NationStates Jolt Archive

Looks like I have to haul this out again. Kerry did not flip-flop on Iraq

29-10-2004, 22:29
War Authorization Vote: October 9th, 2002

The threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real, but as I said, it is not new. It has been with us since the end of that war, and particularly in the last 4 years we know after Operation Desert Fox failed to force him to reaccept them, that he has continued to build those weapons.

When I vote to give the President of the United States the authority to use force, if necessary, to disarm Saddam Hussein, it is because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a threat, and a grave threat, to our security and that of our allies in the Persian Gulf region. I will vote yes because I believe it is the best way to hold Saddam Hussein accountable. And the administration, I believe, is now committed to a recognition that war must be the last option to address this threat, not the first, and that we must act in concert with allies around the globe to make the world's case against Saddam Hussein.

In giving the President this authority, I expect him to fulfill the commitments he has made to the American people in recent days--to work with the United Nations Security Council to adopt a new resolution setting out tough and immediate inspection requirements, and to act with our allies at our side if we have to disarm Saddam Hussein by force.

I believe the support from the region will come only if they are convinced of the credibility of our arguments and the legitimacy of our mission. The United Nations never has veto power over any measure the United States needs to take to protect our national security. But it is in our interest to try to act with our allies, if at all possible. And that should be because the burden of eliminating the threat posed by weapons of mass destruction should not be ours alone. It should not be the American people's alone.

If in the end these efforts fail, and if in the end we are at war, we will have an obligation, ultimately, to the Iraqi people with whom we are not at war. This is a war against a regime, mostly one man. So other nations in the region and all of us will need to help create an Iraq that is a place and a force for stability and openness in the region. That effort is going to be long term, costly, and not without difficulty, given Iraq's ethnic and religious divisions and history of domestic turbulence. In Afghanistan, the administration has given more lipservice than resources to the rebuilding effort. We cannot allow that to happen in Iraq, and we must be prepared to stay the course over however many years it takes to do it right.

The only thing you could say Kerry flip-flopped on was the issue of WMD, but in that case, he was right to change his mind due to better information.
29-10-2004, 22:32
Now take this in the spirit with which it is intended. It is supposed to be light hearted.

Thread starter:

Look at the article that I found on my friend's blog. It prooves that went and [had Donald Rumsfelds love child before selling our Navy to his friend Prince Saud/Repeatedly visited Vietnam up until and thorugh the 1980s to personally torture veterans] (delete as appropriate).

What do you say to that, what do you say. You see it prooves that if [Bush/Kerry] are elected then the economy will collapse, we will all be killed by terrorists and there will be an ice age or something.

You see I've proved it I have a source and I am right, right now. Everyone who disagrees with my political viewpoint say I am right, and admit you will now have to vote for [Bush/Kerry].

[B] Naive innocent bystander:

Erm... I'm not sure that one follows from the other. Anyway is your friends blog really the best authority for this.

Thread Starter:

OMG, you are so F**king stupid, I'm suprised you can even breathe. Retard. I bet you're just some twelve year old punk. F**K off troll.

Naive innocent bystander:

But all I said was that... never mind

Thread Starter:

That's it I'm reporting you to the mods for flaming.

Partisan hack

WTF, your post is stupid. You proove nothing. In fact your post prooves that [Bush/Kerry] have syphilis and leprosy. Also you are drunk. Traitor. I love this country, and you hate it.

Naive innocent bystander:


Thread Starter:

Ha! please respond to my points. You have done nothing to refute my clever arguments. You are so dumb I'm suprised you don't choke on your own vomit.

Partisan hack

Okay I've got a point right here, [Bush/Kerry] was seen taking bribes from the [iranians/saudis/crack whores]. What do you say to that, you [Nazi/Commie] piece of sh*t. And its true cos its on my friends blog. here

Naive innocent bystander:

No, really WTF?

Thread Starter:

Means nothing. First of that's a strawman, just like the wizard of oz and we all know who was behind the curtain. So you see that prooves you were wrong. Second you are assuming the conclusion and post hoc ergo propter hoc, and other things I don't really understand. OMFG you are so stupid. Were you abused as a child? Bad potty training? What is it?

Naive innocent bystander:

HAHAHA ok I get it this is a joke right. Isn't it?

Partisan hack

Bullshit, you are wrong and both sources proove it plus I know [Bush/Kerry] is a pedophile and sniffs old ladies underwear.

I've rebuted everyone of your arguments. You just can't face the truth. Admit you are wrong and vote for my candidate. If [Bush/Kerry] did that wouldn't it be okay for hitler to kill jews? Ha! so there! I am right and rule. You are a stupid abused crying twelve year old in middle school. Grow up. Your knowledge of [Law/history/bio-science/poli-sci/scripture] is pathetic please learn something before trying to debate me. You have not managed to disprove a single made up fact on my freinds Blog. Scumbag.

Naive innocent bystander:

Oh thank god. Godwin's law, it's finally over

Paradise club member

SPAM SPAM SPAM, hehehehehehehehehehehehe :mp5: :gundge:


This thread is locked. Reason: Spam, not because it was stupid and pointless.

- Pretty much that's a lot of threads. This is the readers digest version.-
Cannot think of a name
29-10-2004, 22:33
The difference being that C-SPAN isn't somebodies blog.
29-10-2004, 22:34
The difference being that C-SPAN isn't somebodies blog.

You see, it's a joke. Because it doesn't matter. C-Span, blog, Economist, whatever. No one is buying anymore.
29-10-2004, 22:35
I feel honored that my thread was just cluttered up by that. :D

Anyway, my source for this is CSPAN. I hope that is an impatial enough site for everyone?
29-10-2004, 22:39
You see, it's a joke. Because it doesn't matter. C-Span, blog, Economist, whatever. No one is buying anymore.

Hence why I feel superior. :D I always allow myself to be influenced by new information. Does new information necessarily change my mind? No, but it does make me think, and if I think enough, eventually my mind might change.

I just want people to stop the stupid flip-flop nonsense. It's beyond stupid. Base your opinion on facts, not flimsy labels.

You all suck. :D
29-10-2004, 22:42
I don't give a shit about the election anymore. Regardless of who wins this coming Tuesday, I'm going out and buying a new pump-action shotgun and mounting it on the wall next to my door. And if someone comes to my door and tries to get me to do anything political at all, I'm gonna put a blast of shotgun pellets in his/her ass.
29-10-2004, 22:43
Hence why I feel superior. :D I always allow myself to be influenced by new information. Does new information necessarily change my mind? No, but it does make me think, and if I think enough, eventually my mind might change.

I just want people to stop the stupid flip-flop nonsense. It's beyond stupid. Base your opinion on facts, not flimsy labels.

You all suck. :D

"I did vote for the 87 Million . . . before I voted against it."

Bush and Kerry are equally matched in terms of their IQ scores.
29-10-2004, 22:44
I don't give a shit about the election anymore. Regardless of who wins this coming Tuesday, I'm going out and buying a new pump-action shotgun and mounting it on the wall next to my door. And if someone comes to my door and tries to get me to do anything political at all, I'm gonna put a blast of shotgun pellets in his/her ass.

Then why the hell are you on this thread?
Orders of Crusaders
29-10-2004, 22:46
Might because there are so many of the same exact threads just a couple pages back, it reallly doesn't matter if he spams this ones since anyone can just go back a couple pages and find the same kind of political thread.....but this is just from a naive innocent bystander :) Heh, I like that, mabye I should add "don't mind me, I'm just a naive innocent bystander in my signature...
29-10-2004, 22:47
"I did vote for the 87 Million . . . before I voted against it."

Bush and Kerry are equally matched in terms of their IQ scores.

Ugh. Have you made any effort to look in to the reasoning behind those two votes? Do you even care that the bills differed in certain important details? Did you know Bush threatened to veto the first one?

Disagree with Kerry's reasoning. That's fine. Just don't be ignorant of the facts. F-ing hell. I want to create a virus that kills everyone with an IQ below 130 sometimes.
29-10-2004, 23:01
don't know why he did or didn't. I think that anybody who can say two contradictory statements in one is either trying really hard or is as dumb as Bush.

Also I'm just going to ignore that bit about the 130 IQ because IQ means nothing in the scope of intelligence, but is more of a wisdom test, or a knowledge test. And don't claim that I'm just an ignorant Republican/Conservative/Asswipe because I'm none of those things.
Cannot think of a name
29-10-2004, 23:07
don't know why he did or didn't. I think that anybody who can say two contradictory statements in one is either trying really hard or is as dumb as Bush.

Also I'm just going to ignore that bit about the 130 IQ because IQ means nothing in the scope of intelligence, but is more of a wisdom test, or a knowledge test. And don't claim that I'm just an ignorant Republican/Conservative/Asswipe because I'm none of those things.
Except he wasn't saying contradictory things, he was talking about two bills that did the same thing with different methods. It was packaged so the appathetic would think he's stupid because they just wouldn't think about the statement themselves. But if you just think about it, or better yet-do some rudementary research without just taking what's fed...

There is even a site that does most the work for you, Fact check (
29-10-2004, 23:11
War Authorization Vote: October 9th, 2002

The only thing you could say Kerry flip-flopped on was the issue of WMD, but in that case, he was right to change his mind due to better information.
The biggest problem you have here is that some people will not ever except the truth and/or will lie to push their agenda.

I think it is very straighforward (Kerry's position) and should be recognized for that reason alone. Those who refute it, are in denial BIG TIME!! :eek:
29-10-2004, 23:14
"Except he wasn't saying contradictory things, he was talking about two bills that did the same thing with different methods."

He didn't tell me that. I'm not anti-Kerry or anything. I'm anti-extremist. I'm just saying that the statement he made was hilarious.
29-10-2004, 23:15
Except he wasn't saying contradictory things, he was talking about two bills that did the same thing with different methods. It was packaged so the appathetic would think he's stupid because they just wouldn't think about the statement themselves. But if you just think about it, or better yet-do some rudementary research without just taking what's fed...

There is even a site that does most the work for you, Fact check (

It's for this reason that a long-time Senator's record is always open to criticism, because complex issues like this which seem contradictory on the surface (but aren't at all when you dig a little deeper,) can always be held up as proof of inconsistency.

This is why so few Senators have gone on to beome President.
29-10-2004, 23:18
He flip flopped on everything, even homosexual marriages.
Cannot think of a name
29-10-2004, 23:18
"Except he wasn't saying contradictory things, he was talking about two bills that did the same thing with different methods."

He didn't tell me that. I'm not anti-Kerry or anything. I'm anti-extremist. I'm just saying that the statement he made was hilarious.
He did in the whole speech, and yet the rebublicans only showed you that one see how that works? Both sides do this, it is important you check their shit before you go along for the ride-no one likes to be taken for a sucker....That's what Gymoor is trying to help you with by putting up whole speeches.
30-10-2004, 08:19
bumped because I want comments on my david blaine powers