Inauguration Day - Join Us!
03-12-2004, 00:00
Wrong forum at the best.
The Most Glorious Hack
03-12-2004, 08:48
Mmm... propaganda...
Take The Day Off To Remind George W. Bush That He
Also Works For 56 Million "Blue" Voters On Inauguration Day!
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Republicans all over America are showing how much they really want Bush to be the President of "all Americans" by telling those who didn't vote for Bush to move to Canada or France, or in some cases, "go straight to hell".
One even called for rebuilding the gas ovens to "throw all the liberals into"!
For more ranting from the right, click here.
Evidently these Republicans don't want the 56 million Americans who voted for Sen. John Kerry, Ralph Nader, Michael Badnarik, Michael Peroutka, or the other smaller party candidates to help support America anymore. Evidently, they feel our contributions to America are not needed any more.
Well, let's show them just how much American needs all of us "Blue" voters...
Take Inauguration Day, January 20, 2005 off.
When policemen and firemen feel they desperately need to get the attention of the government, what do they do? That's right, they all seem to come down with a bad case of "Blue Flu"!
Take the day off. Take a day of vacation. Play hookie!*
Oy. This has nothing to do with the UN Forum. Moved to General.
Just to add my own bit: It wasn't the Republicans that came up with the "Jesusland" and "United States of Canada" map, so don't say they're the only ones 'dividing the nation'.
Yeah, like that's gonna work. Americans are too lazy to organize... um... anything. Don't expect 50 million or even 50 people to join you in this venture. ;)
Besides, it doesn't change the simple fact that we won, you lost, neener neener neener. If you really want bipartisanship and compromise, bug your local Congressfolk about it. And if they refuse, flood their offices. (With mail, preferably.) It's that easy. :D
Corrosive Action
03-12-2004, 10:33
Besides, it doesn't change the simple fact that we won, you lost, neener neener neener. Just out of curiousity, since you include yourself in the victory, what was your share of the prize?
Something tells me your prize will be the same shaft the rest of us will be awarded with.
My prize is four more years of adorable left-wing temper tantrums. Kerry and Bush were equally abhorrent IMO, but this way I get to enjoy the lunatic rantings of your more extreme colleagues. Rush is right in this one regard: liberals are funniest when they're out of power, and right now you're out like Elton John.