comes out :p
03-12-2004, 01:00
nintendo rocks and you suck for not liking it. mario kicks ass and what not
03-12-2004, 01:15
i agree nintendos games are to childish. but i heard the psp was going to cost 350 bucks
Nintendo's games aren't "childish". Just because something doesn't have blood & guts all over doesn't mean that it's immature. If anything, Nintendo should be praised for making good games that don't rely on violence as much as other games.
At any rate, the concept of the DS(ONE MORE SCREEN. Whoop-de-freaking-doo.) is stupid, but I'm not about to rush out and buy a PSP either.
New Scott-land
03-12-2004, 01:29
Eh. All I know is the DS is sold out till hell and back up here.
i agree nintendos games are to childish. but i heard the psp was going to cost 350 bucks
TOKYO--After months of analyst speculation that the Sony PlayStation Portable might not make it out this year, Sony Computer Entertainment today dispelled these notions when it announced that it will, in fact, release the PSP in Japan on December 12. The next-generation handheld gaming device will be priced at 19,800 yen ($185), which is fairly close to the already-announced price point of the Nintendo DS, which is slated to hit Japan on December 2 for 15,000 yen ($140).
and guess where you can read the whol artical??
kinda funney huh...
03-12-2004, 01:43
its all about SNES
Chess Squares
03-12-2004, 01:43
the ds sold like candy to idiot americans buying 5 of them for their spoiled kids. the japanese obviously see the ludicrous folly of 2 screens, i dunno about you, but i dont have eyes that can look 2 places at once.
03-12-2004, 01:48
its all about SNES
SNES rocks. A lot.
Valued Knowledge
03-12-2004, 01:49
I don't know which is sadder; the poorly written and infactual arguments, or the fact that I agree with them on the DS.
03-12-2004, 01:50
Well this has changed my mind about DS significantly . . . *can only hold out hope that Metroid Prime: Hunters, Zelda DS, Viewtiful Joe DS, and Gundam SEED DS save the system from total disgrace*
03-12-2004, 01:51
SNES rocks. A lot.
I was so happy when I found an emulator so I could play all those classics.
Chess Squares
03-12-2004, 01:55
I was so happy when I found an emulator so I could play all those classics.
bought a gba? really cuz they are just remaking most of them for gba, though i dont see no damn chuck rock gba game
03-12-2004, 01:59
bought a gba? really cuz they are just remaking most of them for gba, though i dont see no damn chuck rock gba game
No, an emulator for the PC. Bitch to try and find roms though. Given up on it now though. There is only so much classic gaming one can indulge in.
Well this has changed my mind about DS significantly . . . *can only hold out hope that Metroid Prime: Hunters, Zelda DS, Viewtiful Joe DS, and Gundam SEED DS save the system from total disgrace*
When the DS loses support from video game makers thanks to a lack of support, then you can quit being sarcastic.
For now, keep on going.
No, an emulator for the PC. Bitch to try and find roms though. Given up on it now though. There is only so much classic gaming one can indulge in.
True, true.
I've found a site that links to a good amount of roms, particulary gba roms. It's so simple to find on google...
03-12-2004, 02:16
When the DS loses support from video game makers thanks to a lack of support, then you can quit being sarcastic.
For now, keep on going.
Well I (in all seriousness) do believe that the DS has a bunch of kiddy titles out right now . . . I can only hope for some more mature ones or I'll just get a PSP
the ds sold like candy to idiot americans buying 5 of them for their spoiled kids. the japanese obviously see the ludicrous folly of 2 screens, i dunno about you, but i dont have eyes that can look 2 places at once.
I think I might have you confused with someone else, but I could've sworn you were the one who said something similar about the PSP.
The PSP is meant for older teens. Much like Sony themselves said in many press conferences prior to the unveiling of the official PSP. Hell, they even said it's not meant to be treated like a kid treats a GBA.
03-12-2004, 02:18
The PSP is meant for older teens. Much like Sony themselves said in many press conferences prior to the unveiling of the official PSP. Hell, they even said it's not meant to be treated like a kid treats a GBA.
True . . . Metal Gear Acid looks so awesome all of a sudden
03-12-2004, 02:19
True, true.
I've found a site that links to a good amount of roms, particulary gba roms. It's so simple to find on google...
I know, but generally I don't really like them. There used to be a website run by a guy who seemed to have a similar taste in games as I do. Stopped working though. But I have enough anyway, and played any for a while now.
New Granada
03-12-2004, 02:25
There is no denying that the n64 was profoundly good.
Italian Korea
03-12-2004, 02:28
No real good ames out yet for DS, but its got a shitload of FPS potential. Ever imagine an FPS where u can play against ppl without having them see ur screen or being able to see/hear u press buttons (like if ur being stealthy u go slowly)? The DS can do that. the touch screen is good for FPS, considering that when i played MPH:FH at an EB games, it was... mindblowing... and that's for a METROID game, not necessarily a real FPS!
i havent got a DS yet, but yes, i pray that they will get better titles before they get plowed over. (NP mag says over 120 titles i the making, at least like 5 of them gotta be best-sellers, eh?)
03-12-2004, 02:32
There is no denying that the n64 was profoundly good.
The DS, though, has yet to be judged truly
United Freedoms
03-12-2004, 03:55
Of ocurse, you guys are all jumping to the conclusion that the DS release has failed in some way, even though it has not by any stretch of the imagination.
These are preliminary numbers released for the DS's first week of sales (for those too lazy to click the link) as reported by IGNDS (they are, of course, from Nintendo, so SOMEBODY'S gonna accuse them of gross exaggeration, I just know it). I have also read the article which stated that the IGN team saw more people lined up for Dragon Warrior VIII, but that hardly makes the DS a failure (unmentioned by this thread's originator was the fact that it was also the coldest day thus far of the winter season the day the DS was released, it was a standard business day, and many people had already pre-ordered the system through a well organized pre-order program. Want proof?http://ds.ign.com/articles/569/569911p1.html).
At the bottom of the article, the authors note that they expect bigger crowds for the release of the PSP, but only because major retailers Bic Camera and Yodobashi Camera have announced that they won't be taking pre-orders for the system.
Just trying to inject a little evidence into this debate. The PSP will have a good release and is a good system, but I think that the DS is an underrated system with amazing potential for innovation and some great upcoming games (nobody has even mentioned pictochat yet, and I have used it, it's a riot).
I'm looking more forward to the PSP then the DS.
Yes UF, these are merely opening release numbers. But they do give a good indication of how well a game (or system) does in its lifespan. Now, we might want to wait for Saturday and Sunday for those numbers. But I expect them to be similar to today's numbers if not smaller.