How does the govornment get away with this?
Harmonia Mortus
30-11-2004, 03:16
For those who know about Dihydrogen Monoxide, please dont reveal some of its more disturbing properties here, Im sure this is something people would like to discover themselves.
I am talking about a nasty chemical called Dihydrogen Monoxide, its a really evil substance. It has been linked to a huge amount of diseases, it is used in tourture, causes the ruin of armies, and contributes to world pollution.
And yet, this substance is LEGAL in every country on the planet, with little or no restriction to its use.
For more information, look here:
Industrial Experiment
30-11-2004, 03:20
Dell dude's been arrested!/10
30-11-2004, 03:23
Yes, and they have the nerve to sell it in supermarkets to be CONSUMED.
30-11-2004, 03:24
thinks back to the days of seventh grade...decides...I shall play along. *snickers*
OMGWTFLOL! How can those facist pigs do that to us?
30-11-2004, 03:27
The Dark Lord Chaos
30-11-2004, 03:31
it is also called hydric acid. this stuff is pretty corrosive.
30-11-2004, 03:34
No-one seems to be falling for it...that's not a new site, just so you're aware. And anyone with rudimentary chemical knowledge recognises the problem.
30-11-2004, 03:35
Seen this before. Funny ain't it?
Battery Charger
30-11-2004, 03:36
Get away with what?
Not banning a substance isn't "getting away" with anything. I don't at all understand why I should be concerned about this stuff. Where am I likely to find it?
Harmonia Mortus
30-11-2004, 03:36
Psh, you people are no fun. I was hoping somebody would fail to read the topic and shout 'OMG! TEH GUVORNMENT R EVILZOR!', which would pretty much grant global mocking rights to everybody :P
Psh, you people are no fun. I was hoping somebody would fail to read the topic and shout 'OMG! TEH GUVORNMENT R EVILZOR!', which would pretty much grant global mocking rights to everybody :P
Average level of education on these boards: At least some college.
I doubt that they would fall for that.
30-11-2004, 03:42
It's HORRIBLE! People who have died of just about any cause all have plenty of this substance in their bodies....
Anywho though, yeah I doubt anyone would fall for it, it's a) pretty old, and b) there aren't many people who can't figure it out even if they haven't heard it before.
I've actually convinced someone it should be banned before though... but I don't know if that's fair, it was my friend's little brother. He got a little suspicious that my friend kept laughing though.
Psh, you people are no fun. I was hoping somebody would fail to read the topic and shout 'OMG! TEH GUVORNMENT R EVILZOR!', which would pretty much grant global mocking rights to everybody :P
It'd be really funny if someone read it, thought OMG WHY DON'T THEY DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, read the posts, and felt really stupid....
Gnomish Republics
30-11-2004, 03:43
I know it is much fun to play the "If I close my eyes I turn invisible" game, but please, pay attention... This is about a serious issue. Don't be like Dubya, who prays for it to go away... DEAL WITH IT! ;)
30-11-2004, 03:44
Get away with what?
Not banning a substance isn't "getting away" with anything. I don't at all understand why I should be concerned about this stuff. Where am I likely to find it?
Battery Charger
30-11-2004, 03:48
Oooooh, now I remember what that is. Yeah, that is dangerous stuff. We don't have much of it here though.
30-11-2004, 03:54
That took me a looooong time to get.
I'm such a loser!
30-11-2004, 04:00
Oooooh, now I remember what that is. Yeah, that is dangerous stuff. We don't have much of it here though.
I'm sorry.
30-11-2004, 04:02
Another thing--it would be more appropriately called hydrogen hydroxide. Just for the record, since its chemical notation is really HOH.
Bodies Without Organs
30-11-2004, 04:09
Average level of education on these boards: At least some college.
Really? I thought the average age here was 13-14... which just so happens to be about the same age as the Dihydrogen Monoxide piece:
Another thing--it would be more appropriately called hydrogen hydroxide. Just for the record, since its chemical notation is really HOH.
yeah... and it splits up into H+ and OH- ions
30-11-2004, 04:11
yeah... and it splits up into H+ and OH- ions
Then we get into pH.
30-11-2004, 04:16
I usually refer to it as hydrogen hydroxide in chemistry class... but that'd be a bit more widely recognized, so using dihydrogen monoxide works better :P
Really? I thought the average age here was 13-14... which just so happens to be about the same age as the Dihydrogen Monoxide piece:
No...not on general at least. I'm pretty sure that at least the active people are 16+
Then we get into pH.
Oh god. Not pH.
I hate pH.
San Texario
30-11-2004, 04:29
Zervok, a good friend of mine, got one of his warnings that got him kicked out of the UN for trying to get a resolution to ban it. The message they gave him was "The UN isn't a place for DHMO jokes"
The God King Eru-sama
30-11-2004, 04:32
I use pOH to stick it to the man!
The message they gave him was "The UN isn't a place for DHMO jokes
NationStates is serious business. :mad:
Musky Furballs
30-11-2004, 04:57
Really shameful to mock the single most hazardous chemical known to man. Never underestimate the power of stupity. People with PhD's don't know about this. I know. (I've had to work for them. Really.)
It kills thousands of people a year. It's one of the worst contributers to pollution. Worse yet, you PAY to put it in your house!
Wake up people! Stop being part of the problem!
*this message brought to you by a genuine card-carrying chemist*
**And yes, I have worked for people who do not know what dihydrogen monoxide is. **
***Education in the USA scares me too.***
Bodies Without Organs
30-11-2004, 05:24
Never underestimate the power of stupity.
30-11-2004, 05:27
Psh, you people are no fun. I was hoping somebody would fail to read the topic and shout 'OMG! TEH GUVORNMENT R EVILZOR!', which would pretty much grant global mocking rights to everybody :P
SS DivisionViking
30-11-2004, 05:41
i'd just like to blame it all on the jews. the chemicals, the government, the smarmy parody site, all of it is a biproduct of zog and its stranglehold on western governments.
SS DivisionViking
30-11-2004, 05:43
its the floridation that makes dhmo so dangerous, and we all know who's behind that.
30-11-2004, 05:47
For those who know about Dihydrogen Monoxide, please dont reveal some of its more disturbing properties here, Im sure this is something people would like to discover themselves.
I am talking about a nasty chemical called Dihydrogen Monoxide, its a really evil substance. It has been linked to a huge amount of diseases, it is used in tourture, causes the ruin of armies, and contributes to world pollution.
And yet, this substance is LEGAL in every country on the planet, with little or no restriction to its use.
For more information, look here:
Sheesh! Just the name gives it away! Dihydrogen Monoxide indeed! LOL!
Musky Furballs
30-11-2004, 05:48
Originally Posted by Musky Furballs
Never underestimate the power of stupity.
Originally Posted by Bodies Without Organs
No. .. Just me without a spell checker.
30-11-2004, 05:48
I usually refer to it as hydrogen hydroxide in chemistry class... but that'd be a bit more widely recognized, so using dihydrogen monoxide works better :P
That's funny, I usually refer to it as "water", and sometimes "Hv2O" (can't think of any other way to show the subscript...). Sorry for finally saying it, for those who wanted it to be unspoken. But I'm pretty sure "hydrogen hydroxide" isn't a very common term, since people use the two versions above instead.
SS DivisionViking
30-11-2004, 05:51
That's funny, I usually refer to it as "water", and sometimes "Hv2O" (can't think of any other way to show the subscript...). Sorry for finally saying it, for those who wanted it to be unspoken. But I'm pretty sure "hydrogen hydroxide" isn't a very common term, since people use the two versions above instead.
hey, he used the W word:eek:
30-11-2004, 05:54
I can no longer tolerate the communist conspiracy to contaminate our bodily fluids.
United Manchester
30-11-2004, 05:56
Somehow it's George Bush's fault.
30-11-2004, 06:04
I can no longer tolerate the communist conspiracy to contaminate our bodily fluids.
SS DivisionViking
30-11-2004, 06:11
Somehow it's George Bush's fault.
well he's a minion of zog. they are responsible for all his evil sure. but he's not responnsible for all theirs, he's just a little cog in their great clockwork devilrobot of world domination.
Northern Trombonium
30-11-2004, 07:08
You think normal Dihydrogen Monoxide is bad? There are actually people who try to sell a solid version of the stuff, and the solid form is incredibly dangerous! Some jerk's been sprinkling it on the ground all around here, and this stuff is hurting people! The worst part is that a lot of people don't even realize that they're handling dangerous materials until it's too late! We must raise public awareness of this evil chemical!
30-11-2004, 07:12
it is also called hydric acid. this stuff is pretty corrosive.Well it is refered to as 'the universal solvent' for a reason!
30-11-2004, 07:14
That's funny, I usually refer to it as "water", and sometimes "Hv2O" (can't think of any other way to show the subscript...). Sorry for finally saying it, for those who wanted it to be unspoken. But I'm pretty sure "hydrogen hydroxide" isn't a very common term, since people use the two versions above instead.
Lol well in everyday life obviously I call it the same as you, but... in chemistry class we usually get water as a product of a double displacement, say... Sulfur Hydroxide + Hydrogen Chloride --> Sulfur Chloride + Hydrogen Hydroxide. It just kinda fits better for chemical reactions.
You realize you're the first person in this thread to actually use the common name for it? REMOVE IT NOWWWWWW *Edit edit edit* :P
30-11-2004, 16:27
insert tag here