If you Democrats want to win the next election, here's what to do
20-11-2004, 03:37
Everyone keeps talking about moving to Canada. But the places liberals REALLY should be moving are in America; in the red states. If you've seen the county-by-county map of the 2004 election results (http://www.princeton.edu/~rvdb/JAVA/election2004/), you know that there are smatterings of blue and red all over the place. The fact is, several officially "red" states are just a few thousand people away from turning blue.
Don't huddle together in San Francisco and New York; they're already so full of liberals, they don't need you. Pennsylvania needs you. Ohio needs you. Iowa needs you. Arkansas needs you. Florida needs you. There's this little streak of liberalism going down the west coast and curling up into Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado. Why does that streak of blue affect Washington, Oregon, and California, but not those three other states? Because there just aren't enough people in Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado to make that streak mean something! So MAKE it mean something. There are liberal counties lining the Mississippi River. If a bunch of liberals moved into the nearby counties, they could shock the nation and swing states that everyone thought were lost causes for Democrats.
That's my suggestion for the 2008 elections. If liberals are so hell-bent on moving away, that's where they should move to really make a difference. And don't call me a hypocrite, because I'm actually moving from New York to Pennsylvania. (Not entirely for political reasons, but still.)
New Astrolia
20-11-2004, 06:37
I think some Fundy posted a thread here ages ago urging all other fundys to move to some small marginal state so their votes would tip the scale and they could succeed and institute a Theocracy.
20-11-2004, 06:47
I think some Fundy posted a thread here ages ago urging all other fundys to move to some small marginal state so their votes would tip the scale and they could succeed and institute a Theocracy.
Um, I think, they've already done that, only they're working on a national scale.
There was a more sensible project a few years ago. I haven't kept up with it though.
I sure hope that wasn't the one the Fundy was talking about. FreeState seemed more concerned with personal liberty than imposing their religion upon others.
20-11-2004, 06:56
I've heard of such plans before, not amusing
Northern Trombonium
20-11-2004, 07:05
It's funny that this should come up, because Libertarians decided a while ago that they were all going to take over New Hampshire. That sounds like fun to me. Wait, I'm pretty sure I had a relevant point... oh yes. Democrats, if you do move to another state to swing the next election, please avoid New Hampshire. We Libertarians would like to finally have some decent representation.
I heard New Hampshire is trending more Democratic cause of people moving up from Massachusetts. In any case, that corner of the country has always been very libertarian. In fact, there are more registered Republicans than Democrats in Maine and New Hampshire. As the GOP moves away from it's small government principles, the Republicans are increasingly voting Democratic.
Similar things are happening across Appalachia and the Mississippi River states. Arkansas, Louisiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia have more registered Democrats than Republicans. But the Democrats increasingly vote Republican based on social issues.
Don't forget to nominate a southern freaking governor this time, because the last time a northern senator won the presidency was John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Who was then shot in the head. I mean, sure, I was all set for Kerry to be the next northern Catholic senator JFK president winning by a very small margin, but that didn't exactly work out. So - back to the Clinton strategy, peoples.
Don't forget to nominate a southern freaking governor this time, because the last time a northern senator won the presidency was John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Who was then shot in the head. I mean, sure, I was all set for Kerry to be the next northern Catholic senator JFK president winning by a very small margin, but that didn't exactly work out. So - back to the Clinton strategy, peoples.
I think our best bet is the upper midwest. Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin, we need to hold/take those states. If we can lock up that region, holding Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Minnesota, we're unbeatable. Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana is my choice, he won re-election in a solid red state by a larger margin than Bush carried it. We don't even need Missouri, Arkansas, Florida, or the Southwest if we can just lock up the upper midwest. In a more longterm strategy, we need to go back down the Mississippi like Clinton did. There are solid Democrat counties all along the river, and Louisiana has New Orleans. There's no way we can take the deep south, but Virginia is trending our way, with a moderate we can take it. And we'll need to eventually, the electoral votes are leaving the upper midwest and New England, and moving to the Southeast and Southwest. The Southwest is trending our way, we'll have Nevada soon as Clark County (Las Vegas) continues to dominate the state. Colorado is trending our way as well. And the new wave of hispanic immigration in Florida favors us. We don't have much chance across the other rocky mountain states, plains states, and Texas for a long time.
20-11-2004, 07:29
If folks in the blue states were into picking their noses and swallowing it, throwing beer cans out our 12 year old pickup truck with a gun wrack on the back and believed everything they say in those loud late night commercials, we'd move.
I live in a blue area of a red states and we do quite well, much better than the crackers living in the red areas of the state, where they have lots of unemployment and crime. We wish they would move the hell out of our state, it would improve the quality of life for us. We'd even vote republican for them and forward their mail from the trailer park as long as they moved out.
20-11-2004, 07:55
I think our best bet is the upper midwest. Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin, we need to hold/take those states. If we can lock up that region, holding Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Minnesota, we're unbeatable. Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana is my choice, he won re-election in a solid red state by a larger margin than Bush carried it. We don't even need Missouri, Arkansas, Florida, or the Southwest if we can just lock up the upper midwest. In a more longterm strategy, we need to go back down the Mississippi like Clinton did. There are solid Democrat counties all along the river, and Louisiana has New Orleans. There's no way we can take the deep south, but Virginia is trending our way, with a moderate we can take it. And we'll need to eventually, the electoral votes are leaving the upper midwest and New England, and moving to the Southeast and Southwest. The Southwest is trending our way, we'll have Nevada soon as Clark County (Las Vegas) continues to dominate the state. Colorado is trending our way as well. And the new wave of hispanic immigration in Florida favors us. We don't have much chance across the other rocky mountain states, plains states, and Texas for a long time.I agree that the short term solution for the Democrats lays in the Midwest, but I really wish everyone would get off this centrist bandwagon. If Bayh gets nominated, you'll have a mass defection from the left in the party--there's a huge chunk of people who are already looking for independent options after the crap Kerry pulled by hanging onto $15 million of campaign money he couldn't spend after he took the public money instead of passing it along to candidates who needed it desperately. So don't tell us, the long-suffering liberals who have gotten behind crappy candidates like Joe Lieberman and John Kerry that we need to cave in and let the centrists run the party. They've had their chance--the centrists have run the party since the early nineties, and all we have to show for it is Clinton--we lost both houses of Congress and two presidential elections under the leadership of the centrist DLC. Time for the progressives to take center stage, pardon the pun.
The Mycon
20-11-2004, 08:24
It's funny that this should come up, because Libertarians decided a while ago that they were all going to take over New Hampshire. That sounds like fun to me. Wait, I'm pretty sure I had a relevant point... oh yes. Democrats, if you do move to another state to swing the next election, please avoid New Hampshire. We Libertarians would like to finally have some decent representation.
Psst... we announced Iowa for a reason. If just three people decide to get it into their heads to stop us, it will be total failure. We lack the manpower to operate in the open, and you have just jeapordized the entire organization.
I'd like to make an example of you, but first degree murder is still a crime in Libertopia, so that'd be two voters down the tubes. I'll have to make it look like a crime of passion and inform The Society so they know this happened for a greater purpose.