Shocking revelations on President Bush's site
Greater Valia
30-10-2004, 04:29
I've never really understood why the "liberal" media hasnt picked up on his site.
30-10-2004, 04:41
Okay; that has done more to put me off bush than all the so-called "factual" posts ever did. That's just disgusting. Is that really his campaign site?
30-10-2004, 04:41
Nice try, using a spoof of the GW Bush website. Kinda like me telling you to check the truth about Jean Francois Kerry on , don't you think?
30-10-2004, 04:42
Okay; that has done more to put me off bush than all the so-called "factual" posts ever did. That's just disgusting. Is that really his campaign site?
No. Try http://www.georgewbush.COM
Greater Valia
30-10-2004, 04:42
Nice try, using a spoof of the GW Bush website. Kinda like me telling you to check the truth about Jean Francois Kerry on , don't you think?
ix-nay on the spoof nay
30-10-2004, 04:44
Heh ... it is some damn funny stuff ... it's all part of Landover Baptist.
Scroll down a bit: " Use of this website parody indicates your understanding and acceptance of the terms of service"
30-10-2004, 04:44
Okay; that has done more to put me off bush than all the so-called "factual" posts ever did. That's just disgusting. Is that really his campaign site?
No matter who you support, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me you're not serious?
30-10-2004, 04:46
No matter who you support, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me you're not serious?
No kidding...someone who takes that website seriously...well, he or she ought to stay home on Tuesday...and while they're at it, stay away from sharp objects.
30-10-2004, 04:50
No. Try http://www.georgewbush.COM
Yeah, look, I kinda did pick up on that. Hence the quotes around factual. I guess we need a sarcastic font or something. But thanks anyway.
30-10-2004, 04:52
Yeah, look, I kinda did pick up on that. Hence the quotes around factual. I guess we need a sarcastic font or something. But thanks anyway.
Thank god. You really had me scared there.
Beware Bush 'cause he's gonna kill more Young Americans with his phony war in Iraq :eek:
30-10-2004, 05:00
Thank god. You really had me scared there.
I aim to please :)
The Mycon
30-10-2004, 05:30
Heh ... it is some damn funny stuff ... it's all part of Landover Baptist.
Scroll down a bit: " Use of this website parody indicates your understanding and acceptance of the terms of service"
If you check that mail, people will copy and paste the agreement, comment on it, at least once specifically mention the "parody" part, and still act as though they think it's serious.
Never underestimate the willful ignorance of those who like to be offended.
30-10-2004, 05:43
Yeah, look, I kinda did pick up on that. Hence the quotes around factual. I guess we need a sarcastic font or something. But thanks anyway.
A sarcastic font. That is quite possibly the most ingenious idea I have yet heard on NS. Save, of course, the Forum 7 Temple to Jeff Son of the Pink Pony.
Queensland Ontario
31-10-2004, 04:14
Well, I know people think that everyone is above biggitry in the USA, but the front page with kerry supporting jews would probably make millions of americans actually belive kerry's somehow aligned with the Jews and therefore not vote for him.Dot post replies about how wrong i am, or how morally superior you are. I'm just stating that face value of that site puts kerry together with the worlds most hated race.
Ps im not a biggot im just telling the truth.
The Black Forrest
31-10-2004, 04:22
Ps im not a biggot im just telling the truth.
It's funny you say that.
My very racist hick relatives say the exact same thing.....
La Terra di Liberta
31-10-2004, 04:22
That Jewish ad is so funny, and yet so blatantly stupid at the same time.
31-10-2004, 04:45
even though im a republican, i still laughed at the jewish one, and the 4 more wars one
sry im havin trouble stringin sentences together rite noow, it ebin halloween weekened nite and alll.