NationStates Jolt Archive

What if people were created to evolve?

30-11-2004, 16:53
Similiar to how we as people evolve our creations (internet,communications,everything we create). We were created in Gods form, maybe we didn't fall that far from the tree afterall.
Legless Pirates
30-11-2004, 16:56
Similiar to how we as people evolve our creations (internet,communications,everything we create). We were created in Gods form, maybe we didn't fall that far from the tree afterall.
You mean like that fellow Darling, or something, wrote about?
30-11-2004, 16:57
Could you please clarify? I am easily confused.
30-11-2004, 16:57
You mean like that fellow Darwin, or something, wrote about?

Both creationists and evolutionists could gain great value by seeking to understand more than what they already know or want to know. Similiar to how we will fuse together many great ideas to achieve amazing results. We only recently realized the value of putting a vcr and tv together as one. Were slow with integration but slowly we will get there.
Torching Witches
30-11-2004, 17:02
You mean like that fellow Darling, or something, wrote about?

Who, Captain Kevin Darling?
30-11-2004, 17:08
Similiar to how we as people evolve our creations (internet,communications,everything we create). We were created in Gods form, maybe we didn't fall that far from the tree afterall.

I'm not too sure that the Creationist and Darwinist ideas are that easily integrated. For example, if you're statement were true, Creationists would have to accept the actual concept of evolution which is a central tenet of any Creationist argument against Darwinism while Darwinist would be forced to accept that humans appeared through some divine being's spontaineous urge to create.
30-11-2004, 17:14
If we look at both theories and apply them to anything and everything on earth and beyond we will find connections. If we look at people being created by God and refined through evolution. Just how we refine a tv from black and white to plasma whatever. Our innovation to evolve our creations comes from our instincts that are emulated in Gods form. Everything down to our emotions and what we see as civilized has evolved. We have followed suit to the one that made us in their form, God. We evolve our creations and ideas just how God evolved the planets until a likable (livable) solution for his children has been made(earth). People have evolved because God keeps refining us to better people.
Legless Pirates
30-11-2004, 17:15
Who, Captain Kevin Darling?
yeah... that's the guy
30-11-2004, 17:17
Both creationists and evolutionists could gain great value by seeking to understand more than what they already know or want to know. Similiar to how we will fuse together many great ideas to achieve amazing results. We only recently realized the value of putting a vcr and tv together as one. Were slow with integration but slowly we will get there.
I agree there, we need to look at something from points of view other than our own.
30-11-2004, 17:18
You think up this all by yourself? It's not a new idea.

But stop refering to evolution as something that happened, it's happening. It never stops. What makes you think we would be anywhere near the peak of our potential?
30-11-2004, 17:20
Similiar to how we as people evolve our creations (internet,communications,everything we create). We were created in Gods form, maybe we didn't fall that far from the tree afterall.

Or, what if people evolved to create, because there was no god and it just worked out this way on this planet?

Or - better yet - what if, as with some of our inventions that turned out not to be usefull after a while, there is a God but he has already moved on to something better, abandoning us to our fate with no care as to our final disposition.

Kind of like what happened to all of those 8-track cassettes that we tossed into the dumpster after the 70s.

Would that be worse? Discovering that there WAS a God, but that he just didn't give a shit about you anymore now that he had developed a better species near alpha centauri?
Torching Witches
30-11-2004, 17:21
We only recently realized the value of putting a vcr and tv together as one.
That was done years ago, but people very quickly realised that it was crap, for two reasons.

1. When one part breaks, you have to buy the whole thing again.
2. You can't watch and tape different channels at the same time on most of them.
30-11-2004, 17:23
I'm not too sure that the Creationist and Darwinist ideas are that easily integrated. For example, if you're statement were true, Creationists would have to accept the actual concept of evolution which is a central tenet of any Creationist argument against Darwinism while Darwinist would be forced to accept that humans appeared through some divine being's spontaineous urge to create

I agree that it is hard to integrate the two but only because both sides have chosen to take sides instead of being open to new ideas. When we create anything that later is upgraded, we encounter resistance (old habits die hard) from people naturally because some don't like change. Look at any political issue of our history and how it was obviously wrong (slavery) yet hard for many to let go. The ones that were not willing to let go were not actually anymore wrong than others they just never understood the light that gave the idea. It would be like going back to mid evil days with a game boy advance, you wouldnt be understood and probably chopped up. If you don't want to understand something then you will not be able to accept it regardless of how right or wrong it is.
30-11-2004, 17:29
That was done years ago, but people very quickly realised that it was crap, for two reasons.

1. When one part breaks, you have to buy the whole thing again.
2. You can't watch and tape different channels at the same time on most of them

Precisly the point. Like my spelling it will only get better the more I practice at it (first I have to care). We will evolve the tv/vcr/dvd/radio/computer/phone and whatever else into a workable solution.
Legless Pirates
30-11-2004, 17:31
Precisly the point. Like my spelling it will only get better the more I practice at it (first I have to care). We will evolve the tv/vcr/dvd/radio/computer/phone and whatever else into a workable solution.
Like all modules which you can hook up as you please, like it is now?
30-11-2004, 17:34
You think up this all by yourself? It's not a new idea.
But stop refering to evolution as something that happened, it's happening. It never stops. What makes you think we would be anywhere near the peak of our potential?

Well I have not witenessed this idea prior. Anything/everything that is not closed down to one way of working when it can clearly work another is the way to go. I agree we are not close to our potential as people.
30-11-2004, 17:34
I don't see the problem here. This is the official view of the Church of England, the Orthodox church and I think the Catholic church.
30-11-2004, 17:52
I think that this is a pretty pointless argument since if we were created to evolved and we are evolving that proves one side. But the fact is we are evolving as i think (in my opinion) it has been proven so we come back to the subverted question which is are we created by god 6000 years ago or did we evolve from apes or monkeys which we can argue till the cows come home. catch 22 situation
Loc Tav I
30-11-2004, 18:19
would it be too far a reach to suggest that maybe god created the Ape first or the single celled organism that eventually evolved into an ape which evolved into us?

I was once a devout Roman Catholic. having been an alter boy for many years and deeply involved in religion. But alas, as a very intelligent and curious kid, i began questioning. All to often questions are answered either well enough or adequately enough. After questioning things like "if God loves all his children then why punish some for loving a different way (homosexuality)? Why do rich people automatically get dissed when heavenly aspirations are apparent? are they evil automatically? Why can someone be evil all their life but either be baptized before death or save a life at the cost of their own and automatically get into heaven?"

Years of empiricalism followed. Over-rullingly discounting anything of religious suggestion. It wasn't until i had a daughter and did some traveling (not to mention a thousand exostentialist thoughts) that i started to realize that the complexity of life and the systems surrounding it were way to ..... coordinated/integrated to be the result of 'random selection' and genetic mutations. There may not be a white-bearded Man at the helm of this reality, but there is definitely a Cosmic order to this place that did not just 'happen' one day. this existence has to be due to either a higher intellect direct planning for us OR some sort of 'transplanted' coding from another place in space - a place that has already seen the coming and goings of a species of life akin to our own.
New Granada
30-11-2004, 18:30
What if we were created to evolve by a toaster on mars.

What if six invisible cats live on venus, and three of those cats control that toaster.

What if there is a black hippo that roams around the inside of the sun and uses its powers to control those cats.

What if the hippo is itself projected by the minds of ten thousand little ants that live eternally in the ring of saturn.

What ifs can really go on an on when they are untestable and non-falsifiable things like "what if god created us to evolve."
Dobbs Town
30-11-2004, 18:35
Like all modules which you can hook up as you please, like it is now?

Maybe it's not modular, but holistic...!
Legless Pirates
30-11-2004, 18:37
Maybe it's not modular, but holistic...!
People are not modular? :eek:
Dobbs Town
30-11-2004, 18:41
People are not modular? :eek:

Admittedly, it'd be fun if they were, no?

'Where's my left leg?'

'Here, borrow one of mine'

'Oh thanks.'
Legless Pirates
30-11-2004, 18:43
Admittedly, it'd be fun if they were, no?

'Where's my left leg?'

'Here, borrow one of mine'

'Oh thanks.'
I really have to beat that guy up who said I could buy legs in about every store
30-11-2004, 18:43
Admittedly, it'd be fun if they were, no?

'Where's my left leg?'

'Here, borrow one of mine'

'Oh thanks.'

But they can make tv shows about swapping out there wifes. :)