Heard of or made this?
30-11-2004, 04:57
I'm wondering if anyone has either heard of this or made it:
Take a shot glass, put in a glob of whip cream (or a squirt from a can) then drip a shot of brandy or rum over it and suck the whole thing down.
I'm wondering how good that would taste or if it would even work.
(on a side note - w00t for me finishing a 30 page econ paper)
30-11-2004, 05:22
not my sort of thing, but I understand it is not too bad if a decent quality of rum is used, say Myers. Dark rum, not white. Don't know anyone who's used brandy, though, but the idea should be the same, decent quality brandy you would mix with milk. But the form I am actually personally familiar with is Khalua and cream, fine if you like that sort of thing and what I would recomend instead of brandy or rum.
New Granada
30-11-2004, 05:58
not my sort of thing, but I understand it is not too bad if a decent quality of rum is used, say Myers. Dark rum, not white. Don't know anyone who's used brandy, though, but the idea should be the same, decent quality brandy you would mix with milk. But the form I am actually personally familiar with is Khalua and cream, fine if you like that sort of thing and what I would recomend instead of brandy or rum.
Dont buy brandy or rum or whipped cream.
Go get yourself a bottle of Macallan 12 year and enjoy it neat or with ice.
That said, brandy and rum can both be quite delicious.
Dont buy brandy or rum or whipped cream.
Go get yourself a bottle of Macallan 12 year and enjoy it neat or with ice.
That said, brandy and rum can both be quite delicious.While my own tastes run along with yours (although Bushmills is also fine), we have to recognize that there are people with a variety of tastes. Some people actually like sweet flavoured liquors like Khalua, don't ask me to explain it merely to recognize it.
Los Banditos
30-11-2004, 10:17
Rum is good as long as it is not Bacardi. Stay away from that crap (except Bacardi 151 which is awesome). A good rum like Appelton or Barbancourt is great. Hell, even a cheaper rum like Captain Morgan's or Black Seal would be great with it. I would rather mix the cheaper stuff with whipped cream though.
And, I have never met a brandy I did not like.
Santa Barbara
30-11-2004, 10:23
Hmm. Sucking up pseudo-liquid globs of whitish goop. Doesn't sound like my thing.
Los Banditos
30-11-2004, 10:24
Hmm. Sucking up pseudo-liquid globs of whitish goop. Doesn't sound like my thing.
Sounds like Christmas to me.