NationStates Jolt Archive

Comforting Thoughts

Santa Barbara
30-11-2004, 09:38
Life is fair.

God exists, and loves you.

One day, there will be no terrorists.

The country is headed on the right track.

The oil crisis will not ever inconvinience you or anyone you know.

Sooner or later, other people will come around to your viewpoint.

The beliefs that you hold are all essentially correct.

Your favored politicians are pretty much exactly as you see them.

Your loved ones are not in the process of betraying or judging you harshly.

You will not slip through the cracks of either insanity or poverty.

Government conspiracies, corruption, or anything else like that is all well and fine on X-Files, but we know that reality is bland and comparitively harmless and straightforward.

Accidents and terrible mistakes happen, but to other people. On TV.

TV is good for you.

A second Hitler could never rise up, and if one could it would be somewhere else and not as bad as the first.

Genocide and terrorism are committed by evil people with evil intents, not ordinary people. Ever.

Your political and social views make you safer and your life better.

You will always be within reasonable distance of grocery stores, fully stocked, from which you can get whatever basic food you want/need/can afford.

Other people lie to themselves, but you do not.

You are special.

You possess a quantifiable edge over most other people. In many ways you are superior.

After you die, you will discover new worlds of bliss.

There is a special someone for you, a soul mate, if you will.

Mankind has improved much since first building cities and growing crops.

You are not wasting your time right now.

Although you know that life ends, you also know you have plenty of time. So much time that it's not worth counting. So much time it may as well be infinity.

At least you've got your health.

It could always get worse.
30-11-2004, 10:17
Just thought I'd let you know - you forgot your [/sarcasm] note. ;)
Santa Barbara
30-11-2004, 10:19
I'd hoped it wouldn't be needed. :)

Then again I also hoped no one actually thinks these sorts of things and takes comfort in them.

But I think my hope is in general wasted.
Beth Gellert
30-11-2004, 10:26
Hey, the beliefs that I hold were essentially correct, given the information available at the time, and... oh, I'm channeling a Prime Minister, again. Well, never mind.

I was pleased to see things like the genocide/terror vis a vis evil people thing included in there. Sometimes I fear that nobody understands that sort of thing (I'd say, "any more" but then I'd sound as if I were recalling some fictional good-old-days).

One thing, though, comrade. People will eventually come around ;)

...I'm not saying that I'll be anything other than a rotting corpse by then, but that's beside the point!
30-11-2004, 10:27
Unfortunately I've all too many of the above statements made to me (and, in some cases, shouted at me) waaaayyy too often... :rolleyes: :D
Pencil Suckers
30-11-2004, 10:31
Lol Kryogenerica. Ditto :)
30-11-2004, 18:17
Hmm...somehow this thread reminds me of that '80s movie, "They Live", at the point where the Star finds the sunglasses that let him see the Aliens and their hidden messages in the Media.

It's as if I wore those very same glasses, all I would see would be:






Good thing it's sarcasm. ;)