Falluja: Election Spoiler
It seems that Falluja is about to be attacked. I have a hunch that by the time we wake up tomarrow, morning news, bombs in Falluja. This would show how Bush is still fighting the terrorists and needs a second term. Of course this could backfire with a lot of soldier casualties. The election is so close and the attack on Falluja seems imenent. I dont want to cry foul, but the Bush administration could easily use this for leverage.
After all Iraq is such an important issue this election, and Falluja is the center of the problem. If we have control of the city by noon, Bush wins. If its a failure, it will show how the Bush administration failed all over Iraq.
I of course hope my prediction is not true for it would be controversial for years to come.
Baby Harp Seals
01-11-2004, 21:59
Or maybe Bin Laden will be "found"? Now that would be convenient.
Or maybe Bin Laden will be "found"? Now that would be convenient.
But it is no secret that falluja is about to be atacked, the prime minister or Iraq said time was running out. Finding Bin Laden is pure speculation.
Pepe Dominguez
01-11-2004, 22:05
Or.. or...or...... the biggest conspiracy theory of all could come true! That's right... Bush will steal the election.. on Nov. 2nd.. in a plot by Karl Rove to get an inferior democrat candidate nominated in the primary process by using animatronic, android voters! See, even if Bush beats Kerry tomorrow without incident, it was still robots! The people wanted Dean! Karl Rove and his robots screwed it up!!!!! :(
01-11-2004, 22:07
I think the video where Bin Laden rails against Bush was good enough for them. They have loved promoting the idea that Osama Bin Laden would vote for Kerry, and this just kind of proved it. (Like there was ever any real doubt or relavance to this argument)
Or.. or...or...... the biggest conspiracy theory of all could come true! That's right... Bush will steal the election.. on Nov. 2nd.. in a plot by Karl Rove to get an inferior democrat candidate nominated in the primary process by using animatronic, android voters! See, even if Bush beats Kerry tomorrow without incident, it was still robots! The people wanted Dean! Karl Rove and his robots screwed it up!!!!! :(
I am serious about the Falluja thing. This isnt far out. Iraq is on the other side of the world. At midnight the attack begins and by 8AM it could be over. After al it was the Iraqi prime minister who chose.
01-11-2004, 22:10
I think the video where Bin Laden rails against Bush was good enough for them. They have loved promoting the idea that Osama Bin Laden would vote for Kerry, and this just kind of proved it. (Like there was ever any real doubt or relavance to this argument)
Bin laden never said he would vote for kerry, he infact said that America would be safe under neither of them, and he mentions how much he hates bush, which doesn't mean he would vote for kerry
I think the video where Bin Laden rails against Bush was good enough for them. They have loved promoting the idea that Osama Bin Laden would vote for Kerry, and this just kind of proved it. (Like there was ever any real doubt or relavance to this argument)
Maybe but that is seperate. I am talking about Falluja. Lets not get sidetracked about Osama Bin Laden. I agree on your point but what about my statement about Falluja.