Casual Sex? What are your opinions?
Meritocratic Australia
01-12-2004, 19:50
Hello Everyone!
What are your opinions on Casual Sex?
Personally I think it's repulsive. People today dont seem to care about how many partners they sleep with. They dont seem to realise just what they are doing with their bodies as they are risking a higher chance of catching a sexual disease or getting someone pregnant.
The Media have a lot to answer for and promote sex on TV almost 24/7 Condomes and other contraceptives are not 100% reliable.
Personally I prefer to wait until I have been going out with a girl for a while to take the next step or wait until you get married.
What does anyone else think?
so lets see.i can
A.choose to enjoy myself in the most plesurable way possible,as well as fulfilling one of my most importent needs.
B.go against the nature of humanity,my own wants and needs as well as raiseing my risk of insanity.
01-12-2004, 20:03
I prefer sex to be more formal ... I even wear a bow-tie!
The fairy tinkerbelly
01-12-2004, 20:04
I happen to quite like casual sex! it's lots of fun and my bf is less likely to find out about me having a one night stand than if I have other bfs
The Upper Congo
01-12-2004, 20:08
I say if they wanna do it, let them do it.
You moan about the media promoting sex, but you also buy into it's lies that nearly everyone grabs their significant other and has sex with them and promptly ditches them.Can we say hypocrisy?
Vittos Ordination
01-12-2004, 20:09
I don't see anything wrong with casual sex. It is fun and a good way to relieve tension in your life. That's proven.
Where the trouble starts is in our casual approach to sexual health.
I say have all the fun you want, just be responsible.
Dudes,sex is sex it dosen't matter if its casual or formal. Any kind of sex is good for me
Endless Love
01-12-2004, 20:15
Vittos has got it right. Sex is fun, healthy, and free. The only problem is people need to be better educated about STD's and contraceptives. Just wrap it up!
I don't see anything wrong with casual sex. It is fun and a good way to relieve tension in your life. That's proven.
Where the trouble starts is in our casual approach to sexual health.
I say have all the fun you want, just be responsible.
Indeed. I think casual sex is great, until responsibility and common sense are thrown out the window.
I personally think it is best in a monogamous relationship but its different for different people so as long as its consensual its up to you to decide and to deal with the aftereffects (if any).
01-12-2004, 20:19
I :fluffle: anyone who cares to :fluffle: or even sometimes those who don't care to :fluffle:. :D
We only need one thread on this.