Which fringe group is the most disgusting?
16-11-2004, 02:07
So, list a group that is the most disgusting overall, there will be a poll shortly.
However, this must be a group that someone joins of their own volition, so races (Jews, Blacks, Arabs, etc.), sexes (males, females, etc.), and nationalities (the French, Americans, Mexicans, etc.) don't fly.
Additionally, as religion and standard sexual preference (by that I am meaning people who are content to keep sex as a private affair) have been done to death, I think we can all come together in unite in brotherhoods despite differing religions, in order to express our undying hatred for vore furries.
Whest and Skul
16-11-2004, 02:09
So what do we do? Pick out which group we most despise?
New Granada
16-11-2004, 02:16
Bush voters.
Earth Liberation Front. :D
Whest and Skul
16-11-2004, 02:21
Humans. God their irritating. It's difficult being immortal sometimes...
The Senates
16-11-2004, 02:22
Religious fundies, especially those that blow up buildings, and those who vote for incompetant fools who can't stop them from blowing up buildings...
Huo Xing
16-11-2004, 02:28
'Pro-lifers' who blow up buildings and kill people. Way to go make sense, dudes..
I'd have to say Furries. I think Rem Saverem (obvious which fringe group I'm in) didn't mean that Furries should be spared when she said that killing is wrong.
16-11-2004, 02:35
The Republican Party
Politics has also been done to death. Anyway Republicans aren't quite fringe, Democrats should realize that and reach across the aisle. After all Republicans have most of the guns, and if we sharre the fire power that fat guy who keeps walking nude down the street won't stand a chance.
16-11-2004, 03:02
Furries, gotta be the furries.
The Senates
16-11-2004, 03:14
Not anime lovers so much as those who fill up the Japanese classes in an effort to learn to write anime, and are pathetic at it, and ruin the whole Japanese culture for those of us who really don't give two shits about anime.
Not anime lovers so much as those who fill up the Japanese classes in an effort to learn to write anime, and are pathetic at it, and ruin the whole Japanese culture for those of us who really don't give two shits about anime.
Now that you've mentioned it, it would be cool to try to pass off a fake manga promoting anarchism as the latest and greatest manga by a great mangaka whose name is mysteriously absent from the internet.
16-11-2004, 03:19
Allow me to systematically destroy your poll (save furries, hentai and other, which I can't seem to destroy no matter what my skills are):
Ok, so you may think nudity is wrong; to some extent I dislike it but as a Libertarian I don't think the govt should intervene where this is concerned
People obsessed with Linux
A good friend of mine is a programmer with the Linux system - he is a very well-rounded and intelligent person (what is so disturbing about that last part?)
People obsessed with Anime
Ok, I watch only one or two animes; those being animes that actually have some intellectual content to them. What is so bad to like an anime (like any REGULAR person, like me) whose message is undoubtedly anti-war?
Yes, I hate anime-obsessed peoples too (namely this one frosh girl who joined my school paper), but the fact is that non-obsessed anime watchers (including me) have a pretty damn good social life.
Ok, now this is the one part of anime that really just unnerves me . . . tho Hentai doesn't disturb me as much as religious fundamentalists though (c'mon, Hentai watchers only do damage to themselves while fundies go blow the place up)
16-11-2004, 03:21
The Prime Furry Directive, "Kill it with fire."
/it's a joke relax
//but seriously kill it
Anyone who types in all caps....Although I'm not sure they have formed a group (God forbid)....
Neo Alansyism
16-11-2004, 03:25
Who said Linux?
I'll find you and kick your ass! :)
God Damn Mac, and MS.
Minix, BSD, Linux, and my OS(not done) BEST!
Armed Bookworms
16-11-2004, 03:26
Which type of furry you talking about, the sex furries or all the others? Cause they're really two different groups.
16-11-2004, 03:29
Which type of furry you talking about, the sex furries or all the others? Cause they're really two different groups.
Do you mean suit vs nonsuit? I say the same either way. Furry is a fetish, which by defintion involves some sexual aspect.
The Senates
16-11-2004, 03:30
Who said Linux?
I'll find you and kick your ass! :) Well, when Linux becomes a bragging point in "I'm more nerdy than you, nah nah!!", it's really annoying. And that happens a lot.
Armed Bookworms
16-11-2004, 03:32
Not really, technically anyone who writes a anthromorph webcomic would be considered a furry, and there are several "furry" cartoons, TMNT being one.
Neo Alansyism
16-11-2004, 03:34
Well, when Linux becomes a bragging point in "I'm more nerdy than you, nah nah!!", it's really annoying. And that happens a lot.
When that happens tell them you use FreeBSD. Or you made a custom kernel out of the Mach. And then you wrote your own compilers for it.
Copiosa Scotia
16-11-2004, 03:38
People who use the phrase "equally as."
Ok, now this is the one part of anime that really just unnerves me . . . tho Hentai doesn't disturb me as much as religious fundamentalists though (c'mon, Hentai watchers only do damage to themselves while fundies go blow the place up)
What's wrong with hentai?
16-11-2004, 03:48
Hentai haters?
Blashpemy! :p
16-11-2004, 03:56
Not really, technically anyone who writes a anthromorph webcomic would be considered a furry, and there are several "furry" cartoons, TMNT being one.
Anthropomorphism has been around longer than furries. Furry is a fetish that developed around anthropomorphism, not the other way around.
Drawing an animal with human facial features != furry
Drawing an animal with human facial features being fucked == furry
Btw I wouldn't hate anyone because they are a furry (I have no room to dictate sexual tastes). That being said it is disgusting.
Florida Oranges
16-11-2004, 03:59
Ok, I watch only one or two animes; those being animes that actually have some intellectual content to them. What is so bad to like an anime (like any REGULAR person, like me) whose message is undoubtedly anti-war?
You call super ninja robot teams anti-war?
16-11-2004, 04:01
You call super ninja robot teams anti-war?
I haven't even heard of that one!!! (I was alluding to Gundam)
16-11-2004, 04:13
16-11-2004, 04:47
Ok, so you may think nudity is wrong; to some extent I dislike it but as a Libertarian I don't think the govt should intervene where this is concerned
Who mentioned government? I was advocating mob violence, which is like government, but with less theft, more honesty, and fewer committee meetings.
Anyway, I am a Libertarian too, but if fat Dave even so much as thinks that he and that 500 pound wad of flesh he has mistaken for a body are going to come outside without, at least, a tarp to cover every roll and vale he has grown, there will be hell to pay.
A good friend of mine is a programmer with the Linux system - he is a very well-rounded and intelligent person (what is so disturbing about that last part?)
Then he isn't obsessive. Obsessive Linux users view it as a mark of their extreme godliness that, wow, they use a free, downloadable operating system.
Linux whores, as well as being convinced that Linux is the only operating system, are quite scary, and have no place in society.
Ok, I watch only one or two animes; those being animes that actually have some intellectual content to them. What is so bad to like an anime (like any REGULAR person, like me) whose message is undoubtedly anti-war?
Note the word "obsessed." I was refering to people who have become convinced that anime is the only movie/T.V. format. I watch some anime myself, but I have yet to try and learn Japanese just so I can write authentic Japanese poetry about my love of Princess Princess Moon, blow a grand on the lost Hamboy Super Samurai boxed DVD set, with special yaoi sequence, dress up like Star Magic Corn Flake, etc.
Yes, I hate anime-obsessed peoples too (namely this one frosh girl who joined my school paper), but the fact is that non-obsessed anime watchers (including me) have a pretty damn good social life.
Then you aren't obsessive. For people like you, who are onyl occassional viewers, a tag and releaase program could be advocated, as oppossed to being drawn and quartered.
Ok, now this is the one part of anime that really just unnerves me . . . tho Hentai doesn't disturb me as much as religious fundamentalists though (c'mon, Hentai watchers only do damage to themselves while fundies go blow the place up)
Have you ever seen Hentai?
If you have you will understand me, the world is a much darker and viler place because Hentai exists.
The Force Majeure
16-11-2004, 05:01
Well, when Linux becomes a bragging point in "I'm more nerdy than you, nah nah!!", it's really annoying. And that happens a lot.
Well said. I bow to you, mighty Linux guru!