NationStates Jolt Archive

Plato and Aristotle, kerry and bush

Terran Individualists
03-11-2004, 17:23
recently a contributor pointed out their opinbion that america was a shame for the planet. i must disagree.

america is aplace where all of gais human biodiversstity mainfests, arguably at its nmost diverse. so when humanity shows its shadow it shows its whole shadow. when humanity shows its good it shows its smiling inward light. all these things make up america, the grist with the gravy.

you've maybe seen the Commonwealth of terran Individualists. that's where I'm coming from every word in that title matters objectivly.

as a representative of a anarchistic social harmony i am not an american.

i must speak out in defense of the united states' people,however, if not their political philosophy.

It's all greek to me...but i understand it. any GOP fan who wants to debate me on the issues i guarantee mortification of embarassment. you'll wish you stayed off the thread. curse words and all. i'm sore as hell. I fvoted for dukakis and i know how you jhjerks play. you cheat to win and you have since Plato first crapped out the republic. it won't hold forever and in your supercilious arrogance is your downfall. Borther george and Brother John are like the monkey with his fist in the fig jar,. they can;'t pull back from the greed and just becaus the mass media dons't talk about it doesn;'t meazn people don;'t know. eventually journalists will hget disgusted with your fascist gag orders and start creatively reporting the facts your intelligentsioa -- if you can call them that -- kept secret. then what will you do?

will you in your arrognce make the United States exactly like the nazi germany that george Bush's grandfather betrrayed america buy supplying with millions in respurces and munitions while americans unwittingly sent theyir children to be shot by bullets paid for by theBush family patriarch?

some of you know exactly what i am talking about and will complicoitly deny it. not since benedict arnold ha stheir been a traitor against american interests of the calibre of prescott bush.

the people know.
al the people of theunited states are NOT bad. we are not eally rperesented fairly by the current system or administrators. i hope your laughs ring hollow in your heads.

the thing about the united states is that every othernational group is represented there. they may be at present domnated by a tyrant/terrorist/dictator political model but that can change with time...perhaps the best thing about the curent dict5atorship there is that it;s obvious and perhaps thethinkers, of which america has many, will move to the fore. some may doubt this but it is always possible. cynics have no more of a market share on truth than optimists and inevitably both must accede to the natural balance of nature, the natural order of things. time bears this out, as the fine people of Sumeria and Akkad, lemuria and atlantis can attest to -- oh...

mother earth, a divine organism, goes on evolving at a rate that the mayfly homo sapiens in their current level of evolution ignore at their short term peril but in the long term she looks after her own -- despite the selective mad visions of millenarian "christains" who see very narrowly and into the pasxt more than the future -- she goes on evolving and taking humanity with her.

america is not a shame for the planet -- constitutional republic,m hert current form of government, is a shame for the human race. and more because those whop have better ideas have lacked the spin to push their 8ideas to the fore without becoming what they would supplant.

this is what infomrs the smug smirks of the current Constitutional republicans. however there are more effective and smart ways of doing government time will tell when humans figure out how to apply them without gettimng caught in the insisdious net of deception thatthe modern disciples of plato and aristotole, the plutocrat and the aristocrat, use to dominate world opinions.

i'm an anarchist. i know that the god that gave people life gave them liberty at the same time. hypocrite jeferson knew this as well but he used it to front his own causes rather than the anarchistic causes of real equality and liberty all - without slavery and genocide his queer ass would have never made the two dollar bill.

and without slavery and fgenocide none of the republicans would have the bragging rights they have now.

rub it in their faces!

at least show them that peope know they had to be the utter bad guys of history to do what they have done.
Irrational Numbers
03-11-2004, 22:08
It's all greek to me...but i understand it. any GOP fan who wants to debate me on the issues i guarantee mortification of embarassment. you'll wish you stayed off the thread. curse words and all. i'm sore as hell. I fvoted for dukakis and i know how you jhjerks play. you cheat to win and you have since Plato first crapped out the republic. it won't hold forever and in your supercilious arrogance is your downfall. Borther george and Brother John are like the monkey with his fist in the fig jar,. they can;'t pull back from the greed and just becaus the mass media dons't talk about it doesn;'t meazn people don;'t know. eventually journalists will hget disgusted with your fascist gag orders and start creatively reporting the facts your intelligentsioa -- if you can call them that -- kept secret. then what will you do?

You don't even mention Aristotle, and Plato's Republic was nothing at all like a modern republic. Plato's Republic is more akin to a socialist utopia.