Tactical Grace
27-11-2004, 19:28
Goodwin's Law of Usenet
Professor Goodwin, U of I, in 1981 made the observation that Usenet discussions gravitate downhill.
He postulated that as the length of a discussion thread grows, the probability approaches one (1) that one participant will introduce the terms "Hitler" or "Nazi".
The custom has evolved that the first party to utter "Hitler" or "Nazi" has lost the discussion, and the thread terminates.
"Similarly, this is true of the first use of the world 'liberal' in a derogatory fashion."
Professor Goodwin, U of I, in 1981 made the observation that Usenet discussions gravitate downhill.
He postulated that as the length of a discussion thread grows, the probability approaches one (1) that one participant will introduce the terms "Hitler" or "Nazi".
The custom has evolved that the first party to utter "Hitler" or "Nazi" has lost the discussion, and the thread terminates.
"Similarly, this is true of the first use of the world 'liberal' in a derogatory fashion."