Are Vibrators hard to get?
24-11-2004, 13:09
Well she said she's 17, so probably.
I'm 18, so I could just walk into an adult shop and purchase one. I actually tried using a vibrator on myself once, but I put it in the wrong hole and broke 3 of my teeth, but thats another story....
Brittanic States
24-11-2004, 13:09
Something Shaed said in another thread has me wondering...
Legless Pirates
24-11-2004, 13:10
You dirty snitch
24-11-2004, 13:10
Are you trying to get deleted?
Brittanic States
24-11-2004, 13:11
Are you trying to get deleted?
24-11-2004, 13:12
Its a story the people of Nation States deserve to hear.
actually I stole it from an FHM article and the story wasn't told :(
I do like the fact that its gone up to #1 in the thread though.
Brittanic States
24-11-2004, 13:12
Well she said she's 17, so probably.
I'm 18, so I could just walk into an adult shop and purchase one. I actually tried using a vibrator on myself once, but I put it in the wrong hole and broke 3 of my teeth, but thats another story....
Its a story the people of Nation States deserve to hear.
Torching Witches
24-11-2004, 13:14
Well she said she's 17, so probably.
I'm 18, so I could just walk into an adult shop and purchase one. I actually tried using a vibrator on myself once, but I put it in the wrong hole and broke 3 of my teeth, but thats another story....
Beats my broken teeth story. That was just a drunken icy December night.
Legless Pirates
24-11-2004, 13:15
yay for fucked up forums
Wow, super fun with the first post appearing as the second one...
24-11-2004, 13:16
24-11-2004, 13:17
Myrth IS dirty!!!!
*** Now talking in #nationstates_general
*** Topic is 'Welcome to #NationStates_General: the channel that brought you Towle Kahlo| Do we really have to ask you to be nice to each other? | GHETTOIZED!'
*** Set by Fyreheart on Wed Nov 24 16:10:07
*** Gehenna|AFK sets mode: +v Monkeypimp
<Monkeypimp> :D
<Movodor_Alarin> MP!
<Movodor_Alarin> :D
<Monkeypimp> 2 fun nights on general in a row
<Monkeypimp> who would have thought?
*** rvs|work is now known as GSV_Vaguely_menacing
*** Gehenna|AFK is now known as Gehenna
* Myrth fondles Gehenna
Brittanic States
24-11-2004, 13:17
Nah if I was trying to get deleted trust me, I have way better material to use on that day ;)
Man I shoulda made this thread a poll!
Brittanic States
24-11-2004, 13:20
Myrth IS dirty!!!!
Dude that IRC convo should so totally be someones sig.
Findecano Calaelen
24-11-2004, 13:26
I actually tried using a vibrator on myself once, but I put it in the wrong hole and broke 3 of my teeth, but thats another story....
thats an over-share mate
The Democratic States of Chodolo sells the finest vibrators in the South Pacific, low prices, good bargains.
We are not held liable for any bodily damage.
Brittanic States
24-11-2004, 13:30
The Democratic States of Chodolo sells the finest vibrators in the South Pacific, low prices, good bargains.
We are not held liable for any bodily damage.
You should start a thread in International Incidents- would make a change from all the weapons stores.
Greedy Pig
24-11-2004, 13:47
Is it true that if you use a vibrator for long hours you can get nauseus?
Because I heard when you use a vibrator for long hours, the vibrations would vibrate the liquids in the body.
Findecano Calaelen
24-11-2004, 13:56
Is it true that if you use a vibrator for long hours you can get nauseus?
Because I heard when you use a vibrator for long hours, the vibrations would vibrate the liquids in the body.
ill try it an let you know