NationStates Jolt Archive

Stryker Survives 500-lb Roadside Bomb!

02-12-2004, 17:32
This is a photograph of a Stryker vehicle which survived a 500 pound roadside car bomb. The Stryker rolled over 2 & 1/2 times, but the worst injury those inside sustained was a ringing in the ears! Amazing!,,SA_HumveeBlown_111904,00.html?
Joey P
02-12-2004, 17:33
Remember everybody saying the armor on those sunsabitches was too thin?
Erehwon Forest
02-12-2004, 17:37
You'd need to register before you can view the images there. And, depending on the design of the bomb, its position relative to the vehicle and the distance, that's not necessarily too amazing. Non-directed, pure explosions at anything more than a meter or two suck at busting armor.

I consider it more amazing nobody inside broke bones being rolled around violently in that can of sardines. If, indeed, the worst injury was ringing ears.
Joey P
02-12-2004, 17:39
You don't need to register on
They have the same image in their military photo gallery.