Which religion is better?
First off, dispense with the political correctness. What do you honestly think about Christianity and Islam? I have gone through many blogs and forums, liberal and conservative oriented, and on the latter, I see many comments about how Islam is evil. A sig I remember off of freerepublic.com: "If Islam is a religion of peace, why is every psycho terrorist attracted to it?"
Debates continually rage over which religion has *killed* more people. I see a lot of sentiment about a "crusade" in response to the "juhad". Often mentioned is how Europe is being overrun by Muslims, and they're too pussy to deal with it.
Then there's people who say Islam really is a peaceful religion (mostly liberals).
Passages from the Koran and the Bible are bandied about, taken out of context, and distorted.
So what do you really think? Personally I dislike all organized religions, but I understand a lot of people see one religion as better than others.
Violets and Kitties
16-11-2004, 00:35
Other than the name of the god and the saviour is there really that much of a difference between the two? From what I've seen both teach the same type of lifestyle and prejudices. The "moral" alignment of both religions is practically identical.
But as for better or worse, I don't think that is a matter defined so much by the religion as the followers. Both have some people (usually quiet and hidden) who want to live peacefully by the laws of their faith and spread charity and kindness. Then both they have the loud ones who want to force everyone into following a twisted, authoritarian version of said religion and don't care how many people they have to kill or maim (physically or psychologically) in order to spread the love of either Jesus or Allah. Idiotic wackos.
Fnordish Infamy
16-11-2004, 00:37
I know 7649271697346 times more about Christianity than I know about Islam, so I can only say that I know they both produce copious amounts of asshattery.
La Terra di Liberta
16-11-2004, 00:42
Islam means peaceful submission to God and a muslim is one whom peacefully submitts to God, so the origin of the religion is peaceful and because the Koran was written in a time of war, violence and self defense are going to be mentioned. Christianity is also at it's heart about peace but with both, radicals missinterpret or twist verses to justify violence. One is not better than the other, they are simply different and I am a Christian myself.
16-11-2004, 00:59
"If Islam is a religion of peace, why is every psycho terrorist attracted to it?"
Because the countries the West sh*ts all over happen to generally be predominantly Islam.
I say...
Down with religion, oppressor of the masses!
i myself am a Christian. you cannot call all muslims terrorists, same as arabs.say that there are 10-20(doubtful) thousand terrorists who claim to be muslims. that leaves around a million other muslims who just want peace. so don't go to a muslim and call them a terrorist because chances are they are not. besides there are white terrorists with other religious affinity!!
16-11-2004, 01:06
The best religion is no religion. But, that's just my opinion...
The True Right
16-11-2004, 01:15
I prefer Christianity mainly because it's not so exclusionary. Heck according to Islam if you don't pray in Arabic, Allah doesn't hear your prayers. And from what I've learned of Islam, Mohammad wasn't much of an honorable dude.
16-11-2004, 01:30
Each exists on a continuum.
At the far right of the spectrum, there are the crazy conservative members of each religion. In Islam you have wahabbism (aka the movement Osama belongs to) and terrorism. In Christianity you have Jerry Falwell and the shysters who take people's money for phony causes and blow up abortion clinics.
On the other end of the spectrum you have really good people who may or may not be that devout. These people are still good people, theyre just fooled into believing in that god nonsense.
People say Islam is jacked, but there are parts in the bible just as violent as any call to jihad from the koran. Anyone remember the "eye for an eye" edict? Theyre both nonsense, but when taken to extremes, can be equally deadly nonsense.
16-11-2004, 01:33
I don't think any religions are particularly good. But I suppose ones that use meditation could be good for keeping you calm and collected. Plus if you become a shaolin monk, you get to learn kung-fu.
16-11-2004, 01:38
I think Christianity is better, but that is merely a biased opinion because I am Methodist.
Christianity/Islam are both based around the teachings of eastern mystics, so us westerners maybe should move back to our indiginous gods, and become animists :fluffle:
16-11-2004, 02:03
and god is dead anyway so its largely immaterial
and god is dead anyway so its largely immaterial
Being a BEERIST non of my gods are dead :fluffle:
New Granada
16-11-2004, 02:11
I'm aware that buddhism is the best religion.
Judaism and its rat-bastard offspring christianity and islam are all dangerous barbaric rubbish.
Well, most jews are reasonable, just not the ones that run israel i suppose.