NationStates Jolt Archive

Thanks for taking part in my poll

04-11-2004, 23:34
Okay…hello all! Yes, I’m the one who started the Bush election result poll. I started it to see exactly what people on both sides or the fence thought about the out come of this election as well as opinions and speculations from my fellow Americans as well as those across the world. I have read pretty much all the posts here and am impressed.

In the end, the results were: Glad for Bush winning - 130; Very angry and depressed - 192; Indifferent - 40

Now for my 2 cents:

First off, I honestly believe there will NOT be a draft. As tempting as it might be (given the desperate situation with our military being stretched too thin), most policy makers would see it as political suicide and it would never pass through congress. As much as I don’t like the Right, they’re not all stupid.

Which leads me to my second point: there is dissention within the Republican Party. Yes, the all banded together for the election, but its not going to stay all happy and united for long. More classical (moderate) republicans are very intent on reforming the party and are quite fed up with the neo-cons giving them a bad name. Not to mention that, as of now, Bush is a lame duck president – and the moderates know that. Even if he does come up with more crazy legislation, it will become more difficult for him to pass it through congress and the senate (even with a republican majority). If you don’t believe me, just watch the news for the next 6 months and see what happens. Personally, I will be sitting by laughing my ass off.

Let me also add, that in hindsight, (lest face it) the democratic party was not organized enough. Never has it been so united, but they are still kind of new at this. I am glad that they never stooped to the level of Karl Rove, but they could have been a bit tougher and Kerry could have been more decisive. So the democrats need some serious reform as well.

In the end, I still think that Kerry would have been the better president, but maybe we will see a good president again some day – we just have to learn from our mistakes and move on. :)

Yes, I voted for Kerry and am damn proud of it and any one else who voted for him! :) And am thoroughly disappointed he did not win. :( But in the end, you get what you vote for, and if you voted for Bush – the coo does to you. You deserve what you get, cause you’re stuck with him for the next 4 years, as am I. No, I do not have any respect for those who voted for Bush, but that’s democracy for you. In the end you have to accept democracy for what it is – for better or for worse. And honestly, I wouldn’t want it any other way.

And thats all folks! Thanks for posting and taking part!!:D