NationStates Jolt Archive

Nation Name Creation, a Public Poll

02-12-2004, 02:00
Please vote all the choices that apply to your views.

A very good friend of mine
created a nation name
he let die after 28 days,
he loves politics
but he always told me
he is a very busy man and
dosent have the time.
So he dosent have the time
or intrest to follow it.

I tried to create the nations name
after 28 days, but it was reserved
so I had to create a name similar
to his but unique, but it is not the same.

There is already a provision
to hold the nations name for
vacation or illness.

Perhaps my idea could work
with a provision to hold
the nations name indefinetly
if they so wish.

It would especially open up
the nation names to new players
who have the same name in mind,
especially since he decided not to stay.

I could have come up
with the same nation name first
if I had wanted to create the nation
based on his intrest
which we happen to share,
and so could new players.

I can always get it
through some of the other players
good suggestions and my friend
would not mind, thank you.
02-12-2004, 02:14
You already made a thread like this. It's currently in Technical. It is here ( If you want to pursue this, you should continue to post in the other thread.

Otherwise the mods will usually lock new threads on the same topic.
Santa Barbara
02-12-2004, 02:15
::claps:: nice poem!